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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4193748 No.4193748 [Reply] [Original]

Dear all,

I think you'll agree with me that Bitcoiners have become insufferable in their smugness due to the recent price hikes. Some of you feel as though you have missed the gravy train, some of you just hate Bitcoiner cunts, and who can blame you? Fortunately, there's a way we can both fuck over Bitcoin and make some money in the process.

Bitcoin has an enormous Achilles Heel. All data on the Blockchain exists permanently, and the only way the network survives is by nodes and miners hosting the data. It is possible to upload data onto the Blockchain by converting hex values into addresses. This has already been done (righto . com/2014/02/ascii-bernanke-wikileaks-photographs.html).

Now, all we have to do is find some reprobates to start publishing...err..."indecent materials" on the blockchain (of course I would never recommend anything illegal, your honor). This could be anything, but I'm sure you know what I'm getting at here. When this is done, we collect the data, the method to decode it and start spamming the shit out of the FBI, Republican senators and most importantly Fox News to create a new moral panic. Now is the perfect time because everybody's hearing about Bitcoin and it will fit perfectly into the hype wave, driving it to new levels in the media.

Legislators will be FORCED to act, it is impossible to avert the hosting of this nasty data if you want to run a full node. If enough of us drive this matter into media hysteria, then it will have to be banned, at least in the USA and Europe. At that moment, or even before, there will be massive capital outflow into alt coins (which I'm sure will also be attacked). It doesn't even have to fully succeed - once the word gets out that we're going to do this, the fear sets in. And we just sit back and fucking laugh.

If we can meme Donald fucking Trump into becoming President of the United States, we can collude on the total destruction of Bitcoin.

>> No.4193783

>How to destroy Bitcoin (and get rich in the process)
stopped reading there. Destroying yourself would be easier tbqh fambalam

>> No.4193799

this is not a new idea and its already been done and had zero effect. get wrecked nocoiners

>> No.4193816

It would immediately fork to produce limited length blockchains and become stronger because now anyone and their mother can host a blockchain on their 4GB phone SD card.

>> No.4193825

>zero effect
yet :^)

>> No.4193934

It would not be possible to limit the length of the blockchain to completely mitigate against the attacks.

>> No.4193950

wow dude are you a 14 year old faggot nigger what the fuck am i reading lmao

>> No.4193986

OP are you suggesting to upload encoded images of CP onto the blockchain? It seems like that would require a lot of transactions.

>> No.4194012
File: 21 KB, 512x260, Nelson_Mandela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is not a new idea and its already been done

No it hasn't.

What happened before was that somebody posted links to nasty shit.

That isn't what we're talking about here. We're talking about things like converting an actual image into hex, so the *image* is hosted on the blockchain.

The attached image is already on the blockchain in hex. Join the linked addresses together and the image is immediately available - no different from downloading a file. It's just a string of numbers. Downloading this data via the blockchain, storing and then sharing it removes that layer of abstraction that would allow you to claim 'mens rea' in a court of law for hosting the data. If people know the blockchain contains nasty shit that is easily decoded, and continue to host it, then they would be guilty of knowingly possessing and sharing the data.

It is a legal nuclear bomb and it needs to be exploited. If you don't do it, somebody else will.

Even if you believe in Bitcoin, you should still be for doing this as you won't get a system that is resilient to the attack until it is tested. Remember all of that "anti-fragility" bullshit the Buttcoiners keep on going on about?

We'll soon see.

>> No.4194033


Nice blog faggot. Also /biz/ is not legion, remember to buy the dip.

>> No.4194086

Do it then OP, be sure to update us on how it goes.

I'm actually intensely curious about how this will go over. Not really a chance of getting caught if you take the necessary precautions.

You could take down bitcoin over an afternoon if what you're claiming is how it goes down.

>> No.4194154

To be honest, goverment might cling onto any retarded shit (like op's idea) to kill bitcoin in favor of (((the central banks))).

At this point in time, if bitcoin dies, crypto dies. When bitcoin is bellow 50% dominance killing it would be a good idea as it would strengthen crypto as a whole.

>> No.4194183

couldn't this be reproduced with any coins?

>> No.4194252

This could ruin decentralized blockchains.
Please don't do this before the world's financial and information sector has integrated so strongly with blockchains that there is no going back.

This is really evil and horrible.

I hate bitcoin but this is seriously bad for humanity.

>> No.4194309

its not going to work faggots.

look, everything can be expressed as a series of 1s and 0s.

the blockchain data contains 1s and 0s. if you re-arrange them a certain way you can create an illegal porn picture, omg we must immediately ban all 0s and 1s !!!

>> No.4194411

>No it hasn't.
In addition to the link you referenced, yes it has. And also there's all manner of things like computer viruses and other nasty illegal stuff embedded. This has been gone over again and again on the Bitcoin forums, years ago.

>> No.4194704
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Try explaining that to a high judge.

OMG CHILD PORN RAPIST PAEDOPHILLIA. CAN ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN. And 30 million soccer moms cheering as a perfectly innocuous technology is labeled as heresy in the great inquisition of our times: The fight agains pedophilia.

>> No.4194763

>then it will have to be banned, at least in the USA and Europe

You're fucking stupid

>> No.4194774
File: 28 KB, 191x191, 1509390386164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to destroy Bitcoin

somebody has seriously missed the moon rocket

>> No.4194985

bitcoin is censorship resistant you /pol/fag, you can't ban bitcoin. also i don't get it, why would you do that, what's the point? looks like a sociopathic kid's prank...

>> No.4195038

what can you encode into bitcoin?

>> No.4195086

Hah! Good luck with all that.

>> No.4195256


you're delusional
the only way the govt can come anywhere CLOSE to doing damage to Bitcoin is by buying all of its supply and holding it.

>> No.4195284

you do that OP, let me know how it goes trying to get your CP even SEEN on the blockchain when billions flow through btc daily

>> No.4195927

Watever happens, we can be sure blockchain is here to stay. Banks and governments are already using it and they won't give up on good technology because of stuff like this. Cryptos will be fine too.

Read up on illegal numbers.

Or, you know, they can just ban (You) from using it.