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File: 34 KB, 400x265, different-ways-to-invest-in-silver[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4193357 No.4193357 [Reply] [Original]

Is a good idea to invest 500EUR monthly into silver?
Im looking for a more long-term investment which isnt a meme.

>> No.4193373

you'll keep up with inflation, nothing more

>> No.4193379

You're already late to the party. You better load up quick before this rocketship lifts off.

>> No.4193382
File: 199 KB, 500x357, nocoiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4193440

Use precious metals for one purpose: insurance policy against disaster, anything more is wishful thinking.

>> No.4193536

Let me show you the tiers of assets you can hold.

From lowest to highest
>Consumer electronics
>Fiat money
>Value storage such as noble metals and diamonds
>Treasury bonds
>Real Estate

This is based upon their profitability for holding.

Consumer electronics depreciate really fucking fast around -20% a year

fiat money declines around ~-2% a year

Value storages have a very very small depreciation over time but you could say it's a 0% neutral hold for all intends and purposes.

Treasury bonds give you a 2% appreciation on average

Securities give you a 4% appreciation on average

Real Estate gives you a 5% appreciation on average (But this is not median you usually get either fucked by bad neighborhood or get blessed by gentrification, not a lot happens in between)

Stocks give you a 7-9% appreciation on average (depending on calculation)

Cryptocurrency gives a 100-800% appreciation by holding on average for the top 10 coins.

>> No.4193560

This, exactly this. Except that traditional investments like gold and silver are going to suffer from new things like crypto.

>> No.4193609


>Useless lumps of refined ore


>> No.4193643

>refined ore

>> No.4193665

to heavy, it will ruin you house

>> No.4193668

Nice ranking, it's like I would have done it. Good man.

>> No.4193691

I found an old shoebox in my grandads loft filled with silver 5 mark coins from 1938 and gold teeth

>> No.4194667

H...how many gold teeth anon?

>> No.4194748

Except bonds are negative since the value gained is less than the depreciation of fiat

Refined metals are refined metals. You are not likely to lose anything value wise with any metal, you are also not likely to gain anything.

>> No.4194749
File: 141 KB, 926x465, silver-40-year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4194807

Until we start mining asteroids, the price of precious metals are going to rise, and beat out inflation by a fair bit.

Industrial precious metals will because the economy as a whole will demand more of them.

Every year it becomes harder to extract and process damn near every metal known to man, and this will not ever change. Minerals aren't a renewable resource, and lower grade deposits only become available once the demand for them results in a price rise making mining the deposit economical.

Metal is a deflationary asset.

>> No.4194870

In a power grid failure/EMP scenario the only two of those that would have value still are real estate & Value storage. Couldn't hurt to diversify into them.

>> No.4194918

In a power grid failure, people don't just stop accepting cash. In fact cash is the only thing people accept since they can't run credit cards. If you want to be prepared for a power grid failure stock up on several hundred dollars.

>> No.4195269


Was he an SS officer by chance?

>> No.4195436

>H...how many gold teeth anon?


>> No.4195473

This. If shit hits the fan people will want cash. Metals are for trading back to cash when society gets better after a crash.

>> No.4195938

I see crypto and silver as a way to hide your wealth in the current age. In the states welfare is determined by amount of assets you hold. So in order to enjoy the decline you have to hide your assets in something that is stable. PM are slightly better than crypto for this.
It also depends on where you are from. If you are in the UK, then I would strongly suggest it. I don't think yourope is going to be doing badly anytime soon.
Also, in addition to stock prices increasing due to easy monetary policy, a lot of alternative assets are doing well at the moment.

>> No.4195972

If there is a power grid failure that last a significant amount of time the government's response ability will be in question, everyone uses credit cards so expect a massive amount of people to have lost tons of money. Such a shock to our system will cause billions to be lost daily. Everything will crash including the currency. It will cause everything to be expensive af.

Yeah cash will be useful for a small amount of time but if it's a true power grid is kill situation, it will be used as toilet paper and little else. I think precious metals are a good investment cause it's bottom prices and any crisis such as power grid is kill will cause them to explode in value. Silver is pretty cheap and has been for a very long time. The whole market is due for a bull run

>> No.4196040

I figured we were talking about short term power failures. Long term, no currency is going to be worth anything and only commodities will have value. Stock up on guns and ammo, food and water. But then we're getting in to prepping and whatnot, which isn't really /biz/ related.

>> No.4196304

That may be a fact

However the economy does not run on facts or reality, gold/silver/plat are not going to the moon for as long as they are considered the enemy of the dollar

>> No.4197073

Those reichsmarks are worth mostly melt value, but there are a few rare dates:

>> No.4197089

silver is literally a commodity at this point, why not invest in coal or lean hog futures