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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 21 KB, 699x451, wraith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4189543 No.4189543 [Reply] [Original]

Everybody who bought XVG is laughing at the retards who said I was going to dump.

I haven't sold any. In fact, I've been buying more, just like you should be doing right now.

>> No.4189561
File: 108 KB, 601x601, 1509215228067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hodling xvg

>> No.4189562

The "Wraith" protocol.. Oooooo soooo edgy. This is definitely going to be huge. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

>> No.4189568
File: 68 KB, 909x479, toldyoso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing you didn't buy at 80 sats when I told everybody to.

Stay salty

>> No.4189571
File: 34 KB, 636x778, 1506398287770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wraith protocol more like gaping poopoo hole

>> No.4189578

what do i set my sell order to??

>> No.4189589

>sell order

Buy orders only around here, kid

>> No.4189591

are you retarded? You could buy in now and still make huge profits.

its holding for a couple days for huge gains.

>> No.4189594

daytrading the shit out of that coin, always having a few buy orders between 89-83 and sell orders between 98-105. that coin will make me rich.
Slow, but steady.

>> No.4189596

>>4189578 set buy order all the way to 150

>> No.4189599

solar system is the limit

>> No.4189601

0.4 eth monthly nice teeka cosplay twentya

>> No.4189602

people are going to dump after wrath (the people like me that dont care about the tech, just dem gains)

>> No.4189604

its gonna go past 150 buddy...

>> No.4189606

Hell yeah man, that's why it's literally the comfiest hodl

>> No.4189616

Its a 250-300 coin by month end.. HODL

>> No.4189637

>It's not an ETH or QTUM Token
>It doesn't do anything particularly unique
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.4189642
File: 36 KB, 1213x173, Screen Shot 2017-11-04 at 6.57.53 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standing by with comfiest hold.

>> No.4189660

Bought over 21m at 80 sats. Don't even need to set a sell order. I think if I sold at any price I would be mad. This is a riser.

>> No.4189667

damn you feisty now compared to previous days posts, must be pretty confident holding

glad i listened, basically all in on XVG and feeling good

>> No.4189690

There was never a doubt in my mind.
But, never all in. Reduce your position slightly if I were you. Going all in on ANYTHING is a bad idea.

>> No.4189705

was exaggerating a bit, about 70% XVG 30% BTC right now, had a bunch of other alts a couple weeks ago but sold everything else

>> No.4189751

Lads comfy XVG discord, come talk with like minds and the one and only Twentya.


>> No.4189782

90k in here.

>> No.4189930


apart from the count down date, i vividly remember you mentioning it's going to be a perfect storm.

is there anything you would like to share with us?

>> No.4189966

16 billion tokens
14bil in circulation
1bil released per year

>> No.4190149

>daytrading the shit out of that coin

I see more action watching paint dry