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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4175179 No.4175179 [Reply] [Original]

Hey you! What have you done in the last 12 hours that's gotten you even one micron closer to being rich!?
Or are you gonna stat another 'feels' thread about not being rich instead of, ya know, taking action, making the first step of a journey, you unambitious small-locus-of-control pussy ass bitch!

>> No.4175233

I was working exactly 12 hours ago, and right now I'm at work again but a different job.

I have bot doing bitcoin trades between alts, doing study for setting up an online business and researching how to develop property. just finished reading "The Millionaire Next Door" (good book) while waiting for a delivery at current job.

Someone had a link to download a folder with other /biz/ books. Cant give link right now.

How you doing anons?

>> No.4175288


i'm goofing off on 4chan because i no longer care about "getting rich". it's a jewish obsession. we are born slaves, and then brainwashed via movies/tv/music to believe we must "get rich" to become free. we're born rats in a maze and then there's sexy slutty rats we meet throughout the maze that make us want to continue the rat race, to prove our "value" and worth to them, so that they can breed with us and make more rats for the maze.

i've exited crypto at a loss and this is my last shitpost on /biz/. have fun with your digital tokens.

>> No.4175347

>I was working exactly 12 hours ago, and right now I'm at work again but a different job.
Nice. That's what I want to hear.

What did you glean from the book? Do you reckon it taught you anything you can use?

So you've never considered the possibility of buying your freedom from this maze I take it?
>jewish obsession
Protestant Work Ethic too.

>have fun with your digital tokens.
Poor anon, just because you lost one round of the game doesn't mean you should stop playing - just means you gotta get better

>> No.4175353

Fuck off cunt I have the flu.

>> No.4175357

Today I ignored my trading method and lost 0.5 btc. I will look to rectify that tomorrow.

>> No.4175374


Not the person who recommended the book but the book teaches you to get rich slowly. And drive a pick-up truck.

>> No.4175414

You've caught a disease being a lazy piece of shit.
Actually - I'm just joking. It is very important to know when not to burn yourself out, the last thing you want is to put yourself out of commission from working too hard when ill.

>I will look to rectify that tomorrow.
Reflection and Improvement - Hell yeah!

Compounding effect basically then?
So what's the idea with the pickup truck - does it suggest you become a jack of all trades - or is it really about how you can carry any sort of shit (antique cadenza you bought for a steal on Craigslist, a cheap fridge, easy when moving accommodation or moving city)?

>> No.4175440

you win :)

>> No.4175453


I knew to already be frugal, but was surprised by the the car section stats. Learnt most of the frugal and money managing by Aussie financial book, will mention that one later too if thread still up.

>>4175374 By the drive a pick up truck he means you basically go cheap reliable car, used too if can. Around half of Millionaires in the book buy and drive used car. No idea what the stats are today.

>> No.4175460


Farewell anon, you at least tried to get rich with us. Best of luck to you, come back soon

>> No.4175486


This. It’s worth a read if you are still learning the essentials of personal finance.

>> No.4175494


Quoted the wrong post.

Additional suggestions: Read “The Richest Man in Babylon” and “Outliers”

>> No.4175496

i just bought more LINK

>> No.4175506


Always buy more LINK. I haven’t sold a single one.

>> No.4175736

Its unironically too late for me, I'm 30, I've only got 0.4 BTC and I literally don't know where to start to get better and I don't have any friends who can teach me.

>> No.4175746

Yuck... Hate Gladwell. If you're making pseudoscience books though you got to admire the guy's strategy
>Find vague metric that is equated to "success"
>Wrap around a few personal narratives about people, framing them so it seems that they employ this
>Cite some inconclusive research
>>In outliers I think he catastrophically misinterpreted the research, the research said that nobody who actively practices more than 10,000 hours ever becomes a "master". Gladwell somehow took this to mean, EVERYBODY who practices something for 10,000 hours becomes a "master" at it
I am thinking of the right book yeah?

>> No.4175768


Yes, Gladwell. But I don’t recommend it because it’s pseudo-science, I recommend it because if you want to be the best, you need to learn to become an outlier.

>> No.4175779


Also, 10,000 hours of practice (the exact number is inconsequential) will dramatically increase your chances at being good at something. Like you said, work hard.

>> No.4175780
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>if you want to be the best, you need to learn to become an outlier.
Absolutely right. In that sense it crosses over a bit into what Zero to One talks about, yeah?

>> No.4175786


Haven’t read it, I’ll put it on my list.

>> No.4175921
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I've only read a few chapters, but it makes some good points from what I remember. It's certainly one I intend to finish.

ANyway I'm outta here - please keep this thread alive - there's too many /r9k/ sad sacks on here and we need to kick them up the ass.
Here's a picture of a cute girl in a awful costume looking sternly at all your goofer-off'rs!!

>> No.4175964
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Less than 12 hours ago I was working. I have to, because I need to pay food, electricity, etc (yeah, I am too poor), and I also have to support my parents.

I wish I could invest more than 70€ in crypto, but hey, not everybody can be rich.

>> No.4176507

he was poor as fuck though

>> No.4176548

>Its unironically too late for me

Fix your attitude and things might change.

>> No.4176960

Stupid ass boomer post

>> No.4177086
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>What have you done in the last 12 hours that's gotten you even one micron closer to being rich!?

Sit on my ass and watch my BTC do all the work for me.

>> No.4177264
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>there's sexy slutty rats we meet throughout the maze that make us want to continue the rat race, to prove our "value" and worth to them, so that they can breed with us and make more rats for the maze

become the sexy slutty rat yourself