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4174154 No.4174154 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Core gets dumped and we’re left with Segwit2x vs. Cash

>> No.4174177

it couldn't be worse than the current shit state of trying to actually use bitcoin

>> No.4174186
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Core is useless. segwit8x is king now

>> No.4174225

There's no dumping, it's just one coin, there will be no free coin giveaway. S2x will be the new core though yes. Faster transactions is good thing

>> No.4174243

>trying to get rid of the team of devs that have kept bitcoin alive for years
>trading them for the 1 shitty dev whose running an ICO...whose use case is resisting hardforks
i cant tell if you retards are seriously thinking this is a good thing

>> No.4174256

you dumb nigger, segwit transactions cost 10cents/block. we're only at fucking 10% adoption
none of you fucking retards even keep up with the network, kys, stop spreading fud and pretending like you know what you're talking about
the only people running full nodes are running CORE nodes, no actual human is running fucking btc1 nodes, they're all fucking zombie nodes

>> No.4174266

but m8 you're not seeing it
Cash it about to fork into Bitcoin Cash2

>> No.4174271
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segwit8x is better than 2x. Its much much faster. 2 is a pseudo improvement and the scaling issues will be back once more in a few months at best. The 2x folks want you goyim to use their proprietary Lightning network. They are intentionally still nerfing Core and 2X

>> No.4174273

How can you tell the difference between a real and fake node angry anon?

>> No.4174289
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oy vey. The goyim know shut it down

>> No.4174334

83% of the btc1 nodes are run on amazon services
this means they are fucking paid for.
also, garzik was literally begging coinbase to run nodes for them
they have no user support at all.

>> No.4174347

I have heard that those nodes will steal all the hash power and BTC will grind to a halt. Was I lied to daddy?

>> No.4174363

dear sir, my boss say trolling on social media is not a substitute for mining power, sorry sir try to remain calm

>> No.4174369

miners can do whatever they want with their hashpower.
this is an attack on bitcoin, and a power grab away from the core devs. It will not matter in the end.
s2x is going to fail, they cannot be sustained with the majority of their network on fucking amazon. We already have precedence for this garbage in btc XT and unlimited, zombie nodes will always fail. No users, miners have nothing to mine.

>> No.4174383

Didn't know Theymos read /biz/. You dumb nigger all that is necessary are a few hundred nodes to propagate a blockchain. Doesn't matter if they are "zombies".

I would love 2x to become the main chain just to see you faggots get BTFO

>> No.4174410

None of you neckbeard shitcoin investors know what you're talking about. Bitcoin Cash is king. Miners are mining BTC and selling for BCH. Smart money follows the miners

>> No.4174413

Someone tell me, how fast is "Segwit 2x" really?

I mean, are we just jumping from 7 tx/s to 14?

>> No.4174417

you're so fucking retarded you dumb bitch, XT and unlimited zombie nodes ARE ALREADY PRECEDENT FOR S2X FAILURE
why the fuck do you think garzik is LITERALLY begging coinbase to run nodes for them
because the DECENTRALIZATION of the fucking system is in severe jeopardy if only a few entities run them you retarded nigger
bitcoin will become fucking hackable if nodes are concentrated like this you dumbass
REAL USERS are running fucking almost 10k btc nodes, fucking noone is running btc1 nodes
its obvious what people want you stupid fucking monkey
this isn't fucking censorship, you can fucking SEE what the USERS want by checking the nodes.
Yes you can RUN a fucking network by paying for zombie nodes, but it is NOT sustainable and you're fucking RETARDED if you need me to explain why 10000 individual users running nodes is superior to 2 fucking faggots running 1000.
hashpower is fucking meaningless without a network with transactions on you dumb bitch, there's a reason why you need to download the full blockchain to help the network in the first place

>> No.4174436

>> Autistic screeching

Back to /r/bitcoin Theymos. 1000 nodes operating is the same. Doesn't matter if they are hosted on AWS or in your basement next to your pissjug.

Screencapped and will repost when 2x becomes the main chain.

>> No.4174473

dumb retard. 51% attack WILL happen to s2x and your network will go to shit. Just one of the entities getting hacked and the attacker can do literally whatever the fuck they want to the network.
why the fuck are you even in crypto if you dont understand the importance of user nodes LMFAO.
I already fucking said your SHIT network will work. and then it will get hacked.
And stop calling me fucking theymos you retarded fuckface chink cock sucker. Not everyone who UNDERSTANDS bitcoin is a retarded censorship monkey. Sadly YOU dont understand it at all. fucking retard thinking 1000nodes run by 1 fucking dude is safe. Your network is fucked.
Retard doesn't even realize your shithead "satoshis vision" is ALREADY THERE IN BCASH, yet they STILL push for s2x.
And yet no alarm bells ring in your head wondering what the fuck they want 2x for, when apparently segwit is "Anyone can spend". Why not just use the network without fucking segwit and is already there with your big blocks?
Nah, SURELY not a massive fucking scam.
Retarded faggot.

>> No.4174484

also I just noticed, you're the one using reddit formatting you fucking retarded imp
go the fuck back to plebbit

>> No.4174512

Theymos look, I could have 100 nodes in datacenters like AWS and it will be secure enough so that a sybil will not occur and when 2x becomes the main chain Bitcoin unlimited nodes will operate on the network and I assume other nodes will come online.
Sorry to burst your bubble Theymos.

>> MFW I don't own any type of BTC, am balls deep in ETH and over this political bullshit after 2 years.

>> No.4174530
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I'm just not some autist like you Theymos

>> No.4174536

someone here actually knows what they're talking about and is trying to help you faggots out. someone here is larping and doesn't know years of blockchain history. one person knows exactly what they're preaching. one person likely got into crypto this year.

you and i are on the same page sir.

>> No.4174570

He knows what he's talking about however he's still an autist core faggot. I don't support either chain, both are centralised and have already been overtaken by (((them)))

>> No.4174595

Segshit is a bandaid on a self inflicted problem. Bitcoin does not need any sort of blocksize limitation. You shouldn't try to put a worldwide ledger on your computer if you can't handle several terabytes of data.
2MB, 8MB, 1GB, it doesn't matter. Bitcoin will always be limited to its block time which is 10 minutes.

Bitcoin cash is the best bitcoin, and I'm sure buttcoiners will flock there in a month or two despite the advantages of other coins.
But IMO ripple is best coin and already has a better version of instant offchain settlements that butt-tards are so hyped about.

>> No.4174606

All this argument over fantasy e-money haha

>> No.4174610

ETH is the best peer to peer cash system
>Stable price
> Low transaction fee
>15 second block time.

I don't know why people are still in BTC when there is this much of a shitshow for 1 upgrade to scale. Be it segwit 2x or 8MB you are all fuckwits.

>> No.4174622

i hold mostly eth & ripple.
I'm leaning towards ripple since ETH
1. Failed to get to POS in a timely manner
2. Does not have lightning activated yet

But yes, i agree, ETH is vastly superior to bitcoin.

>> No.4174632


you like holding crypto that is equal to a gay double dildo right in ur asshole?

>> No.4174642

buttcoiners have to resort to ad hominems because they know they are absolutely butt blasted in every single category worth mentioning.

>> No.4174643

You are correct about POS should have been rolled out but a longer wait time is better than it being shit.

Ripple isn't really a cryptocurrency in a traditional sense and I don't think it can be compared to the rest.

>> No.4174656


u mean liek 5,00000000 billion premined jew bankers bukkake right in ur benis?

>> No.4174668

Hmm... really makes you think
If anything these buttcoin forks prove Ripple has a wide moat around themselves. Those tards couldn't reproduce a lightning network even after years of work.