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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 800x418, iexec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4172462 No.4172462 [Reply] [Original]

less than 12 hours before the devcon3 talk.
the first version of the product will be shown.
a partnership with fortune 500 company will be disclosed.

>> No.4173069

I seriously am baffled that this coin is not at 200mill+. With all that's to be released and the all star team I can't believe this coin is barely above what it traded for back in May. Like seriously, is this the most obvious moon mission to me or am I seeing things? If golem can hit 600mill back in June why can't rlc at least hit 100 on merit. Seriously wtf.

>> No.4173084

No hype you retardo, crypto love hype and this coin doesn't have any marketing

>> No.4173087

>With all that's to be released
That's why

>> No.4173105

All the more reason to invest in it right now. They have actually real created a nice brand are just starting to market it now. But still it's crazy undervalued in my eyes.

>> No.4173138

It's not like golem released anything and it's still at 200mill. Hopefully all the hodlers get compensated nicely

>> No.4173262

"a partnership with fortune 500 company will be disclosed." how do you know this lol, sounds like pure shill

>> No.4173292



>> No.4173346

Yeah just used up my last btc gains on this Shiller

>> No.4173512

Yo wtf is up with those sell walls

>> No.4173515

They just hired a supposedly very, very wolf style marketer.

Per everyone, don't just flip this one. Hold.

>> No.4174518

Whats wrong with this coin. Seriously, WTF is wrong with it? It should be skyrocketing.

>> No.4174557

Yeah, seriously. Hoping th conference tomorrow has some more big news besides the SDK since that’s not enough to get people hyped

>> No.4174660
File: 13 KB, 606x316, fuckingwall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah who's putting this pressure on with the sell walls? That's an over the top amount of aggression right there.

Does it show confidence or are they just trying to fuck RLC up?

>> No.4174689


I still think the market can be rational

I am rational so I will choose iexec

I make rational decisions. if the market doesnt fuck them

>> No.4174712

Have actually been eyeing this gem recently.

>> No.4174725


It's quite beautiful. get in

>> No.4174990

Nah fuck that. Too many whales manipulating the price. The order book is cancer. Not touching it.

>> No.4175319
File: 40 KB, 853x543, RLCaintFree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's pure shill, personally I hate this shit because the project is already very good on its own merit, there is no point adding lies.
I hope it will get some recognition this month though and see its price do a x2.

>> No.4175867

What r your price predictions at the end of november?

>> No.4175971

Sellers have been coming in regularly over the last few days anytime buyers get a hold. I think it's internal. They want market response to their product delivery and news, not rumours. These people take this seriously as a business and don't want to be written of with the rest of the 99% of shitcoins. It's too legit to lose credibility like that. They will walk this coin right to where they want it.

>> No.4176056

Yeah well it they keep this shit up they'll need to change those yellow balls in the logo to blue.

>> No.4176062

Why buy now when you can wait until btc hits 8k and buy with extraoverpriced btc and alts bleeding a little more

>> No.4176167

It makes me wonder how they are going to keep buying pressure under control once the market realizes just how powerful their product is

>> No.4176257


This team is farther along than Golem, no? I haven't done much research into it, just that the idea is amazing and everyone on that team has a PhD.

>> No.4176273

look at all them green tabs... they are looking good to go.

>> No.4176288

thanks for this post, i sold my stupid ripple that I bought like a retard at 3999 sats at a loss and added to my RLC bag.. feel better already since I don't mind taking losses

>> No.4176322


Do they have any potential businesses lines up and interested in their services? What I would give to see those smucks in Silicon Valley bleed some...

>> No.4176339

True - you might be on to something say it's internal. Would eliminate why someone would take a risk with so much capital close to a loss. Pumps have screwed some great projects recently.

>> No.4176346

this is a real gem, gonna moon soon enough

>> No.4176355


They seem more consumer led than b2b. Most business won't trust the data sovereignty of something like this.

>> No.4176363

where do i get this besides bittrex? just found out those cunts disabled my account even tho i have like $20 on it

>> No.4176399

etherdelta (RLC)

>> No.4176465
File: 153 KB, 1842x563, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting exciting

>> No.4176504

I am in, but it looks btc will do another 200$

>> No.4176549

holy fuck the massive buy walls are coming, upward trend is gonna boom in the next couple of hours

>> No.4176580

strap in boys were going for a ride. Buy the rumor sell the news!

>> No.4176602


>> No.4176611

Golem is already 6 months late on their first release, they are still with their alpha version and seem stucked.

The team (Fedak and Lodygensky) have worked with the industry in the past from their own words, they were researchers at the INRIA during more or less 15 years which is basically the french equivalent of the MIT.
Fedak has said they are working with Orange on edge computing even if this point is more R&D than an immediate application for iexec right now.
The chinese guy is member of the Chinese academy of science and got iexec to be part of the accelerator of the Tsinghua university (it's kind of prestigious in tech apparently).

Anyway they have strong ties with both countries' governments (I'm swiss so I followed their presence in french medias and they are basically in every single major tech and business program supported by the french state).
They didn't disclose much private partnerships though but I'm confident they have a pretty good network, also they are member of the EEA which is always nice for these business/dev faced projects.

They are dev oriented right now, they really want other blockchain projects to use their network which is a good idea desu.

>Most business won't trust the data sovereignty of something like this.

That's why they will need the partnerships imo.

>> No.4176634

The product development, leadership, and organisation as a whole are so far above Golem that it is truly amazing that it is still 3x MC. Only reason is that they have not done any marketing until they had something real to market.
hard to say, but their roadmap basically assumes that V1 release will have corporate clients that use IExec private computation as a test basis. May18 hybrid public private, and 2020 full operational use.
They are offering distributed computing to business whether they want to access consumers or other businesses as far as I'm aware. The product seems incredibly flexible (though take this with a grain of salt, I'm far from an expert on what they are delivering or possible uses).
Or hold for a year+ and become a multimillionaire ;)

>> No.4176704

pretty much this. i'm really excited about the upcoming price surge but i'll not sell more than 20% of my stack because this is really one of the true long-term gems that will become more and more valuable. this is literally one of the few cryptoprojects that will be in the fortune 100 companies in a couple of year, next to google and facebook and amazon. the cloud computing market is growing the team is up to the task (top notch PhD researchers who worked on that field since decades). the only thing that has been a bit disappointing was the marketing, but they've recently hired a very aggressive marketing firm and they're starting to deliver more and more frequent Q&A and increase their social media presence.

anyway I'm OP, i just posted on reddit too.
feel free to post to get more attention from plebbitors as well

>> No.4176816

Same, I'll take my initial investment at a significant multiple depending on how the market moves, but I'm happy to hold this for a few years if everything goes to plan. It feels almost too good to be true.

>> No.4176827

which one of you sold your bags?!?

>> No.4176844


I sold my bags, sell the news, sell the conference, this thing is gonna dump today irrespective of what happens in the conf. You have to be deluded to not SELL NOW

>> No.4176847


Really appreciate all the comments, fellas.

>> No.4176882


You got any SS proofs of them hinting at partnering with Fortune 500 posts like you're saying on reddit? That sounds contradictory to all that's been said here so far - how professional they are and no marketing. Also looks like a pump group was just playing with it.

>> No.4176932

they've had meetings and interview with intel and IBM - which are both interested in partnership with promising blockchain startups-, they said it more than a couple of times on the slack although they said they'd disclose more details after the release of the first version of the platform

>> No.4176945


>> No.4176950
File: 216 KB, 2048x537, received_306421319844084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's some proof.

>> No.4176952

t. still accumulating

>> No.4176971


The problem is that we don't actually know the news yet. So it won't work like that.

>> No.4176984
File: 41 KB, 1138x195, RLCpartnerships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another proof

>> No.4177070


Hah, fomo now. Thanks for that.

>> No.4177082


I think BTC is staying around 6400 for a bit so it's safe to go in on this, even if it's just short term and going back in later again longer term.

>> No.4177087

Nice Inspect Element, Pajeets

Shilling your bags before the conference DUMP ?

>> No.4177092



>> No.4177102


Well, anyone reading this can search their slack within a minute to find its real, nice try "pajeet"

>> No.4177105

you FUD is not gonna work piece of shit

>> No.4177122


For anyone wanting to confirm for themselves that our screenshots are real:


>> No.4177139

anyone who was spent more than a few months here knows this shit is gonna be DUMPED HARD any moment now, before the conf

>> No.4177159


Oh so first you lie, and now you change the script, you could at least try a little harder

>> No.4177187
File: 32 KB, 1119x223, bignewsiexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're talking about a "big news" right now in the slack channel.
see pic-related.

eth address for tips: 0x582239395dE704d25E14e1f40be208e46FF74b59

>> No.4177200

Time to go all out

>> No.4177263


Thanks for the advice Pops.

>> No.4177265

catch this falling knife trust me guizz

>> No.4177273
File: 72 KB, 1080x959, Screenshot_20171103-175316_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4177285


OMG JUST checked their slack, this shit is FOR REAL. SORRY about all the FUD in my earlier posts.

Gonna go buy a bag

>> No.4177292

topkek my sides, i guess you just finished accumulating. well good for you, stay comfy during the ride to the moon

>> No.4177316

NOT TRUE!!!! stop your lying shill tactics on /biz/ no more LINKfags need to be posting

>> No.4177322

go to the slack channel and check it yourself you low-iq nigger

>> No.4177330

I went there and your lying u fag shill

>> No.4177334

You holding throughout the conf then? On the chance that there are big partners announced.

>> No.4177374

The hell happened to this thread?
Reads like some French Arthouse Mime fud.

>> No.4177382



I personally am. I have been around for a while and have sniffed out a lot of bullshit on the way and have yet to see any red flags, which leads me to believe that they are not LARPing at all.

They have been hard at work developing a working product, which they now have. The fact that they have done this (no other competition like Golem are anywhere close to a working product) speaks volumes.

I usually buy the rumour and sell the news, but sometimes I make exceptions like these, especially since we don't know just how big the news will be.

>> No.4177384

yes, see: >>4176704
i'll not sell during the conference because some of the big investors - i know for a fact that some big whales are attending iexec conference- who are at the devcon right now will be able to jump only in later (either after the conference or when the devcon is finished). i think that a perfectly reasonable target price is 2.50 (remember that golem had a 600millions marketcap without neither a working product nor with an actually competent team?), so when it'll reach it in the next few days i'll sell 20% of my stack and then keep the rest for long-term holding. this is one the most promising crypto startup and as i said before the cloud computing market is BIG

>> No.4177391

well then that's it. as everyone can see, all the FUD is either based upon on lies or some attempt to artificially lower the price to accumulate more (see:>>4177285)

>> No.4177396
File: 396 KB, 500x375, sushionthehouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shilling and counter shilling in the same thread

>> No.4177401


It will increase in price, but you are wrong to try to attach random numbers to it.

We do not know how much it will increase by, it depends on the scale of the announcements we get then and there. Even then it's impossible to predict exact numbers, I don't like LARPing about random prices.

>> No.4177434

this desu, my personal valuation is that it should be at a 500m MC right now, but if I factor in retarded tech valuations + the utility of this the I say $5bil in a year.

>> No.4177461

These bittrex bots are giving me a headache trying to get in as cheap as I can >.<

>> No.4177467

Not gonna happen. If everything goes well you could expect 5bil at final version

>> No.4177500


But you guys are LARPing about price too, only long term.

It is certainly possible to reach the billions long term, but again random numbers mean nothing.

>> No.4177503

It's never been below .35 cents even one year ago. I don't think you know what "dumped hard" means.

>> No.4177505

Final version is a year and a bit later than my timeline, but like I said who knows with retarded tech valuation. If big tech co's get involved with this then what is the limit?

>> No.4177512

I did believe this to be true, until I went to their slack, and was left gaping.

This shit is going to the moon, atleast 3x from here on.

Visit their slack and see all the big partnerships coming.

>> No.4177535

you're right about the fact larping on random prices is pointless, however you need to have a strategy if you want to trade. as i said, i'll keep 80% of my stack until the very end, but as a short-term valuation my guess is around 2.5-3. if it won't reach it, i'll stay all in

>> No.4177557

I bought 1 ZEC worth just for the hell of it. Should I buy more?

>> No.4177567

Honestly guys I'm not here to shill. I've been doing this for a while and I just want us to make money together.

I'm going to be watching very closely and will take some profits once I see volume slowing down after the ball gets rolling, and will re-assess from there.

I'm more of a short term guy but this is one project I'm going to keep long term; ideally I will cash out my initial investment in profits and hold the rest.

>> No.4177579

That's where I debate with my greed. I know I need to pull out my initial stake, but I know its gonna run hard in the next 6 months and I'm gonna want to hold as long as possible. It's just going to be a decision based on market reactions, and atm I have no idea what that is going to be given that there has been no marketing etc. At the end of the day though I know that this has nothing but massive upside potential so I think my risk management will be much looser than usual.

>> No.4177601

Actually i compare iexec with major cloud providers. Their worth varies from 4 to 4oo bil (400 bil companies have other services ofc)

>> No.4177605

seems to be the common sentiment, which makes me believe that sellers are going to be hard to come by and we could see some real movement in the next week or 2

>> No.4177606
File: 313 KB, 1798x942, Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 8.55.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4177653

yeah i hear you, i'm 100% positive that this project will keep growing more and more once it'll start penetrating the mainstream cloud computing market

>> No.4177654


Yeah definitely, also check how few people hold the token on etherscan.

It will definitely out perform bitcoin, that I know for sure.

>> No.4177662

Well of course they'd say that if they're on the team! But it's nice to see them do the opposite of LINK. Imagine if Sergey talked about potential partnerships, etc then imagine the price now.

>> No.4177684

i have bought some RLC on bittrex for the trading pair ETH/RLC, how can i put this into my blockfolio but so that it shows the BTC price? now i have two pairings, BTC/RLC and ETH/RLC and they both have different values, i am a fucking noob pls halp

>> No.4177698

fuck that it has no volume

>> No.4177726

So many naive people here.

This shit will dump hard before the conference starts.
Below 7500.

Screenshot this, motherfuckers.

>> No.4177747


Lol, it has enough volume, lots of people won't be selling any for quite a while.


No need to screenshot, we can just highlight your comment when you're wrong later today.

>> No.4177751

V1 is being launched at Devcon, plenty of announcements of partnerships and more news that is more important they said. What's your reasoning aside from BUY the rumour, sell the news?

>> No.4177757

there is an RLC/ETH option on blockfolio, otherwise you can just put the current RLC/BTC price. You will most likely be relating to $US anyway given the volatility in btc etc esp leading up to and past the fork

>> No.4177780


Never said anything about buying the rumor thing.

When all who want to buy FOMO those selling orders than the market will regulate itself and we will be below 8000 for sure.

This is not FUD, just heads up for those who don't want to pay 25-35% more.

>> No.4177784

Just check the price on nova exchange. Arbitrage opportunity there

>> No.4177808


In other words - don't buy when FOMO is active, like now.

I see that mostly people from 4chan are buying now.

>> No.4177809

Marketing campaign is starting now. 1 month of constant releases and news. This bad boy is going nowhere else but to the moon

>> No.4177837


Even if there's a sell off pre conference (most people won't be selling shit) it will recover so fucking fast and go much higher when the news drops. So it would be stupid to try timing that, if it happens.

>> No.4177870


It's always the same story with people here.
Take note of price for the next 12 hours.

It's a huge difference between 8000 and 10000 satoshis.
Those who want to buy more than a couple of bucks, like most people here, will wait for the lower price.
It will go down.

Just look at the trend.

>> No.4177886

They planned to communicate through the entire month, if you think iexec is at the marketcap it objectively deserves you are delusionnal, this is at the very least a 100 millions marketcap project, unless the BTC goes to 15k in 3 weeks then it's not gonna stay at this stage must longer.

>> No.4177898


We will see. For now you're LARPing. As I said, even if there's a drop pre conference, it will be short lived.

>> No.4177909

whales will dump before you know it, they are happy with their 10% gain when they invest a shitton,

>> No.4177914


Where the fuck have I wrote about that?
You kids don't even read properly these days.

Now I see why it's easy to shill Link or some other shit to you.

Maybe most of you should be tested for ADHD.

>> No.4177921

lol anyone who knows anything has already been stocked on this shit prior to release. Dont be salty cos you missed out.

>> No.4177930


It's not a shitcoin. Far away from it.
Just letting people know that price will drop again, and if they want to buy it for cheaper it's much better to put lower orders and cha-ching!

>> No.4177945

What you say is that it's overbought right now, it's not, check the indicators.

>> No.4177958


Well, when do you think it will drop roughly? I'm assuming you're basing this on observing similar situations in the past, so I'm curious.

As for everyone else, there is literally no need to get emotional about this. It's just a coin. None of us are certain to be right, it's better to have an open discussion.

>> No.4177985

Do the cucks here not realize that devcon been going on for 3 days now? People already sold the conference, they are now buying back in.

>> No.4177998


I would feel like superhuman if I would know when ;)
In that case I would have much bigger portfolio.

I have entered RLC at average about 7700.

Just put some buy orders at the price you want to get in and relax.
These buy orders will be fulfilled soon and it will go below 15 BTC, or even 10.

Btw price could go down even after the conference.

BUT, after the AMA which is on 8th put on your seatbelts!

>> No.4178029


Well, I'm already in, and I'm more than happy to hold this coin for more than just today.

We will see what happens. I really don't think an AMA will do nearly as much as any announcements today, I've seen plenty of AMAs with no effect on price.

>> No.4178058


A lot of people will take in their hand to spread a word right before AMA and after.

Great if you already bought everything you had on your mind.

Enjoy the ride.

>> No.4178183


its like waves, look at what they are doing and the people they are working with

literally working with russian government and nobody fucking cares because they havent shilled it and will only go in depth with what involvement they have in crypto ruble and russian NRD once its finished

dumb marketing dumb crypto

>> No.4178194

someone leaked the embargoed press release:

November 3, 2017, Lyon, France – Decentralized cloud network iExec has announced the release of its first Software Development Kit (SDK) product during Devcon3 in Cancún, Mexico. The service will enable blockchain applications to access an affordable, scalable, transparent and secure off-chain computing cloud. Several other announcements were made during the conference keynote of CEO Gilles Fedak’s, including the first App Store for decentralized applications, some recently-made partnerships, and a new research program.
iExec has been focused on building the first blockchain-based decentralized Cloud Computing platform for some time and this weeks announcement of its first SDK product at Devcon3 Conference follows months of stellar work by the iExec development team. The announcement is seen by the company as its first major goal on its roadmap to eventually create a future decentralized economy by providing a unique platform for unlimited computing power to blockchain applications,
iExec is also creating the first decentralized marketplace for cloud resources (servers, storage, applications and data sets). In April 2017, the company published its official white paper, detailing its plan to bring its vision to market. The team remains perfectly on track and has been delivering on schedule and up to promise.iExec is often known as the Airbnb for servers as its platform automatizes peer-to-peer interactions among users and providers in a safe, secure, transparent, and trustworthy blockchain experience.


see for yourself: http://bitcoinprbuzz.com/iexec-announces-first-sdk-release-decentralized-cloud-devcon3-cancun-mexico/

tip for this news? send RLC: 0x747ba1e1a08d6d38b35ef9d7ab601a74f048f2c6

>> No.4178231

This is literally nothing new.
Also don't hype yourself too much on the devcon, they have been clear that they will release things through November, you don't shoot al your bullets in one time.

>> No.4178261

Smart strategy, no huge pump - no inevitable dump

>> No.4178284

I've been saying this all along, these guys are managing this like pros. this is a real business, not a high school project gone wild.

>> No.4178473


It will be the slow ride up, with a lot of dumps, but it will be worth at the end of November.