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4164987 No.4164987 [Reply] [Original]

Isn’t this the ultimate smart money right now ?

It’s alt buying season, every alt is decimated bleeding and some seeing lows they haven’t done since the start of the year so it’s rock bottom prices.

They have their exchange releasing Q1 2018 so all the money will be pumping into it not long after this bitcoin shitstorm ends and the alt market starts booming.
It’s one of the 2 coins endorsed by vitalik, I don’t need to say much about this, just look at what it did for OMG

Tell me one good reason why I shouldn’t be stocking up like crazy on this shit right now?

>> No.4165026

Bullish on Kyber and REQ, lovely gains in Q1 ;)

>> No.4165043


>> No.4165048

My money's on ZRX, got a lot more exchanges depending on it. I honestly have some doubts about what Kyber can achieve in Q1 18 but we'll see

>> No.4165072

yup you're 100% correct
im buying Kyber, ZRX, QTUM and a couple others in anticipation of Q1 2018

>> No.4165082

kyber is partnered with OPskins. do you realize how much shekels that's going to bring to kyber? real world shekels, not just nerds trading on zrx.

>> No.4165092

100 million coins you retarded subhuman bagholder enjoy the trip to 0

>> No.4165129


>> No.4165136

he's a child sex criminal, don't talk to him.

>> No.4165147


What the fuck is OPskins? Skins for winamp?

>> No.4165149
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>typical /biz/tard

>> No.4165161

correct, the finest of cheetah prints.

>> No.4165193

Brought this shut and lost a lot with it, no hard feelings but I will only buy it on the last moment before the moon, when all indicators are green

>> No.4165294


whats happening with QTUM?

was thinking of buying this or NEO

>> No.4165312



Circulating Supply
134,132,697 KNC
Total Supply
215,625,349 KNC
surely this coin is worth more than a dollar, fellow /biz/ investors!

>> No.4165369


>> No.4165390

Why are you so angry?

>> No.4165402

BTW just a warning I also thought going all on LINK was a sure bet and i still kinda do..but we all know how that's working out right now. Just in case any anons decide to follow my advice on this one.

But I've always had my eyes on kyber.

>> No.4165408

>get completely blown the fuck out
>has no reply

Resally, wow, thanks for telling me about how these 200 million coins with over 80 million of them owned by the developer are worth over 200 million dollar sin market cap, which is what coins like bitcoin and litecoin and dash took 5+ years to achieve. what does knc offer? is it a shit token ICO? check. is it a no developer team? check. is there no code? check.

because nigger shills like you come here an pump trash coins with hundred of millions of coins held by the developers and wonder why you're down 60%+. I'm going to find you and kill you if I ever get my hands on you. if just one person loses their money because of pajeet shills like you then you deserve to hang

>> No.4165423

Mod niggers
Do your readings

>> No.4165425

Both eyes?! You madlady.

>> No.4165487

4chan admins should enact a rule that anyone with more hours IP logged on /pol/ is permabanned from /biz/

>calls people subhumans
>calls people niggers
>knows nothing about m.cap or crypto
>actually retarded

>> No.4165527

>pajeet detected
I'm sure you'll find someone to rape on your bus ride home pajeet. The day isn't over.

>> No.4165541

Lel. Buddy, my portfolio is up. I don't fall for pump and dumps. Papa BTC has been good to me after I sold LINK at ATH. And I'm not a shill for Kyber because I don't own any of it, you moron.
You need to take control of your anger, it will make your peepee small and no girl will ever want you with your tiny penis and crap alt coins

>> No.4165544
File: 53 KB, 536x830, col20170510_225543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite book, and my thumb. do i look like a pajeet to you faggot?

>> No.4165547

>ban people who can quote the circulating supply

Yeah, you're not sounding like a shill at all, cocksucker.

>>knows nothing about m.cap or crypto

>Resally, wow, thanks for telling me about how these 200 million coins with over 80 million of them owned by the developer are worth over 200 million dollar sin market cap, which is what coins like bitcoin and litecoin and dash took 5+ years to achieve

Pajeet, I already destroyed you.

>> No.4165563

Pajeet: confirmed.

>> No.4165708
File: 229 KB, 1600x1065, cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bla bla bla token number
kyber's valuation is based on how much volume their exchange is projected to see and how tokens are used as a reserve and burned during transactions. you can find numerous articles that break down how much kyber is expected to be worth.

>> No.4165717

>hurrrr market cap
>hurrrr 200 million coins at 1 $ isn't overvalued as fuck when it took real coins with actual developers asnd use cases years to achieve this valuation
>pajeet shits himself and greentexts instead of providing a reason why his trash token with 200 million coins is worth anything

>> No.4165733

what are you trying to say?

>> No.4165747

That you're shilling a trash ICO with 200 million coins and over 80 million held by one person who doesn't have any public code or developers.

>> No.4165759
File: 319 KB, 743x531, 1500524832876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put this one in the Gulag

>> No.4165766

>is a shill for shitcoins
>also a communist

Really makes you think.

>> No.4165785
File: 38 KB, 590x438, putin1485991984371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take that back

>> No.4165801

they're not coins, they're tokens, and they're necessary for the exchange to operate using reserves. is there a specific number you think is appropriate? how many people should hold 80mil tokens? why should their code be public? are you going to audit every line of code for a project and decide based on that whether it's worth investing in? i don't have that much time or autism.

>> No.4165835


Really? with no code or developers or even an actual working product? while it took coins like litecoin, bitcoin, zcash, dash, etc years to achieve the market caps they trade at? You believe your shit token ICO with nothing to show for hundreds of millions in fundraising is actually comperable to these other coins? Youre fucking delusional.

>> No.4165933

kyber is going to be an exchange. why are you comparing it to coins that aren't exchanges? the numbers are there so that's what it's worth. that's how this works..

>> No.4165964

kyber is easily worth 10$ per token once the exchange is running and has a minimal user base. there are enough calculations online. But yea listen to the green texts here.

>> No.4165977

>going to be an exchange

so let's look at coins with working exchanges that are the same coins you're talking about


do you think your shit token will do better than kucoin, which has hundreds of millions of volume a day, and still can't get and hold 1$? You fucking retard.

compare it to kucoin you fucking retard.

>> No.4166013

Hey OP. I'm one of the ones who maxed out the ICO and bought more early and made about 8x on this.

I'm still holding about 15% of my Kyber after selling it a while ago around 60,000 sats. I think it's going to be a really huge gainer for 2018. It really just needs to go on Poloniex or Bittrex. That's what I was waiting for for another pump but it didn't happen, even though ZRX did. But I see it as gaining a lot when the exchange comes out Q1 2018. And Vitalik is the advisor.

So yeah, at this point I'd say hold and over the next 3 months (yes a whole 3 months) start to slowly accumulate more.

>> No.4166022

>10$ per token


>> No.4166031

>And Vitalik is the advisor.

surely this means kyber isn't a scam ICO fellow /biz/ users

>> No.4166042

you comparisons demonstrate your complete lack of understanding of what kyber aims to do and be. kuckcoin and coss are in no way comparable to kyber and their tokens do not perform the functions of kyber tokens.

>> No.4166058

so kyber is binance block? meaning it has no inherent value outside of the exchange itself existing? great. let me know when it has 100 million dollars in volume and maybe you'll get your 10% bump in p[rice. that's alot of risk to take on a known failing coin.

>> No.4166099

what's your real argument? you don't like vitapak? loi luu? ether in general? distrust the gooks with..?

>> No.4166134

>200 million coins with over 80 million of them owned by the developer are worth over 200 million dollar sin market cap
>coins like bitcoin and litecoin and dash took 5+ years to achieve. what does knc offer? is it a shit token ICO? check. is it a no developer team? check. is there no code? check.

Reported for obvious shilling, by the way.

>> No.4166184

It's a very, very good sign and most likely the reason for the initial post-ICO pump.

>> No.4166190

Alright retarded faggot.

>> No.4166199

Someone redpill me on the Kyber token, where does it get its value from. I bought Binance tokens before and it turns out no one wanted a token that was basically a half off coupon on trading fees.

>> No.4166204

the supply of dex tokens has ??? to do with the supply or bitcoin or litecoin or cash?

>> No.4166239



>> No.4166261

and you think they're doing that?

>> No.4166273

hurrrrrdurrrrr nope they're just holding their hundreds of millions of fucking coins and nt selling them

you fucking dunce

you fucking subhuman

>> No.4166299

ok good, i was worried you were going to say they were doing that.

>> No.4166312

hurrrrrrrrrdurrr kyber good coin only 200 millino coins and no code good coin like chainlink good coin 1 billion coins all held by 1 guy at 50 cents now 16 cents hurrrr good coin bro

>> No.4166386


Can you two faggots stop arguing in my thread.
My ID changed or I would of deleted this shit by now

>> No.4166393

Delete your trash thread. I'm only bumping it to help newfaggots not fall into your shill game and waste their money, cunt.

>> No.4166426

>My ID changed or I would of deleted this shit by now

Nice to see you've paid as much attention to my post as you did to kyber

>> No.4166457

pretty sure this is my thread now, bitch.

>> No.4166485

this shit wont go anywahre will be under ico until next year...q2....

>> No.4166499

check out this discord for great pump details

>> No.4166500

216 million coins over 100 million owned by the developer who has no team and no code. stay bahgolding and buy into fake news as he dumps on you nigger.

>> No.4166501

common misconception, actually. kyber will take off after the fork.

>> No.4166528

nope. you're a confirmed pumper and a shill for this ICO scam

>> No.4166546

Get into a great pnd group!


>> No.4166553

you aren't half the junior detective you think you are, nancy..

>> No.4166566


Go buy some more of the developer's bags cunt

>> No.4166591

that's no way to talk to me.

>> No.4166593

Correction, go kill yourself for shilling for an actual scam ICO.

>> No.4166616

probably not going to do that.

>> No.4166641

You'll end up doing it once kyber is no bid no volume and dumped completely by the dev and becomes a ghost town.

>> No.4166695

yeah that's definitely not going to happen. you say an awful lot of melodramatic nonsense.

>> No.4166707

>he thinks his shit token with literally no value is "different"

I'll be sure to remind you when it's worthless, like I did with bancor bagholders.

>> No.4166720

OPSkins is a marketplace for skins in video games (CSGO and things like this).
They even launch a Token (see Wax Token)

>> No.4166729




>> No.4166736

yea those flthy heebs at bancor belong in an oven. you were right with that call, brotherrr.

>> No.4166744
File: 77 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't understand Kyber and plays the old 'premine' meme which was used against Ethereum. How did that play out for ya?

>> No.4166752

stop posting in my thread you little turd. you're not even on topic. no respect, no class. 100% pajeet. just shameful behavior, really. your stepdad must be disgusted with you.

>> No.4166761

210 million coins retarded kike all held by who? the developer. ICOs are what? distributing these premined coins to the public for funding. how many coins did ethereum launch with?

>> No.4166777

Vitalik isn't advisor of Kyber, he said it on his Twitter

Plus the advisor section on those ICO mostly means nothing, you can literrally put Bill Gates as an advisor if he just said "yeah your project looks good"

>> No.4166785

kyber is going to open opskins up to eth/erc20 tokens, whereas now there only option is bitcoin.

>> No.4166829

why can't OPSkins just accept ETH as payment though? Plenty of sites already accept ETH/BTC/LTC why does Kyber need to be involved specifically to facilitate this?

>> No.4166888

you could exchange your wax token for any erc20 token, through kyber, faster and for a better price.

>> No.4166915

Because it's just another cash grab ico
Just think about the token utility, if it's not exclusive, if it can be replaced by fiat or any other currencies, then there is no reason to create it

>> No.4167025

you don't mean any of this.

>> No.4167100

i think it's good to be pragmatic and not become overly attached to a coin and delude yourself into thinking it has no competition or solves a problem no other company could solve.

At the same time, "partnerships" are a real thing. If this OPSkins or whatever has some partnership contract with Kyber or something that's entirely different than thinking it has to exclusively solve a problem. I mean we see it in the real world all the time with b&m corporations that are basically made on partnership deals with other corporations.

Although this is all just spitballing, no idea if Kyber and OPSkins have any sort of formal partnership (realistically probably not)

>> No.4167136

open wide! vrooommmmm

>> No.4167199

>Kyber Network will be integrated directly with both OPSkins and WAX platform to facilitate the payment in both platforms. Already accepting large amount of Bitcoin payments, OPSkins will soon open up an option to allow buyers to pay in Ether. With Kyber Network’s integration, buyers on OPSkins can purchase virtual game items using ERC20 tokens seamlessly and securely, thereby enhancing user experience and improve retention.
problem solved.

>> No.4167217

reported for spamming and ubmping your paid for shill thread

>> No.4167243

i hope you spelled my name correctly.

>> No.4167246

alright point taken, thanks dude. i will commence buying Kyber at once

>> No.4167350


Vitalik said Kyber and Omisego are the only projects he IS an advisor for. He said any other project which takes his picture and claims him as an advisor is lying. He also said he doesn't intend to advise on any more projects.

>> No.4167380

gooks etc were paying 6x to buy this after the tokens were released. since then there's been lots of news/updates. what do you think will happen after the fork? when their mainnet launches in a couple months?

>> No.4167789

Kyber Network is pleased to introduce a strategic partnership with Aptoide, one of the largest Android app stores in the world, boasting 200 million users and over 4 billion downloads to date.

feel pretty dumb now, huh rebecca?

>> No.4168415

never say die.

>> No.4168437

hey let's see
>fake news to pump volume
>developer uses it to dump on faggots who listen to your obvious shilling

Yep, still 210 million coins mainly owned by you.

>> No.4168538

rebecca, you're alive!

>> No.4168730

Why does the price per individual coin?

All that matters is marketcap