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4163204 No.4163204 [Reply] [Original]

These are scary times, we are in uncharted territory with Bitcoin. However, each time you TA'rs try to predict the next "correction," you fail. This is because crypto is based on hype and news. Bitcoin is everywhere on social media -- I'm seeing it discussed on LinkedIn, constant Reddit posts, on Facebook, etc. It's everywhere. This is where Ethereum was in April and May, with its price hysteria. We are currently in a mania phase, and if you're smart, you'll know how to play the game.

Let's consider these questions:

1. Are there any psychological barriers? No, not until 10k.

2. Is there a clear timetable for the future? Yes, the fork will take place on Nov 15/16th.

3. Is there a reason for most people to sell before this fork? No, because Bitcoin2x will have replay value on GDAX/Coinbase for two weeks and therefore will effectively be "free money."

The main hurdle for Bitcoin was going from $10 to $100, or $1000 to $5000. It then had to establish itself. But we're at $7,100 right now. Bitcoin has established itself -- it's even going on the futures market alongside gold and oil with CME. Everyone knows $10k, $20k, even $25k is inevitable at this point so there is extreme buy pressure.

The correction is not happening before the fork, if anything, this momentum might stall. Or it might pick up, but it will not crash until the fork. All I know is... hold your bitcoins. You have been warned.

>> No.4163231

Any news on chainlink?

>> No.4163239 [DELETED] 

>psychological barriers
the only barrier it still hasnt pierced is the "what is it actualky good for" barrier

also the cme futures trading HASN'T been approved yet

now what does that tell you?

>> No.4163264

I completely agree with everything you've stated. My only questions is:
Buy more bitcoin right now (today) or wait until a dip on the 15th/16th? Will a post fork dip bring it back down to below 7K?

>> No.4163324


post fork will not be a dip. there will be a massive correction. 40%

>> No.4163334

Should I keep my BTC on bittrex during the fork or withdraw it to my wallet?

>> No.4163342

10k, im betting new resistance will be at 10k post fork.

>> No.4163343

People won't wait to the actual fork, they'll do it a few days before. Careful.

>> No.4163359

>Bitcoin2x will have replay value on GDAX/Coinbase for two weeks and therefore will effectively be "free money."

Explain this to a simpleton, where am I supposed to be storing my BTC to get free money?

>> No.4163385

I get that you can sell your bitcoin core, I don't get who should be interested in buying them 2 weeks before they become useless

>> No.4163409

what do you actually have to do to claim your new coins post fork?

>> No.4163533

This is false. One chain will die. What coinbase is saying is that after the fork, you will have X BTC and X B2X. If you then spend Y BTC or B2X, then Y amount if the other coin will get locked so you can't double spend it. Then one of the forks will die and you will be left with the remaining, either BTC or B2X, depending on which one wins. At no point will anyone have twice their BTC in value that they can actually spend.

>> No.4163550

What? I thought i could just hodl BTC and then they become BTC2x. So do i have to buy BTC2x and sell my BTC or are they the same?? I'm confused... could be because im drunk tho

>> No.4163591

You hold Y number of BTC coins now. During fork you get equal number of B2X. After fork you hold Y BTC and Y B2X. But you can only spend Y coins, not 2Y. If you spend 1 BTC post fork, you will lose 1 B2X. Also, one of the two forks will die forever.

>> No.4163619

I just mean do I have to put my BTC back in my electrum wallet to get BTC2x or can I keep it on bittrex and receive it.

>> No.4163621

Is coinbase fine as long as it supports the fork for a somewhat newbie?

>> No.4163625

Check with bittrex

>> No.4163634

Coinbase is fine I know they said they'll support the fork

>> No.4163648

So you can't spend one new coin without the other? Doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.4163654

If it goes over 10k, that will be the reason for a correction before the fork. The fork is fucking pointless, no one cares about 2x

>> No.4163666

the fuck are you on about dude, you get both, just if you fuck up because theres no replay protection whoever you sell to can easily take both.

>> No.4163683
File: 134 KB, 1100x1104, GS0348-010_add1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big question is, how high will we go before Segwitt2x ?

Can we continue to sustain a new ATH every single day for the next week?

>> No.4163716

>no psychological barrier until 10k
>drops 10% on reaching 7k
Original Posters never change

>> No.4163762

Yeah and now its casually at $7100.
Shit Coiners Never Change

>> No.4163769

Normal Fags are awakening to the sight of a Saturn V blasting up through the troposphere and not losing speed... they’ll buy and whisper into other normie ears. Then they’ll read shill articles about btc being the next disruptive technology... this is where the markets were when smartphones started to achieve wider adoption rates... hard to see what happens after this.

If Bezos says yes, all bets are off...

>> No.4163793

The only people who care about the fork are scrubs who think "derp free monies" serious traders do not give a fuck and know that it has little to no impact on the next correction

>> No.4163798

Thread full of brainlets

>muh free coinz

>> No.4163811 [DELETED] 

Get in here for some pump n dump, profit guaranteed

>> No.4163822

Can someone please explain this Segwit2x fork to me?

No price speculations, just explain what the fuck is going to happen/is proposed to happen.

I've been doing some reading about it but I don't get it, cause I don't really get how the blockchain works.

>SegWit2x seeks to upgrade bitcoin in two ways:

>It would enact the long-proposed code optimization Segregated Witness (SegWit), which alters how some data is stored on the network.
>It would set a timeline for increasing the network's block size to 2MB, up from 1MB today, to be triggered about three months after the SegWit activation.

Plus some other bullshit that I don't understand.

>Several different outcomes could emerge, including:

>The mining pools that pledged support for SegWit2x follow through by the end of July, and the SegWit portion of the proposal is activated on the network.
>The proposal doesn't get that support, and the change triggers a domino effect that, worst case, leads to a network split into two competing bitcoin assets.

What does this mean?
If some mining pools "download the update" then they mine "upgraded bitcoin"?
If nodes "download the update" then they run "upgraded bitcoin" transactions?
What happens to my wallet? How do I choose to update or not update? Is the update forced/automated?
What is going on

>> No.4163932

Chainlink is a meme coin u dumbass. Have fun losing money

>> No.4164028

If you’re looking for short term gains, wait until fork. If you’re in it for the long-haul, just start buying now. Otherwise you’ll be looking back 2 year from now when it’s at 40 k kicking yourself for waiting for the price to go from 7 to 5 k to get back in

>> No.4164071

Read up what a fork is on the Wikipedia page, in programming you make forks all the time, your computer is forking your programs every second. It's not hard to comprehend afterwards that your private key is the same on both networks so you can access your "copied over" coins with your "old" private key.

>> No.4164107

Fuck guys I got 5k cause that was my new coinbase limit but it won't be available until Nov 10!! Am I fucked because there might be a dip after the fork maybe to below where it will be on the 10th?

>> No.4164131

>No, because Bitcoin2x will have replay value on GDAX/Coinbase

Wut. I thought coinbase didn't give out the extra fork tokens. Can someone explain for me, a retard what this means? I got 2.0 BTC on coinbase.

>> No.4164210

That was from people selling because they were afraid it wasn't going to keep going up past $7k.