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416045 No.416045 [Reply] [Original]

Lawsuit general

I've dealt with confidence issues many years now ever since I had gone through terrible bullying and harrasment for several years in middle school. My district had done nothing about it, and recently learned they are in several lawsuits for a similar situation with other people. My question is, should I pursue a lawsuit on how much this has fucked with me for the last several years?

>> No.416055

Do you have shitloads of time and money to waste and no other prospects in your life?

If so, then by all means...

>> No.416066
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That sucks op. I feel your pain. I too was bullied all through grade, middle, and high school. But instead of bitching about it on a Chinese image board, I went to law school and became a bad ass. Here is my assessment of your lawsuit.

A) depends on your age/date of the bullying. If too much time (more than a few years) has passed then the statute of limitations has likely passed and you will be barred from suing.

B) It sounds like you'd be bringing some sort of negligence/negligent infliction of emotional distress claim, which means you have to prove causation/damages.

What are your damages? You feel bad? You don't feel confident? Boo hoo motherfucker. You and everyone else.

The school is going to argue your mental state could have resulted from a million other causes, not their negligent supervision that resulted in your bullying. Furthermore, if it goes to to trial jury, the jury isn't going to be terribly sympathetic unless the school reallllllly did something fucked up to you (like a teacher locker you in a room with your bullies and let them beat and sodomize you, took video and the posted it on the school's website.)

Sorry OP, but it sounds like a very weak claim. If you find a lawyer to pursue this (and you might be able to find a sleazeball contingency lawyer) you might be able to get a small settlement out of them so they can get you out of their hair.

My advice to you is to go to therapy and find a goal that motivates you and gets you excited. Good luck.

>> No.416077

really dont give a shit now but just wanted to see about easy money

>> No.416079

There's nothing wrong with bullying. Grow up.

>> No.416103

Fuck off along with your feels.