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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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415648 No.415648 [Reply] [Original]

Woah, what the fuck happened /biz/? I'm honestly confused about this.
NEWL stock was at 20 cents the other day, now as of july 16 its at $4.41?
I bought stock a while ago and though I lost all of it when it was at 20 cents. So i just ignored it until today. What is this??

>> No.415654

Fuck, nevermind. They did another reverse split. Get fucked.

>> No.415712

What's a reverse split?

>> No.415762

The opposite of a split.

Split: Company with shares valued at $500 with 1M available, splits into $100 shares at 5M available.

Reverse Split: Company with $100 shares at 5M available, condenses into shares valued at $500 with 1M available.

>> No.415778

Cool. So OP thought he made money, but he hasn't.

Poor OP.

>> No.415836

I want this thread to be a valuable lesson to all the burgerflippers and NEETs on this board who think they're going to make it big by dumping their life savings into whatever stock or cryptocurreny other fools are trying to hype.

You cannot pick stocks. You cannot time the market. Massive multinational corporations with PhD-holding statisticians and sophisticated computer algorithms can barely do it and they will be on the other end of every trade you make, laughing at you.

Please abandon your delusions of easy riches and go read the Vanguard thread and the Books thread if you want any hope of not dying penniless in a trailer park

>> No.415849

kill yourself, with a fork if possible lol

>> No.415850

NEWL's fucking frozen, with OTC papers signed ( http://www.otcmarkets.com/otciq/ajax/showFinancialReportById.pdf?id=123623 ).

I really should have looked at the history before fucking buying in (baby's first trade, at least it was only 40bux)

>> No.415864
File: 96 KB, 480x640, nQtxweS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based ihaz posting without a trip

>> No.415870

/biz/ already has a collection of tripfags?

I should really start coming here and seeing what's going on, since it's currently the youngest board.

>> No.415973

Another poor fucker fell for NEWL????

>> No.416001

I'm amazed that people are falling for it, with the FT article picking apart how it was caught in the perfect storm of a crisis, where no matter how good the management was, the company was doomed.

May I suggest GNI as the next troll stock? It's been around for about 100 years, paying out dividends at a steady high rate.

In a few months, it will turn 100, and according to the terms of the charter it was formed under, it will dissolve, and all shares will be worthless.

>> No.416004

So THIS is what /biz/ likes to do.

I'm certainly going to start coming here regularly.

What do NEWL and GNI do anyways?

>> No.416008

NEWL was a shipping company; they borrowed to extend the size of their shipping fleet, and then the european credit crunch hit, and they couldn't pay the bills, resulting in ships being seized. Horrible timing, if the credit markets hadn't frozen, they would have had no problems.

GNI is a trust paying out the royalties for iron mining on a chunk of land. I was simplifying when I said it was for 100 years; it was until 20 years after the death of the last of 20 people named in the charter. Next april, it will cease to exist, and the land rights will revert to the state.

>> No.416011


4chan helps unsuspecting idiots out with their finances.

This board is still young enough for me to learn easily, since I doubt it has much of an established culture yet.

I'm going to have so much fun learning and "teaching" here.

>> No.416017

Head over to the crypto threads. They need guidance

>> No.416020

This board's so slow, I can go around the entire board.

/biz/ is actually the first board I've been around longer than. This must be what it feels like to have fun with that.

I'm so glad one of you all posted some stupid shit about sony on /g/. I had forgotten this place existed shortly after those fucking coins left.

>> No.416030
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>he hasn't been here since 1994

>> No.416033

You got me. I checked when the site was made.

Oh well, better late than never.

>> No.416042

implying anyone with a phD trades shitcoins

implying shitcoin markets arent beyond inefficient and profitable for individuals

>> No.416631
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I'm not ihaz, but you should listen to every word he says.

>> No.416677


>> No.417034

Oh boy. 50% dividend yield.