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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 798x775, feelscomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4145920 No.4145920 [Reply] [Original]

feels comfy to have this and just buy everything he says and wait.

what about you fellow /biz/inessmen, what sources do you have ?

>> No.4145952

When i buy a sub it will yes anon. Though I will keep a .5 BTC play money fund for daytrading. Basically a .5 BTC fuck up fund so I learn cheap lessons and not exp ones..

>> No.4145953

TFW you already know it's chainlink and you stacked your bags full.

>> No.4145958

Did any of the "guess the coins" threads got it right?

>> No.4145981

Wow eboost? I knew I picked a winner.

>> No.4145992


>> No.4146279

its not chainlink
not eboost

There are a lot of coins, 2 main ones

>> No.4146331

Is it Maid or an ERC20 token?

>> No.4146365

unless teeka is a sadist

>> No.4146372

How come this shit isn't immediately leaked? Are rich people that selfish?

>> No.4146498
File: 124 KB, 671x789, comfyaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pay a lot for these.

why would I share?

>pic related 2 of the coins
one is really cheap right now, he calls it "an amazing short term"

The other has been talked about in the past month

>> No.4146520

BTC yeah until 7500

>> No.4146538
File: 39 KB, 470x350, cat-adult-landing-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

share it with me and ill give you 5% of any money i make. serious.

>> No.4146557


>> No.4146572


lololol your dying to tell us these picks but holding back..

what do you want, a picture of my ass? my cock? you fucking loser

>> No.4146591
File: 15 KB, 205x246, 1485031803626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You share for the good of the community.

We're better than reddit or any of the normies you'll find.

>> No.4146592

I'm guessing sharpie in your pooper

>> No.4146597

None of those. about XRP: "there is interest in the technology but not in the token"

no EGC


thats cute but when the profits hit no one comes back to tip the messenger

>> No.4146613

its SAFEX, thats eBay 3.0 starting December plattform

>> No.4146619

I genuinely can't believe anyone is listening to this LARPer. That's the same fake PDF style from a few weeks ago.

It's not real and he is bullshitting you.

>> No.4146630

eat shit niglet
this thread provides absolutely no value to /biz/
you're basically just gloating that you pay some faggot named TEEKA to think and do research for you.
you can't think for yourself, you can't do analysis on your own, so you just have to pay for "sources". if this is more efficient for you due to lack of time and mental resources, cool, go for it. but to post USELESS fucking threads like this with blurred out docs just shits up the board. it's not even funny. if you're going to post something at least make it funny. this is fucking 4chan after all, a place for bantz and humor but now we get twats like you posting "HUURRR DURR LOOK AT WHAT I HAVE" and at the end you just look like a fucking cunt.

i'm done with this goddamn site and board.

>> No.4146631

BAT maybe?

>> No.4146635

it was in their previous report.

or it is GNT.

>> No.4146651

GNT is one of them yes

just hide the thread



>> No.4146653

How about giving us the first letter of the short term one? Make it a fun little game.

>> No.4146664

ill be honest i wont tip, but it would be nice to know since i have been bag holding link and ark :/

>> No.4146676


"(...) new team (...)"


"buy until 0.10 Usd"

>> No.4146686

lol is it syscoin or bitbean

>> No.4146691

forgot to say that the action to take is to buy until 0.10 AND sell in december right after the news hit

>> No.4146704

And it's on bittrex?

>> No.4146711

XLM? Rise? Why don't you tell us man?

>> No.4146728

the other one is...BAT?

>> No.4146741

is it really Bitbay

>> No.4146751
File: 140 KB, 700x939, 1489941142966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>developer holds over 100 million bitbays in his personal wallet, which is 10% of the supply
>outdated wallet
>marketplace looks like its from the early 90's
>marketplace constantly crashes, is buggy, god awful UI and its resource hoarding as all hell
>you are not allowed to sell child pornography, guns, illegal drugs or fake money on the marketplace, which would be the only reason to actually use a decentralized marketplace
>developer will most likely cash out and disappear once he can sell his coins at 0.10$

literally a pyramid coin, no thanks

>> No.4146759

not bitbay


>> No.4146792

there is nothing else under .10 starting with a B worth buying.

>> No.4146796

what does it rhyme with?

>> No.4146805

Literally every low market cap coin that's listed on at least one major exchange and hasn't mooned yet, will moon. You don't have to pay a couple of grand to understand that.

>> No.4146818

reply to me larper

>> No.4146819


>> No.4146823


>> No.4146830

the new name rhymes with ash

>> No.4146869

beancash aka bitbean.

i know because you retards bought it up to 90 sat the other day and gave everyone with a brain a huge red flag that it's about to pump

>> No.4146893

Could be Bitcoin Cash, is slightly going up

>> No.4146898

It really is Bitbean. I checked every possibility on cmc in the top 300.

>> No.4146902

bitcoin cash?

>> No.4146903

Someone download some 2d deconvolution software and unblur the documents! I would but I'm on my phone

>> No.4146908

dont think bitcoin cash is trading under 0.10$

>> No.4146915

This is completely fake. I am a subscriber.

>> No.4146928

You cuck faced pajeet motherfucker tell us or your mother dies tonight

>> No.4146929

Proof fag

>> No.4146934


>> No.4146946

doesnt have much volume so any 2 btc buy just gets it to the top..

>> No.4146961

Nothing to prove to you, but any idiot who has seen the leaked newsletters know that this is not the way that Teeka or PBC send any emails or updates.

>> No.4146977

oh and I forgot to say, you're right.

theres also paragraphs on Golem, Trig and Walton(china likes it), among others

>> No.4146985

You can't fool my nose goyim

now pay me to subscribe to my news letter it's 90% cheaper

>> No.4147014

Metaverse guys, metaverse

>> No.4147016
File: 69 KB, 809x963, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I'm not lying - I got the report BELIEVE ME.

>> No.4147017

THIS IS FAKE. He has never recommended Trig or WTC. This is not how his alerts work. Don't fall for this. IT IS COMPLETELY FAKE.

>> No.4147021

>i pay a lot for these.
>why would I share?

>lmao gonna share anyway

>> No.4147027

so what's your proof then fagt

>> No.4147051


>> No.4147054

The report has 26 pages, I posted about 10% of the coins there..

So he only recomends coins that he talked about earlier? Guess hes not going to recomend any new coins.. no need to subscribe anymore

>> No.4147058

bitbay is getting a rebranding and it's under 0.02 cents

it also has a fuckton of potential to ruin ebay

>> No.4147065

Straight bullshit have the subscription. There’s no mention of any of those

>> No.4147068

I have proof. I don't care whether you believe me or not. That is NOT proof. It doesn't even have the PBC letterhead. There was not alert, no update and no newsletter sent out today.

>> No.4147079

It is NEVER more than a couple of pages. The newsletter comes out in three weeks.

>> No.4147163
File: 33 KB, 460x460, 1501887603167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person is larper. I have real report. I can say this :

1.fork of /biz/ favorite coin (d*lu**d)
2.it's seeing today a pump because of news
3.is on bittrex
4.we start day by doing it

If you didn't guessed it you shouldn't be in crypto

>> No.4147188


>> No.4147206

>fork of /biz/ favorite coin (d*lu**d)

Deluded linkies? Fork of Chainlink? Huh?

>> No.4147220

I have the real report. Coin rhymes with Bark.

>> No.4147235


>> No.4147330

This guy must make a killing doing this PnD.

>create a newsletter and charge 3k a year
>predict one or two things right
>everyone thinks you are some genius
>buy coins that look decent
>tell people to buy whats in your portoflio
>whales, NEETS, Normalfags and everyone in crypto listens to your call
>price obviously goes up
>people will now listen to every call you make

>> No.4147349

He is but OP has posted garbage. This is not the newsletter.

>> No.4147358
File: 48 KB, 736x402, donttellanyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real insider here.

>> No.4147497

I think you're lying, there is no PISS coin on bittrex. Is it rise, what do I win?

>> No.4147498

You make money off of us pumping your coins

>> No.4147541


>> No.4147563
File: 1.25 MB, 1860x1326, 1509542240721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try.

>> No.4147590

Nice try. At least copy the real PBC logo and use the right font.

>> No.4147611

You're done bro, I'm using a blind deconvolution algorithm as we speak and getting info out. Text is easy to deblur because there's only 26 possible characters. Thanks for free info.

>> No.4147633

what is this palm beach bullshit?

what is their track record of success?

why is everyone in this thread keen to know what it says? Whoever wrote it is likely just as clueless as everyone on here

>> No.4147657


>> No.4147688

>what is their track record of success?

90% so far

>> No.4147705

Define Low pls