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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4145175 No.4145175 [Reply] [Original]

remember his disaster of a post-SIBOS announcement? this is his much anticipated pre-devcon October announcement, posted on Nov. 1

i told you idiots to get out now. it's going to sub-ICO prices, and i say this unironically. and it will stay there as Sergey continues to make announcements like these for the next years.

>> No.4145185
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part 2

>> No.4145201

>/biz/ always complains about him not using the word ChainLink
>says chainlink like 5 times in one post

>> No.4145219


>> No.4145225
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>> No.4145238

i hate money, i want more chainlink

>> No.4145245


this is delicious after enduring MONTHS of link shilling

>> No.4145246

this coin is officially dead. Get out while you still can.

>> No.4145257

if you sell at this point you deserve it

>> No.4145272

yes, you deserve getting out of a burning carwreck that's headed to below ICO prices like every other recent shitcoin

>> No.4145273

I knew a Starbucks barista couldn't deliver on technical promises

>> No.4145291

/biz/ really FUCKED themselves with this one. it's funny because i browse like 4 different crypto forums, and only this one managed to shill themselves into this kind of hole

>> No.4145371

but but the oracle

>> No.4145379

>There is no issue. The initial concerns were >appearing to some of the people we are >working with and looking to work with that we
>were focused on the price and not the project. >Is there a way to find balance? Absolutely and >I will continue to work to get us there.
Quote from Rory

>> No.4145406

what exactly is the problem with this announcement o_O

>> No.4145409

AKA we will have a product in two years. Holy shit, I didn't realize that it was this bad.

>> No.4145429

i would rather see my bag going to 1 sat than selling now. brb in 2 years

>> No.4145432

this is absolute nonsense and just an excuse. they were NEVER focused on price or shilling their coin. nobody could have possibly had that perception. they have always been extremely mum about what they're doing. they're just saying that to deflect from having no real announcements. i think they're also quite embarrassed for being on the receiving end of so much shilling (by /biz/tards) for "ALREADY HAVING A WORKING PRODUCT, GOING TO BE USED BY SWIFT) when in reality, they don't have much beyond a proof of concept and have just BEGUN hiring real devs to get the implementation going. this is just sad what /biz/ is willing to believe. you guys still think they have multiple grand slams up their sleeves are just waiting for the right time to release this moon-news. no, they don't.

>> No.4145443

Not true faggot. They already have a product. It's just that it may still not be fully compatible with some systems and all of the blockchains. As far as I know ChainLink 1.0 worked well at swift and CL network works well on ethereum blockchain

>> No.4145445

Zap solved the Oracle problem first

>> No.4145472

people already thought they had a WORKING PRODUCT because they've been doing this for 3 years. people thought they were going to start getting implemented by SWIFT in the coming months. they thought this thing was going to a billion dollar valuation by end of year.

but no, this announcement revealed the truth, which was obvious all along but was called FUD. they simply don't have a working product yet, just a bare-bones proof of concept. they just started hiring devs. their empty github is an accurate reflection of the fact that it's mainly vaporware and some cool ideas in the heads of a philosophy grad who's good at speaking. /biz/ was absolutely unwilling to believe this, but now they're getting smacked by the truth, courtesy of sergey himself. i don't blame sergey for any of this. he's a semi-competent tech CEO who's been working on a shoe-string budget for the past 3 years, but people were litearlly evangelizing him as the 2nd coming of christ.

upshot is: if you choose to hold link, you're getting wrecked for the next 2 years at least (and by that time, the whole crypto market may have disappeared.. bye bye money).

>> No.4145473

you guys shit on OMG for hyping and shilling a thai lady coin and now are giving LINK shit for not being hyped and actually DEVELOPING their product. You FUDDERS need to do a better job. fucking retards

>> No.4145477

Why would you go to all the trouble of sharing this if you're not trying to drive the price down? I doubt you (or anyone in /biz/ is that altruistic).

It's like atheists who spend all their time talking about how there isn't a God.

Get a hobby. Go outside. Make a friend.

>> No.4145488

they had a PROOF OF CONCEPT - that could mean anything

read the announcement: they are hiring devs to build out the "implemnetation" described in their "white paper". all they have done so far is decided on the programming language to use. translation: they have shit, it's vaporware

>> No.4145509

Nothing...OP is clearly trying to drive price down to buy more.

>> No.4145511

why do ppl expect this to shoot up to 1 dollar quickly? wait or sell no one cares.

>> No.4145513

no, we're not blaming sergey and chainlink for hyping their own non-existent product. they didn't. we're LAUGHING at /biz/tards who actually thought there was a working product because the company has existed for 3 years. turns out, no, they have only decided on a programming language and are hiring devs just now.

funny part is that people pointed out these things long ago. they have only 1 dev (steve ellis). their github is empty. sergey has no tech background. but we all got called FUD'ers. now it's payback time :)

>> No.4145518

You can create your own node right this instant.

>> No.4145519

I don't give a shit about Link but anyone who thinks crypto could be gone in two years is a fear mongering retard.

>> No.4145522

cool man, i just get a kick out of watching this stuff happen. i'm in crypto as much for the storylines and drama as i am for making money. it's amusing and insightful into human psychology.

>> No.4145532
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>and by that time, the whole crypto market may have disappeared.. bye bye money

>> No.4145542

there is certainly that RISK, that the crypto MARKET (not necessarily the tech itself) will be drastically different in a negative way in 2 years.

anyone who says otherwise should go invest in the polkadot ico which locks away tokens for 2 years. that gave you pause, didn't it?

>> No.4145546

>i'm in crypto as much for the storylines and drama as i am for making money
lol same here

>> No.4145556

if you're absolutely convinced that the crypto market will sustain itself and grow by 2 years' time you shouldn't care about current prices at all right? we're ALL going to make it right? yeah, no, there's risk. you know that. don't be silly.

>> No.4145597

yeah just what they said about the internet

>> No.4145605

There is a risk a rock will fall from the sky right now and kill you. That isn't an argument.

You are a mouth breathing retard who knows nothing.

>> No.4145623
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It's ZAP time baby

>> No.4145625

truly a moron who self-indulges in wishful thinking. if you think the crypto market tanking and not recovering between now and 2 years is anywhere the same as a rock randomly dropping on your head.. you need to be put into an insane asylum.

>> No.4145630
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>> No.4145639

but seriously, you must be a big fucking tard thinking the block-chain fever gonna end in 2 years. it's just the fucking beginning it hasnt even gone mainstream yet

>> No.4145645

is this what all the kids are shilling now? time to sell ZAP asap

>> No.4145665

>if you're absolutely convinced that the crypto market will sustain itself and grow by 2 years' time you shouldn't care about current prices at all right?
Yes and that's why I don't. Not all coins will make it of course and just "buy and forget" might not always work.

>> No.4145676

I'm not the person who is trying to use the collapse of crypto as an argument against some random shitcoin.

It's the equivalent of saying you shouldn't buy a house because in six months the country could be taken over by communists.

>> No.4145691
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The chainlink mess is in damage control right now as investors are going to hit stop losses as it goes below ICO price, yikes. Hop on the Zap train before it's too late m8s

>> No.4145709

it was a parenthetical that applies to all coins. saying "i don't care about the price right now, i believe in the fundamentals and am willing to hold for 2+ years" is making a bet on the crypto market in the long-term. that's an ADDITIONAL risk on top of the one you're taking when you say you believe in chainlink and sergey. i just wanted to make that clear.

>> No.4145715


>Going to sub-ICO prices

If we're measuring in satoshi isn't it already sub ICO? Wasn't it around 2500?

>> No.4145748

true enough, but i think people still instinctually look at the dollar price because that's what ultimately matters.

it's hilarious either way, how much money they've SHILLED THEMSELVES out of

>> No.4145785

ZAP, the centralized option. Eh, no thanks shillbot.

>> No.4145911

>it’s amusing and insightful into human psychology
You just blew your fud cover bro, try not to do that next time.

>> No.4145966

yes, everyone is a secret fud conspirator trying to trick you out of your asset that's gone -70% in the past week

>> No.4145984

Glad I missed the boat on this LINK it looked like shit from the start. Zap looks like something actually useful with a functioning alpha though, smart investment.
not centralized it runs on IPFS - decentralized

>> No.4145990