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4139227 No.4139227 [Reply] [Original]

Every time altcoins are about to burst, whales are manipulating bitcoin to rise again to prevent it.
highest class assholes!

>> No.4139239

It’s Tethers from Bitfinex. Yesterday Bitfinex was down for 20 min and the price just froze.

>> No.4139256

Anyway they can't do it forever, or people will take a load of profit just from bitcoin itself. be patient and all their asshole's strategy go to shit.

>> No.4139264

It's news and the fork. The CME news in particular. Alts have no news and no new money coming in to drive any market wide bullish sentiment.
Alts will need to see btc profit talking combined with some big developments in the top 5 to trigger any sort of flow on into the shitcoin market.

Also polo killed shitcoins when it removed Trollbox and stopped adding new pairs

>> No.4139269

It's a lot of things. The tethers are practically insignificant. It was something like 1/40 of one percent of the total market that was added. Not enough to pump BTC.

>> No.4139322

Reminder that bitcoin is priced entirely by self-interested parties using bitcoin as collateral for buying bitcoin pricing instruments at high leverage in a wholly unregulated market. If you want something that will go straight up forever guys, just buy bitcoin! Nothing can go wrong. We can all be rich together!

>> No.4139327

BTC hype will chill down, but whales may stuck the altcoins with too much money for volume so alt won't pump significantly.

>> No.4139329

Good satire, OP.

For everyone who doesn’t get it: Alts do literally nothing, they’re just a greater-fool-game that’s played when Bitcoin price is stalling.
With the upcoming fork there’s a lot of enthusiasm about Bitcoin finally breaking free of some shackles one way or another, hence a nice rally. :)

>> No.4139336

When will the world realize that alts are the future? We were so close to flipping in the summer... Ugh

>> No.4139385

well as i said they can't pump btc forever or it will cost them a lot!
as long as whales stuck altcoins, as time goes people will remove a lot of money from alts, so a lot lesser money would needed to be bought in order to pump them. so they can't get away with it all just be patient!

>> No.4139390

I have 1.5 btc am i a whail ?

>> No.4139397


>> No.4139527
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How bitcoin is priced:
1) Exchanges that allow margin trading build up a stack of shorts from people flooding in to sell bitcoin due to media attention, some figure it is at a local top so they do it with leverage. Whalebots know all the liquidation prices. They are looking to hunt down your stop losses and liquidate you. They will move the price 50 dollars or more just to catch a bunch of liquidations.
2) It doesn't just happen on one exchange. All the gambling margin traders from around the world go into a mania seeing the price rise on an isolated Zambian exchange and go crazy starting to buy regardless of what the volume weighted average price across real purchases is like. Short squeezes are triggered all over the place.
3) Bitcoin gets media attention for new highs. New normies enter. Normies don't know why the price is going up other than it must be because of all the hype. They're happy to buy as long as it increases. The cycle continues. You're sitting on a ticking time bomb that's only still ticking because fresh blood keeps coming in. What kind of store of value is this? I don't think the regulated futures market will be so kind. The price gets to go up for a while as attention is drawn in but it's not going to last. How many of these newfags do you think are actually mining bitcoin? Litecoin, Monero, and even Vertcoin's difficulties are increasing faster than Bitcoin's.

>> No.4139606

that's my point, just wait until hype is over, buy alt low, be patient again and sell high.