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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4138786 No.4138786 [Reply] [Original]

Strap in and get ready for the next moon mission. 6.6K within 12 hours, 7-7.5k by fork date. Sell your alts. Buy BTC even if its currently near/at ATH. Is your spacesuit ready?

>> No.4138796

Can we do it? $10k by Jan 1st?

>> No.4138797

Remind me to create a salty BTC holders official thread after Bitfinex is closed. I’ll forget otherwise

>> No.4138854

Why is it mooning before this fork? Without replay protection, what on earth are people thinking will happen?

>> No.4138864

>Without replay protection
That's why you are poor anon

>> No.4138868

more like 37k

>> No.4138872

>Why is it mooning before this fork?


nothing makes sense anymore

>> No.4138893

5 digits by 2018
6 digits by 2020

>> No.4138908

Spotted the shitcoiners itt

>> No.4138915

The fork is only one of the glowing news items. Are you not paying attention at all?

>> No.4138928

a question about the replay protection, there's going to be some way to separate them right?
it's probably obvious but I am a tech brainlet

>> No.4138974

>sold at 5900
Fuck, i must admit this is getting me twitchy.
But there's no way there won't be a correction soon.
Don't FOMO, don't FOMO, don't FOMO, don't FOMO...

>> No.4139009

there just was a correction. a 5% correction. we're good now :)

>> No.4139041

It’s like holding a ticking timebomb that gives you +5% every month. But you don’t see the countdown.

>> No.4139056

bitcoin and dogecoin.
deep space.

>> No.4139063

btc is going 6k maybe lower then bouncing back up.

>> No.4139122

When is the fork date

>> No.4139140

There are proposed ways, but they're risky. I wouldn't try it.

>> No.4139154

A few people (with an actual functioning brain) expect Bitcoin to be damaged by the next fork aka S2X as more than 80% of miners takes orders from Jihan Wu and are not afraid to mine at loss to achieve their political goals.

>> No.4139160
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>> No.4139178

A lot of people will realize that Bitcoin is not as decentralized as they though.

>> No.4139201

so the free money is just a meme this time? wow, a lot of people even outside of /biz/ think thats what it is

>> No.4139213

Nope. Market will make miners lose money and open up space for others to join what was once a chink playground.

Chinks will eventually go back to old profits cause all they care is about money.

That will prove that both miners and devs work for the market, not the other way around.

This fork will prove hashpower is a prostitute and users are the ones in command. Bitcoin will end up stronger.

>> No.4139601



>> No.4139619

Yes this, bitcoin it taking minor corrections as it climbs, not going to see a hard dip until after 17th if at all.

>> No.4139652

dude it's bitcoin, it's ath every week

>> No.4140424

good ill be waiting

>> No.4140513

We just spiked over 6600$ on GDAX

>> No.4140520

I've never bought bitcoin but I was going to last week and it already went up like fucking $1000 .. Now I seriously don't know what to do.. Is my intuition correct that as normies start adopting it that it will only continue to rise?

>> No.4140549


>> No.4140566

Invest in technology. 'M' new paradigm' phase is going on ATM. So much hype for BTC, this growth is absolutely unsustainable. Dont fall for the meme to invest now. Look out for alts, they're cheap as hell now.

>> No.4140613


>STILL believing Bitcoin will crash and an Alt will replace it.

If Bitcoin crashes everything crashes. Only thing that can crash Bitcoin is people rejecting crypto as a whole

>> No.4140619

What is causing and sustaining the meteoric growth? Just hype? Inflation of traditional currencies?

>> No.4140653

When is it going to be the time for alts again?

>> No.4140668


More like 50%.
But excellent analogy

>> No.4140679

Stop shilling there are alts that grow much faster

>> No.4140689

Yeah I have some btc, but was about to buy more at 5.5k last week, but decided to wait until 5.3 and missed it. Shit sucks

The fork. The new coin coming out of this fork is a big deal

Obviously after the fork

>> No.4140693

Which fork? There is likely going to be a constant string of forks.

>> No.4140708

B2X is an abomination and needs to die.

>> No.4140723

>/biz/ says its going to moon


>> No.4140725

Is that bitcoin gold? I liked the rumors that I heard about it being focused on a return to gpu/non asic mining.

Do you guys know what's driving bch (bitcoin cash) spike?

>> No.4140737

The company I work for is dumping all BTC tomorrow night. We're talking hundreds.. I guess they have reason to believe that it's going to take a dive within a week.

>> No.4140740

wtf is a fork, sorry in advance

>> No.4140750


Bitcoin Gold is a shitcoin nobody cares about. Segwit2x is the real fork. Nov 16

>> No.4140757

A utensil used to eat food in western culture.

>> No.4140769

What is so great about segwit2x? Didn't Bitcoin already get segwit without needing to fork?

>> No.4140777

You just have to read Jihan Wu’s tweets. Miners wanted to mine Bitcoin S2X according to the NYA. But Blockstream backstabbed miners. So plan B is to move most of the hashrate to the backup chain aka Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.4140793

Okay, can I ask this then: At this point with all the uncertainity(seems so) wouldn't I just be better off getting a mining rig? and mining what?

>> No.4140819

Lmao 2 months ago u niggas said crypto was dead

>> No.4140843

>which fork
The one that coinbase has announced support for. No matter your thoughts on jewbase, that is meaningful.

gold is a scam. My guess on bch is that bitmain has taken it as the only method of payment for the past several miner releases

coinbase support for one, for two, even total scams like gold have managed $500

>> No.4140969

Also, just realized that electricity is included in my rent so would this be a double good idea? When I was looking up bitcoin mining they were saying to take in consideration your electricity bill

>> No.4141122

>gold is a scam
I doubt you're intelligent enough to be giving advice here

>> No.4141239

>premined shitcoin 'fork' that doesn't even have a functional wallet
>not a scam

>> No.4141393

Wait am I supposed to be pretending gold is legit so everybody who hasn't gotten it off of bittrex yet has a chance to dump?