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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4137327 No.4137327 [Reply] [Original]

ive fucking had it with crypto

>do my due diligence
>invest in promising projects with legit use cases and corporate connections
>get JUST'd
>random 4 year old literal shit bag coins like Groestlcoin and FeatherCoin go 5x instead
>meanwhile my alts are dying because nigger pajeets want to randomly fork BTC on a whim

im OUT fuck this

>> No.4137340

im fucking over it

i should just put everything into bitcoin (roughly 2 btc worth) and never touch it again

>> No.4137341

there's no security in life

>> No.4137359

Bye felicia.

i may follow if I get just'd hard.

>> No.4137378

pretty much how im feeling right now

herp derp should just put all my money into btc who cares if segwit2x is threatening its survival

>> No.4137382

I know the feels, anon. I read white papers, join slacks, Reddit, twitter, even here to see if everything coincides and makes sense. If I hadn't bought NEO/Antshares at $4 before the first pump, I'd be getting JUST'd so fucking hard right now. I'm up 8k over my initial investment because of NEO and Red Pulse ICO. All my other shitcoins are bleeding harder than me during my period. Tempted to sell everything after Segwit2x and leave everything in BTC for the next 5 years.

>> No.4137383

right there with you guys...

about to sell at the biggest loss of my life

all the time spent reading and researching for what? then people sit back on here and brag about their gains, as if they're smart when they just got fucking lucky.

>> No.4137392


shoulda done that before it hit $3k

>> No.4137400

>corporate connections
Like SWIFT? Like that OMG Apple partnership?

Also, you don't invest in coins with legit uses unless you're in it for the long-haul, you can't expect immediate or short term adoption. If you're looking for a gain in 6 months, then it's all down to market sentiment, how much the market cap goes up - you're speculating on speculation.

>> No.4137407

It's unreal. Bitcoin is killing crypto.

>> No.4137410


I realized Alts are entirely worthless. Wish I woulld have learned that sooner. i guess we'll just have to wait for the next rush to allieviate us, if any. I'm holding coins from when I had 88 in july. Now down to 12. How do I not kill myself from that??????

>> No.4137413


>> No.4137414

Yep, when enoug people fill this way, crypto will crash and burn.

>> No.4137416

Why arn't you buying more

>> No.4137454

Which btc is the real issue. The chink will continue to hardfork until the end of times slowly eroding btc value and trust. The only btc that can survive is one that can't be forked. Either that or Ethereum will take over. Or some other coin

>> No.4137478

For us that know crypto. For normies crypto is bitcoin and nothing else. And with Segwit 2x they may get rekt and won't even know what happened.