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File: 187 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-07-17-18-33-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
413613 No.413613 [Reply] [Original]

***TL;DR attached is a picture of a the major things I need to pay for in the next few months**. I get paid $399 tomorrow. What should I put off or cut out and/or how can I make an extra hundred here or there?*****

**excluding a car alignment because I've gone a year already, might as well wait some more.

I got my first CC because I was home alone and had car problems that I just couldn't afford. I started to pay it down but fucked up again and now
I'm over my $500 CL.

I'm 2k miles overdue for an oil change.

Kingsley did some major work for me that he intiailly agreed to $100, but because it was harder than expected wants $120 tomorrow (payday) and doesn't seem willing to negotiate.

My wallet got stolen on the 4th. I need a new license but I'm currently using an expired ID where I can. I need a new college card.

My hair is nearly impossible for me to manage on my own. The price is supposedly negotiable, so I put $70 as the max I will pay (they seem to avoid giving me any set prices).

The laptop I have is unusable. It must be plugged in at all times because battery is shot, computer runs so slow it rakes ten minutes just for the start menu to pop up, etc. I guess a possibility would be getting a new battery and a win 7 CD to reformat it.

The dorm package is kind of frivolous because I went to boarding school and already have a bit of dorm stuff. Also I truly need a new mini fridge because the one I have is moldy to the point of being hazardous just opening it.

>> No.413617

you forgot


>> No.413621

Buy DOGE, Short PRAN

>> No.413624


LOL she's not my girlfriend. a friend's younger sibling.

>> No.413630


>friend's younger sibling

What a fucking creep

>> No.413631

Learn to change your own oil dummy, it's piss easy.

>> No.413635

Seriously dude wtf..

>> No.413637

also, if you are a heterosexual male, you don't spend 70 dollars getting a fucking haircut.

>> No.413640

70 bucks on a haircut? 45 for an oil change?

This is definitely a woman. I have never paid more than 25 for an oil change in my life. Your mechanic is screwing you.

>> No.413650

we went to school together, she's a cool kid and its not like I want to date her.

seriously though, can anyone help?

>> No.413653
File: 29 KB, 240x320, 1249484004864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a woman.
No man would pay
>$70 for an oil change
Are you fucking stupid?
>$120 to some faggot named Kingsley
If he agreed to do it for $100 I wouldn't give him more than $100. Again, are you fucking stupid?
>stolen wallet
Get too turnt at the club?
>$70 for a hair appointment.
My god.
>Credit card debt.
Install linux on it you waste of space. Linux mint is pleb enough for you and I can guarantee it'll run on your shitbox.
How about you just budget enough to buy a gun and kill yourself?

>> No.413655

Change your own oil.

Buzz your hair off. Stop paying for haircuts if you're short on money.

>> No.413656

>> Also I truly need a new mini fridge because the one I have is moldy to the point of being hazardous just opening it.
>>the one I have is moldy

what the fuck, man

>> No.413657
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>/g/entooman being an edgy faggot

How shocking.

>> No.413658
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>implying I frequent /g/

>> No.413661
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>implying I frequent /g/

>Install linux on it you waste of space. Linux mint is pleb enough for you and I can guarantee it'll run on your shitbox.


>> No.413663
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>lolol he said linux he MUST be from /g/

>> No.413666

>Kingsley did some major work for me that he intiailly agreed to $100, but because it was harder than expected wants $120 tomorrow (payday) and doesn't seem willing to negotiate.
>My hair is nearly impossible for me to manage on my own. The price is supposedly negotiable, so I put $70 as the max I will pay (they seem to avoid giving me any set prices).

This is some retarded shit. WTF is tiger card? Your laptop needs a new battery and to be defragged, but woman logic fuck it buy a new one. $70 hair appt. points towards you being a woman, I hope...Use this time to start growing your hair out, or find a cheaper stylist and just cut it real short, so you won't have to cut it for awhile.

No idea what dorm it up means....are you paying for college living expenses? $13 for a new license so you don't get fined is common sense and should've been done asap.

Fuck kingsley he agreed to $100, that is what you pay him. If more work was required he should have called and told you it would require more money to complete, he can't just demand more money.

Oil change price seems high, either a woman getting taken advantage of or your running a "better oil" in your newer/higher end car.

>> No.413676


again, friends sister. and yes im a female.


I didn't say it was just a haircut, I don't know why everyone is assuming this. It would be for washing trimming styling and products used, and hopefully I could continue from there to do it myself. Also, the price is apparently negotiable.


Honestly I just called Take 5 and they gave me that quote. I could shop around more, but I don't know what I'm doing and this is where I went last time.


You don't get your point across any better being a dick, but hats off to you for trying.
The oil change is MAX $42. Read again.
I guess I can intimidate him into accepting $100 but I'll never hear the end of it. I'm kind of a pushover.
Stolen wallet was my car door not being closed all the way and someone took advantage.
For my hair type $70 is actually pretty cheap, but I'm not going to explain it further. You already presumed I'm a woman.
I don't like Linux. I'm also going to be an engineering major and Win7 is recommended.

Guns are expensive.

I probably will go ahead and cancel the hair appointment, even though I already moved it back once. It's a shame though because making sure my hair is healthy is crazy hard.


Yeah I fucking know. Left my mini-fridge at home with my mother and opened it one day only to see red green and yellow mold and a urine-looking liquid inside. I suppose I COULD wash it..

>> No.413679

>yes im a female.
that explains why you suck handling money

>> No.413682


Thank you for your advice, seriously. Harsh but useful.

A tiger card is my college ID. I have no idea why it's so expensive to replace, except that it's associated with so many things.
I tried to defrag my laptop with little success. I've tried uninstalling a lot of crap I had on there as well but no use. Reformatting is a risk I would take and buying a battery for $30, but my laptop is three years old and not even that great anyway.
My hair actually is very short, that is the problem. I need to moisturize it better and find the appropriate products to use, all of which I asked the stylist about during the free consultaton. So far it is only kind of working, so I want to go in and get my hair done and see how she does it.

DormItUp is a dorm package site. It includes pretty much everything you could possibly need for a dorm for [max] a bit less than $350.

I don't know it for a FACT, but I talked to an officer once and he told me I didn't need to have my DL on me if they could look my info up. Other than that and bars/tobacco shops I never use it.
Well, he did actually. He called and asked for $140 and I said fuck no we'll see. I don't remember if he changed it to $120 or is arbitrarily throwing it out there. Either way he did ASK, and now it is up to me to agree to what he asked or take the bitch route for once and give him $100. [I even offered to stagger the payments and he still said no].

Just sigh regarding the oil change.

>> No.413686
File: 228 KB, 448x448, 1261048185513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all those excuses to spend money.
regardless of 42 or 70, which was a typo, that's a fuckin' arm and a leg for an oil change. $20 max, otherwise do it your fuckin' self. You could always ask for the asshole and pussy discount.

$70 is ridiculous for a hair styling no matter how you slice it. You can justify it however you want to paying that much to get your hair done is waste of money.

Fair enough, learn how to handle your computer. It clearly just needs a reformat and a new battery.

>paying for windows, ever.

>> No.413688


Oh alright. Implying that my best male friend doesn't:
>complain about not having a phone but always has a five for beer
>wants to buy acid but has to pay $200+ to get his car from the towing place
>wants me to pay him $20 a pay check to "support him"
>asked me to help him pay rent and then im pretty sure it didn't
>is 22YO
>lives paycheck to paycheck or mooches off of everyone he knows

>> No.413690

>how can I make an extra hundred here or there?

Get a job

>> No.413691

>kill it with alcohol, searing, boiling water or bleach

>always insist you pay what was verbally, contractually agreed upon until the deal is changed mutually

>close your fuckin car doors, seriously are you a fucking woman??? as in a stereotype of a dumb woman who knows no facts and is just opinionated

>cut your hair however, but handle styling at home, don't let yourself be bogged down by it unless you absolutely need to look good for job interviews
I assume you're a student. Don't spend on luxuries unless you have home support.

>healthy hair means HAVING hair; you can do all the work to make it work yourself. if all else fails, grow it like a filthy hippy rastafarian

>engineering majors can use linux given that every major engineering software was made for unix environments
>why dont you fucking learn something new to convert time into money saved you lazy communist

>engineer that cant close a car door
>illegal guns are cheaper, kill yourself before your shoddy engineering kills a worthwhile human
>stop being a flighty, estrogen poisoned baby dumpster

>> No.413696

All that dorm shit? You don't fucking need it, and it's a scam made for idiots like you.

Source: I was a fucking RA at two different dorms.

>> No.413697


I'll cancel the hair appointment. I honestly do not know anywhere that will do an oil change for that price, but I have been doing 'commercial places'. And again, I would do it if my oil change was as easy as raising the hood and pulling the filter, but my Suzuki Forenza isn't built like that.
I could do the laptop thing and then sell it and use the extra cash to get a better one. Or keep it.

>> No.413704


being a woman has nothing to do with anything I do, except getting ripped off by mechanics, period. Plenty of other females I know are geniuses, some of them are working on algae based glue, others are making solar powered windows and still others work at nataoriums and watch atoms for shits. Just shut up with it, honestly.

I obviously close my car doors, but it was dark and I was carrying fireworks and a little tipsy so I didn't realize the door was slightly cracked until I got back and my stuff was gone.

I agree.

I really have limited experience with Linux, and I don't want to be anymore handicapped going into engineering; you're right I might be shoddy and am having doubts.

The laptop and dorm package are further down on the list because of their luxury status, I won't eradicate them completely but I'll put it much further back -- when my finances are in order.

>> No.413707

>>complain about not having a phone but always has a five for beer
>>wants to buy acid but has to pay $200+ to get his car from the towing place
>>wants me to pay him $20 a pay check to "support him"
>>asked me to help him pay rent and then im pretty sure it didn't
>>is 22YO
>>lives paycheck to paycheck or mooches off of everyone he knows
Sounds like a fucking scumbag, don't associate with him anymore.

>> No.413708


1. Buy a razor and do a buzz cut. Get a friend to do it for you. If anyone asks, you're in the National Guard.

2. Get your "male friend" to change your oil. Make him show you how to do it. If he can't do this, he is a failure at being male. Tease him about not being a man.

3. Look on ebay/craigslist for a laptop identical to yours for spare parts.

Print these three points and follow them to the letter.

>> No.413713


Maybe, but if/when I could afford it, it has pretty much everything I'll need to live solo for awhile so I figured it was a good investment. Plus it's not the shitty overpriced package from my school, it's from a private startup in TX.
But I don't need it now.

No one's talked about my CC. How should I tackle it? I know carrying a balance is a horrible horrible sin but I'd rather do that and pay it off then put down more than I can afford and end up using the card to make up the difference when I'm short on money.

sorry for triple post. the delay is terrible..

>> No.413721


Eliminate the Kingsley (wtf?), hair appointment and new laptop and you can pay off your credit card.

You really are a dumb bitch.

>> No.413724


If you were here for longer than a second to ask us how to run your life you'd know that you pay off your debts with the highest interest first.

Assuming your credit card is 20% interest and "Kingsley" is "he will bitch at me"% interest. The credit card takes priority. Coupled with the numerous amount of "wants" on your list and you have enough to pay off your credit card.

Seriously, learn some priority and how to make a stable budget.

>> No.413725


I have to pay him, accept that. He did work for me that if he didn't do would leave me fucked beyond belief.
Also, I only get paid tomorrow and August 1st before the CC is due. Assuming I get paid at least $400 August 1st, that's still only about seven/eight hundred dollars, which would not leave me much to get by on after paying it off, which would lead to me using the card again...

>> No.413739


>paying for an oil change
>$70 for hair cut
>"dorm it up"

Can I see your tits? I will give you $22

>> No.413740


Depends on how serious you are.

>> No.413742


show me your face first, I don't want buyers remorse

>> No.413752


no thanks, I've put a ridiculous amount of information here already.

>> No.413755

>will show the face of a minor without their permission.
>won't post their own face to make a cool $22.

>> No.413758


You can email them to me.


You can use a temp email too.

>> No.413759

>Depends on how serious you are.
The fact that you are even open to this idea gives me a good idea...

Why don't you start camwhoring online. There was a post on here a week ago, and you can make alright money for simply masturbating on webcam. Seriously, if you are decent looking you could probably make a few hundred bucks a week extra.

If you are more of a sexually liberated woman, find all of the neckbeard virgins on campus and offer them handjobs for $100, BJs for $200, and sell your cunt for $300-400. $500 for anal. $1k and you'll pretend to be their girlfriend for the weekend.

If you are halfway decent looking, horny/lonely men could be your bread and butter. Hell start doing porn like that bitch from Duke and graduate college debt-free.

>> No.413763


That is way too expensive. I pay $60-100 for a solid 10 every weekend, and she's down for anything. Unless OP is underage, she won't get that much money for whoring out.

>> No.413768


I agree with >>413763 even the lowliest of dudes here can find other fug chicks to fuck. Why would anyone pay that much? Plus we have a rampant STD problem so prostitutes aren't doing well here.
I look alright, but that's a solid alright. The kind of guys who give me second looks are broke or off. I could clean up more and my BJs are pretty spectacular but nothing worth $200. But it's a thought.

No camwhoring, I'm hardly ever alone and someone got busted at my college for a porno she made and she had to leave.

>> No.413770


Still waiting for pics.

>> No.413771

>I pay $60-100 for a solid 10 every weekend
Bullshit. Unless you live in a third world country or travel to them for sex tourism. Or you are fucking crackheads. You will NEVER pay $60 bucks for a solid 10/10.

Those prices are about average for escorts, couple that with the fact that OP is targeting neckbeard >tfwnogf virgins, who would probably pay money just to speak to a pretty girl. And it could be very lucrative.

What country are you in? If US what state? Those prices aren't high unless you live in a very rural area, or third world country.

>> No.413772
File: 60 KB, 480x640, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't know shit. Unless you plan on keeping a bitch around for a couple hours, you are a fool paying even $200.

Pic related

>> No.413777

Don't by the dorm it up shit. Go on amazon, use some time to find the cheapest priced version of each item. I guarantee you will come out with everything in the package but much much much cheaper. I looked at the website, I've never seen towels, pillows, hangars, and sheets go for those prices. A nice metal fan will set you back $10, 2 towels like $25, pillows start at about $8 and go up for quality, hangars are cheap, just buy heap basic hangars- there's no difference between those and nicer ones unless they're made for suits and dresses specifically and those in the package are not. They're just cheap plastic hangars. A complete bed sheet set with pillow case covers, comforter and bed sheets will be $50.

Stop wasting your money.

>> No.413789

Are you serious...? That thing is fucking disgusting, and like I said crackheads are the exception to the $60 rule.

That bitch looks dirty and if you are fucking her for $60 I would advise you to please get tested.

Location plays into the prices of escorts. Of course you didn't mention where you live, if you live in a poor area streetwalkers will be cheaper then escorts.

>> No.413795
File: 398 KB, 380x492, casey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's from Richmond, VA. Was an on going thing. I paid for her apartment.

Here's an old pic of a girl from when I stayed in LA. Always saw her on Tuesday nights. $100 for a quickie. Occasionally paid her $1K to stay all night.

I'm now in Texas.

>> No.413796


My bad, that is Casey from Texas.

>> No.413800

>1k to spend the night

You paid $1k to have a bitch fall asleep in your apartment. Let all of us sink that in for a minute.

>> No.413801
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Also, I find her attractive. You've obviously never had experiences with crack either. Get out in the world kid.

>> No.413802


I will try this. How low do you think it will get?


>> No.413804

Oh and she's fat and plain as fuck.

>> No.413805
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Who said anything about falling asleep. Again, you've never experienced any sort of drugs.

Here's some reality for you.

>> No.413810
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I beg to differ

>> No.413816

Very low. I basically just sold you the college here I come package for $110 plus a fan.

I can't imagine anything they sell is of quality beyond Ikea cheap shit.

>> No.413818
File: 87 KB, 496x880, magejpeg_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another crackwhore in her natural habitat.

>> No.413820
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OP am i waiting for nothing?

>> No.413821

>jelly rolls
>I beg to differ

No guy, I beg to differ. Her body is soft as fuck and it's a photo taken through a filter. Even taken through a filter she is not impressive or worth definitely of $1000

>> No.413826

She looks gross. Her skin is blotchy, marked and dry. Her feet aren't even manicures and they're all big and shit. This girl is about as average as it gets.

I could see that girl costing $1000

>> No.413829 [DELETED] 
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After a couple bottles of Bacardi and a few grams of cocaine, anything looks worth $1K. My ban is worth your raging act of beta.

>> No.413830
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>being proud of experiences with crack
Grow up junior. No one is impressed with your stories of drug abuse, this is biz. If you want to brag about "life experiences" of putting dangerous chemicals into your body maybe you should check out >>>/b/ the edgy teenagers might be impressed.

>I paid for her apartment.
Sucker. You are the kind of mark strippers and whores love to find.

When I was living down in Alabama I befriended a few strippers, crashed at their place once in awhile, the stories they would tell me about pathetic guys paying their rent, car payments, phone bills.....it's really pretty sad.

>Life lesson incoming kiddo
If you want to pay for sex(which is perfectly fine) just pay for the sex act you want, don't become their sugar daddy because they will milk it until you are dead broke and then drop you. These women don't want to spend the night with you, you are only a walking money machine. Smarten up.

>> No.413832


>If you want to pay for sex(which is perfectly fine) just pay for the sex act you want, don't become their sugar daddy because they will milk it until you are dead broke and then drop you. These women don't want to spend the night with you, you are only a walking money machine. Smarten up.

That's how being a whore fucking works.

>> No.413837


A year ago I might have said yes. But $22 will cover my ID and some change, and seriously you will probably not pay anyway/be impressed. I'm not white either

>> No.413838
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>paying for sex
>calls others beta

>> No.413840


I've been with anything.

>> No.413844


>putting in effort to make a relationship work
>paying them $100 to leave after sex

Yeah, I will take option B

>> No.413849

>what is a fwb

>> No.413852


>wanting to retain a personal relationship with a girl you only want for sex

Sounds beta to me

>> No.413855

>raging act of beta

Read into it however you like guy but I'm just telling it how it is. I'd have buyers remorse too, you probably had her spend the night more than once.

You obviously had to save up for that too. If you were wealthy, hotter bitches would fuck you for free.

>> No.413860

>booty calls are a personal relationship
Sounds like you had a personal relationship with that slooter you paid thousands of dollars to touch

Top lel m8

>> No.413864


No they wouldn't. Hot bitches don't fuck rich people for free. They get designer clothing, 500k cars, and a 100k engagement ring.

I'm not wealthy, but I can afford to waste a few k on drugs gambling and sex every now and then.

>> No.413868

>paying a very average looking whore $1000 to spend the night

You're comments are forever invalid for anything relating to this topic.

>> No.413871

>I'm not white either
Kind of guessed that, you being from Louisiana, population is like 60% black.

>> No.413874

Yes they do. Plenty of hot bitches go out to clubs to get picked up by wealthy men who don't pay them anything more than a trip back to their place. Average girls do it too but not to rich men, and girls slightly below average like the whore you paid $1000 to have sex with do it as well but for free. I can't believe you paid $1000 to give that girl Bacardi and coke to then have sex with her.

>> No.413875
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>> No.413878


Citations needed

>> No.413879


sent an email to the temp

>> No.413883
File: 47 KB, 491x480, TPhoto_00013 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up nigga

I am leejin

>> No.413884


You went full /b/eta. Now I understand your urge to argue with me.

>> No.413886


Captcha: Quaocto Brutus

>> No.413888

Try living in a city

>> No.413889


That email expired


>> No.413890


I've lived in DC, LA, Dallas, and Chicago.No women at the bar are leaving with you unless you bought them expensive drinks until they get passed out drunk or you have a wad of Benjamin sticking out of your pocket. Pussy isn't free. You gotta pay or put in time.

>> No.413891
File: 2.60 MB, 960x540, 1404782218142.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you not know how to suck dick or something? wtf

You just need to suck 10 dicks @ $40 a pop and you're golden.

>> No.413892
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Not me who asked for tits, it's this other loser who claims to pay 1k to watch girls sleep in his bed. He sounds like the kinda schmuck you can take advantage of easily, jump on the train before he spends his whole paycheck for the month on crack.

>What's up nigga
>I am leejin

I chuckled.

>> No.413894


Crack is for kids. This month is Molly and PCP

>> No.413904


ashamed to say im considering it, but im disadvantaged by not being white -- AND MY HAIR ISN'T DONE SO BLACK GUYS DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT ANYMORE

>> No.413920
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You know how I know you are poor, and will remain poor until you die of aids from one your $60 "dimes"? You do club drugs like molly and pcp and STILL have to pay for sex.

If you really do molly and can't get laid for free you are 100 times more pathetic then I thought.

Quick story, last year my friends dragged me to EDC (or something) some kind of music festival about dance music Skrillex type shit. Not my scene, not my kind of music, and I stopped doing drugs years ago. But I get on the dance floor start grinding on some bitch, she was on molly, 10 mins later I'm fucking her behind a tractor trailer.

>tl;dr if you do party drugs there is NO reason to pay for pussy

>> No.413922


I don't buy drugs to drug women. It's all in the line of my work.

>> No.413926

Nah bro nah nah you see this bitch right here, this bitch right here >>413829

Totally worth $1000 to stick my peepee I side of her and drizzle

>> No.413927
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Life protip: no one gets laid for free.

>> No.413936

Cut it real short, put on a stocking cap, and a wig. Hair problem solved.

Unless you are very unattractive there will always be a guy who will pay for head/sex. You said before your cock sucking game was on point, so now you need the body to attract attention. Go to the gym, eat right, check out >>>/fit/

>> No.413939

The lesson learned here I think centers around OPs lack of budgeting. He was willing and has spent $1000 for a single night of having sex with a below average girl. He even maintained a relationship with her where he was a regular, $100 quickie, $1000 full night. It's safe to say he has done both more than once. Op has spent over $2200 on bad choices.

Imagine the stocks an ETFs he could've bought with that money that would be gaining in value right now AND he would still own meaning they still have their value. It's not spent, he can sell and gain back his investment.

Let us all learn to not be like OP. Let us all learn to not be faggots.

>> No.413940

Oh shit my fault, not OP, this guy>>413864

>> No.413948

I never said to drug women, but if you are doing club drugs you should be doing them in a club party atmosphere where there are other on them. Unless you do molly by yourself in your moms basement, which is even worse.
>it's all in my line of work
LOL, ook so now you're a drug dealer?

yeah bro Casey.taylor6969 is so hot, I just liquidated my portfolio so she could spend the weekend with me. Not bad for 200k, r-right?

>Life protip: no one gets laid for free
Not sure what the greentexted r means .....but yes people get laid for free all the time. You do not need to be an alpha male investment banker. A personality and some social skills should result in you losing your virginity in high school. The party life of college should result in banging a good number of chicks. Turning 21/getting into bars easily, opens a whole new door to drunk sluts who are DTF.

It sounds like you are seriously putting "the pussy on a pedestal". There is a huge middle ground between $1k a night streetwalkers and no sex until marriage relationships. Go out, be social, talk to girls.

>> No.413951


even though this huge side conversation is weird, i gotta admit spending $1k on a woman is just ridiculous unless you love her, fuck her a LOT, or are wealthy enough to not care. I don't think the person in question is any of these things, and I think some girl is laughing in her room right now waiting for a call from the guy who overpays her.

>> No.413961
File: 279 KB, 660x631, 1403481849164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still you're paying for drinks, you're paying for her subway sandwiches, you're paying her in emotional earbeatings about her mother's farts smelling like charimin bounty on tuesdays but on wednesdays she likes to get her feet rubbed by puerto ricans at the wendys on 9th street. or you pay $50 to have a doctor give you 2 pills because this skank gave you ball crushing chlamydia or possibly herpies. "lol the pussy is free u guyz" gtfo you naive cunt

Only a fool would believe anything is free.

>> No.413962

Just going to throw this out there, you seem to have a low self esteem when it comes to your appearance in comparison to white girls. If you post a body pic(clothed) I can critique it for you, I won't pay you $22 thou....I think that guy left.

Not that my opinion means shit, but I have known many strippers and escorts. And I will give you an honest but not harsh response whether you could hack it as an escort or camwhore.

The money is out there you just gotta be willing to grab it.

>> No.413964

grab it by the dick

>> No.413968


I just said the white thing because the internet sort of praises white camwhores, and when I have desperately sold a few pics I always had to wade through a sea of black jokes. I just know I would do okay; I have a nice face and dimples and a really girly voice, big ass and medium-big tits. but im also overweight, and actually bigger than usual lately. my male friend is model gorgeous and for some reason likes thicker chicks so i got lucky but I havent had a lot of male attention since.

also louisiana's market just doesn't seem like that to me. the backpages accounts ive seen have really gross chicks charging like $150 for sex or something; i can't imagine they actually get customers.couple in the crime and rampant AIDS I dont know. I could try a college campus but I don't want that rep to stick at all.

>> No.413970
File: 1.50 MB, 230x172, 1387606893854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really sad. When was the last time you left your mothers basement? If you are to poor to buy drinks for a bitch just wait until last call and pick up the leftovers. If you don't want an "emotional earbeating" don't enter into a relationship. They have these great new inventions to prevent STIs they are called condoms, they work 99.9% of the time. You can get them for free at the clinic.

Frugality shouldn't be a reason to stay a virgin. Try being less euphoric and girls may talk to you. And shave your neck.

>> No.413989


Backpage is nothing but police officers. I lived in Dallas. ECCIE is very popular in the south. I used to advertise on there when I worked for an escort agency.

>> No.414002

why the actual fuck is that piece of shit your best male friend

>> No.414005

I wrote a whole lot out and then deleted it OP. Essentially; credit card comes first. Don't fuck up.

>> No.414011

this thread is why women shouldn't be allowed to work

you're terrible with money OP. child-level naivete

>> No.414035


So, how much for you to suck my cock?

>> No.414042

Are you in Louisiana?

>> No.414049

Herpies, and you left your projections running.

Wisdom comes with age cocksucka, so learn to take advice from people that have been there instead of taking everything personally.

>> No.414076

>Wisdom comes with age cocksucka, so learn to take advice from people that have been there instead of taking everything personally.
So much insecurity.

You have expressed no wisdom. All you have said is sex is never free, women all want something. You are trying to justify your lonely lifestyle by forcing others to adopt it.

Having a conversation with a woman is not "having to pay for sex". It's being a social adept human.

You seem like an unhappy person, I say that not to rile you up, but as friendly advice. Learn to let go of negative energy it's not healthy, life is to short to be angry and misanthropic.

>> No.414101

The dorm packages are a complete waste. It comes with a $5 laundry basket, a $5 trash can, a $25 sheet set, and a $5 towel.
Go to Target or Walmart and get it yourself

>> No.414109


You sound like those black girls on Facebook who comment on every single status update like everybody cares about their opinion.

>> No.414136

we dated before he fell apart.


see previous post on guys who are horrible with money

>> No.414139


Yep. How much?

>> No.414151

Nah bro nah nahhhh
That's still paying for the pussy, putting in the time. Imagine all the mad dosh you could make if you didn't have to spend all that time talking to a bitch and shit. Time loss is a money loss. You see, you end up paying for the pussy either way, it's better to spend $1000 to have a grill spend the night that having to by muh girlfriends manicures, pedicures and subway sandwiches.

>> No.414213


This fucking thread:
>help me I don't know how to money
>do this shit, don't spend money on stupid shit when you don't have cash
>I need to spend money on those things because justifications!

Every person who can't budget ever

>> No.414243

OP, what have you done?!

But yeah this thread has now become 2 threads. You know to cut back on shit and skin color isn't a thing, seriously. We're the same color and places like 4chan will not help you if you have confidence issues with your skin color!

You were given some good ideas on how to save money and the CC bill is a big priority over your ex but your ex knows you in person and will probably give you more mental grief than a letter from the CC company about a missed/late payment.

Don't be giving blowjobs for cash. Handjobs at best. If you are desperate then go to chaterbate and make an account. You will make hardly any money, not because you are black but because competition is stiff. But 'hardly any' is not the same as 'not any' and right now you just need some dollars to get by. The bigger issue is next month you will still be poor so you need to take action today. You came this far, what do you have to lose? Meeting johns in person is a good way to lose your life. Play it safe.

Also seriously, fuck that oil change price tag.

>> No.414264

>300 for fucking some average girl
Are you fucking serious?

>> No.414773


a decent human being on the internet? I'm astounded.

My ex and Kingsley are not the same person. I convinced Kingsley to accept $100, and I have yet to spend any money since.

Drivers at my job make a fuckload of money compared to regular people and we desperately need them so I'm going to apply. I'm also going to ask for a raise since seven other employees are leaving.

I'm not insecure about my skin in real life. I AM insecure, but racism isn't one of the immediate things people think to use against me (probably because I sound like a valley girl..don't know why).

I just remembered that my discover card has 0% APR on it for the first six months or a year; so I have more time than I thought to pay for it! I'm still going to put money down, but not as much as I was worried about.

I'm just so wary of online whoring. At least in real life the other person will probably be to ashamed to mention how they saw you if they see you in person; people online have nothing to lose.

Also you're right. I'm not hopeless, but I'm definitely currently in a position where I'm going to be struggling with money for a good bit. I applied for a second job that pays way more, but it's catering for football games so it's mostly extra change. I can't even afford to SAVE money, like for getting an apartment in the future or just rainy day money.

I don't know why everyone is being crazy about the oil change tag. I looked around online and called places and seriously, 20 bucks for an oil change just isn't a thing unless you're getting it from a friend or doing it yourself. I'm going to ask someone at my job or my ex to help me do it myself since apparently Suzuki Forenza's DO have an oil filter in the hood [thought it was under the car] but it's in a tough spot.

But I will at least take a look at chaterbate