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4131805 No.4131805 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you learning Japanese and preparing to move to Japan anon?

>perfect population for crypto adoption
>best regulatory framework on earth
>solid electronics industry infrastructure to back it up

It's quite clear that Japan is the future of crypto w/ IoT, and is the industry Japan needs to usher in a new age of economic growth that will bring about the Neo-Tokyo aesthetic the global public has been memeing into existence for decades.

>> No.4132098

>implying I'm not
Stop posting about this op. The more word gets out, the harder it'll be for us to get in

>> No.4132115

This. Delete this thread OP

>> No.4132132


It’s already way too hard. Plus, you’re never going to be accepted societally. Ever.

>> No.4132162

>you’re never going to be accepted societally. Ever.
Implying any of us are to begin with

>> No.4132199

japan is comfy if you are rich because work environment there sucks but people are quiete nice and there are many interesting things to see and do.

>> No.4132207

Good point.

>> No.4132596

If you have done any research on the topic you would realize it's not that difficult.

Soon the Japanese will surpass the Chinese in the ASIC market, then the real fun begins.

>> No.4132609

have fun trying to doge missiles from NK

>> No.4132634

NK can have all the DOGE they want

>> No.4132638

>tfw we're insiders in a world full of outsiders

>> No.4132647

Fuck being accepted. Just buy whoever you want.

>> No.4132661

>people are quiete nice
sure but they will never be your friends

>> No.4132679


Move to New Zealand instead
Or any island nation in the Pacific

>> No.4132711

noice anon, I kekd ahah

>> No.4132714

you think so? why not?
enough open minded students around

>> No.4132746

What's the best way for someone to actually be able to move to Japan (other than marrying for citizenship)? Is the english teaching meme still going or is that over-saturated by now?

>> No.4132832
File: 513 KB, 869x1052, 1509306892424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you forgot

>asian girls

>> No.4132870

Teach english is still possible, but marriage is easiest.

You can do a 3 month trip visa free if you are US citizen. If you cant find a wife quick enough, you could always enroll in a language school, which helps you learn japanese and gives you up to 2 year student visa.

Also, if you are in lambo land, there is always an investor visa for "starting your own business".

>> No.4132897

Interesting, 3 month trip visa seems great. Do you know offhand how often you could do that? Like once a year?

>> No.4132920

dafuq, that is not a japanese girl

>> No.4132978

it depends on the immigration officer, but the general rule seems to be 180 days per year. So two 3 month trips per year with maybe a 3 month break in between.

>> No.4133264

nobody here will either

>> No.4133440
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