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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 801 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 14.01.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4126121 No.4126121 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4126143

jesus christ, i hope they get bombed and die!
they are going to be the doom of crypto.....you cant eaven immagine how buttfucked the whole crypto world will be by gov when bitconnect blows over and all the stupid normies go crying because they got scammed. dont forget this is a 1,5bln ponzi - not to underestimate

>> No.4126144
File: 243 KB, 375x442, IMG_0769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4126170

the faggot at 12.00 godamn...and the degenerate at 13:00...... All these people belong in a gas chamber! amen

>> No.4126178
File: 311 KB, 396x561, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4126183


>> No.4126186

guys how do we combat this? we need to unite!
whwn this thing blows over and normies start crying to their gov, the ironfist of gov will regulate crypto very very hard and our easy gainz trading shitcoins are gonna disappear. really we need to destroy this garbage for our own future

>> No.4126190

>tfw no pajeet waifu

>> No.4126199

This conference is like a big "fuck you" to the crypto community. Dumb money is being rewarded for now, and when they exit, everyone is getting fucked

>> No.4126207

godamn i hate them so much! look at them, they are a fucking sect!

>> No.4126208
File: 117 KB, 176x452, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>earns 20K a day with bitconnect
>cant afford dress shoes

>> No.4126213

Just report them to the FBI. I have several times. Also, include all the nigger youtubers who promote this garbage

>> No.4126215
File: 242 KB, 374x385, IMG_0768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah fuck off buy bitconnect

>> No.4126230

Should I include vitalik on my report? There's more homeless thanks to vitalik than bitconnect

>> No.4126254
File: 139 KB, 384x248, BitConneeeEEEE....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say BitConneeeEEEEEEEEE?

>> No.4126281
File: 26 KB, 384x248, it_prints_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4126286


This whole video is like an avant garde art piece or something

>> No.4126294

im gonna get JUSTed when this shit finally collapses arent i

>> No.4126306

but they are not an american company! what power would the fbi have over them?

>> No.4126318

wait how? eaven if you bought eth @ath which was 400 you lost only 25%.... except if you bought erc20 tokens then its not money skelly's fault

>> No.4126373

FBI have been sharing information and arresting people overseas who are involved with crypto. Look at what happened to the Russian guy who ran BTC-e

>> No.4126419

(...) wuas424???(...) I can't even... WUTDÉLAFUK

>> No.4126437

ok im gonna report them too than. we should really start getting people on fighting it and reporting them....i have been hating it all over plebbit and yt for a while now

>> No.4126446

do you think there are some other gov agencyes to which it could be reported? im an eurofag so im wondering what euro agencies i should report them to....

>> No.4126448
File: 30 KB, 800x510, bitconnect_pr-800x510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have paid off my mortage.
I have paid off all my loans.


Yo yo!! Feel the beat!!

>> No.4126462

I haven't heard of anyone losing money because of bitconnect. Until that doesn't happen your reports are useless.

>> No.4126468

you've got to admire the ponzi scheme
it's basically a computer virus for the human brain, designed to infect anyone who isn't thinking critically
the laws against it are like antivirus software too, they just look for specific ponzi fingerprints, and you just need a small mutation to make a new scheme legal (for a while)

when bitconnect exit scams (and it will exit scam soon), some real human suffering will go down
this isn't another chaincoin or embercoin incident
there's 1.7 billion dollars in bitconnect
thankfully only complete idiots are holding these coins

>> No.4126492

that is the definition of ponzi, how the fuck can you have a system where everyone allways wins????

>> No.4126491

You can bet your ass that the FBI are taking interest in this ponzi. Especially since many US citizens are involved in promoting it.

>> No.4126496

i just hope when it pops it doesnt bring a shitstorm on the whole crypto world.....this is the only thing tha worryes me, otherwise i dont give a fuck if a bunch of idiots lose their money

>> No.4126497

this is gonna collapse
tether is gonna collapse
altbubble will burst
bad times ahead folks
I genuinely think withdrawing today and reinvesting one year later is probably the most sensible thing to do
feel free to screencap this and add it to those salty doomsayer images if I'm wrong though

>> No.4126511

all in btc

>> No.4126526



>> No.4126535

Fuck off faggot

>> No.4126545

there will be some media circus
it will make "dumb money" hesitant about crypto
everyone who matters already knows these are ponzi idiots, it won't affect any relevant opinions

IMO the main concern is what the bitconnect admins will do with all that BTC
hopefully they either decide to hold it, or diversify into a ton of alts :)

>> No.4126590

you think they wont be using their btc to buy tons of lube for when they get thrown in prison?
no seriously do you think people are going to go behind bars? i mean its 1,5bln$.....this makes it bigger than herbalfie ponzi, right?

>> No.4126605

no wait herbalife is 6,9bln.....but at least they sell products