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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4120193 No.4120193 [Reply] [Original]

So i have access to some chinks email account, guy is business executive in NYC and judging from the email reciepts he has atleast $150-200k invested in BTC, ETH and LTC.
Now i have email access and also access to his verizon account allowing me to view incoming texts/sms so i can get passed 2FA when need be, i also have a socks5 proxy within 2 blocks of where he lives, problem im having is i dont know his Coinbase password and when i try to reset it they send an email saying it has to be reset from either an ip address already used to login or a previous device, never used coinbase myself so hope you lot have any good ideas/ways of getting round this?


>> No.4120208

you have no coinbase account to test what would happen?
are you mentally challenged my dude?

>> No.4120224


>> No.4120235

lol that sounds just like me

>> No.4120241

break into his house and connect to his router

>> No.4120248

Spoof his IP

>being a nigger and stealing other people's money
Not even a moral fag but you are a nigger

>> No.4120253

i do and have, tried from a friends laptop and recieved the same email, was hoping one of you bright sparks could come up with a solution, he also signed up to Bitstamp yesterday so hopefully he send a good chunk there as i can reset the password with ease, but i need into that juicy coinbase account.

>> No.4120270 [DELETED] 



>> No.4120278

If you know where he lives go to his location and try to connect to his WiFi, use an antenna for signal boosting. If you don't have the password to his WiFi then social engineer him by calling and pretending to be his ISP (easy to find which one he uses). If he's stupid/tired enough and if you're convincing enough he'll give you the password. Say something like "We've been having some issues from your location and we're going to do a hard reset." Then ask for the password but make sure to also ask a lot of unrelated shit like SSID, router model number etc. so he doesn't get suspicious. If you want to increase your chances of this working you can find a way to "slow down" his internet (by doing some MITM shit) before calling. Then he'll be more likely to believe there are actually issues that need fixing.

>> No.4120282

whats your first name?
dont even live in the US m8
>Spoof his IP
how on earth do i do that?, im not a hacker, just like fucking around with email crackers, ill send you 1 BTC if you can explain how to do it, not even memeing.

>> No.4120283

How did he get infected or how did you get all that info?

>> No.4120314

Help us pump with your ill gotten gains if you succeed.

>> No.4120317

I hope you succeed OP.

>> No.4120324

You steal from a chink you become a chink faggot


>> No.4120325

Pls say OP, sounds very interesting. I love these kinds of threads here to spice up the drudge

>> No.4120332

used an email cracker/checker on the leaked twitter database (have a google), got around 100 email:pass accounts from it, this was the only one with decent crypto shit on it.

>> No.4120342


>> No.4120343 [DELETED] 

wanna earn some?

>> No.4120349

thanks dude

>> No.4120387

So how do i spoof an IP address?, my last ditch option is sending him a RAT through to his email and using RDP but theres a good chance his antivirus will pick it up..

>> No.4120397

Send him a phishing email from "Coinbase" that requests him to change his password ("We've had issues with users being compromised. bla bla bla") but actually redirect him to your own Coinbase clone Colnbase.com (l instead of i). Then when he enters "Your current password" before entering the new one you go to his account and steal his money.

>> No.4120422

Also, his email provider might list it as spam or trash it, but since you have access you can place it in the Inbox again.

>> No.4120437

dude dont be an asshole. take 10% and inform him to up his security standard.

>> No.4120442

Figure out the Coinbase password

>> No.4120484

Do it remotely from his pc. Easy peasy.

>> No.4120510

never tried phishing, he seems relatively tech savvy and will probably clock but i may give it a try.
he sent an email to his sister this week saying how he made $400k off his amazon stock this month, i dont think hes gonna go broke.
i only have his email password and verizon (which are the same) and tried pretty much every combination of that password on coinbase, he also seems to delete every email regarding crypto very quickly.
i have Imminent Monitor RAT, cant find a decent FUD crypter though, any recommendations?

>> No.4120525

Smart anon.

>> No.4120550

>acquire gun
>acquire rope
>break into his house
>acquire password
>transfer whatever you can to a hardware wallet
>tie him up
>leave the state

>> No.4120585


>> No.4120688

Using the wpa2 hack you could spoof messages to the site and then listen to the traffic coming back, right?

No idea how to pull it off though

>> No.4120709

Give it back Jamal

>> No.4120751

All these moral fags overcompensating from previous thread, shoving sharpie in their poopers with no yield

>> No.4120768

Be careful with phishing because it might cause him to get paranoid and change his email password to. You really have a lot of options here, the email access and verizon access are powerful tools.

I suggest checking some boards/forums specifically dedicated to blackhat stuff, but be careful because when you're hanging out with a crowd like that and you don't know shit about hacking then you just might become a victim yourself (especially when there's thousands of dollars involved).

Also if you're going the phishing route, you can try sending him a file to download (say it's some kind of update certificate. find which services he uses where that would be most plausible) and then just install a keylogger or a rootkit.

>> No.4120770

He was smart enough to enable IP whitelisting which pretty much fucks you unless you can get him to turn it off, force his ISP to change his IP/monitor the switch over or get access to the physical location.

Your best bet at this point is to hire an autistic poor fag pajeet drone racer to tie a raspberry pi with dual 4G/WiFi connections to the device and land it on top of his house or apartment building. Or for $10 hire a nig to beat the shit out of him and force him at knife point to turn off 2FA/IP whitelisting.

>> No.4120781

The guy didn't release the krack script yet and besidesOP isn't anywhere near his victim, he said he's from a different country.

>> No.4120788

>leaked twitter database
Were you the anon who the created frog of meme street twitter account? Was this your objective all along?

>> No.4120800

Hope you're using a proxy right now. Good luck sending funds any meaningful place without eventually being caught.

>> No.4120877

BTC>TUMBLER>MONERO address 1>MONERO address 2> MONERO address 3>BTC

>> No.4120896

After some thought i dont think im going to go down the phishing route, only idiots nowadays fall for that shit, my only options it seems are either sending him a RAT (if i can FUD it) or lurking his inbox until he gives away a password or hints of a password.
>He was smart enough to enable IP whitelisting
thats an option on coinbase?, shit, i thought it was just theirdefault security measures, kekd at the rest of your ideas though
never heard of it m8
lol LE dont get involved in crypto theft, i use to card for years and never been arrested.

Really curious about how to spoof an IP address but google only provides me with pajeet vids from 2012, i know how to spoof email addresses but thats the limit of my spoofing knowledge.

>> No.4120933

can someone photo shop OP pic with brown eyes?

>im ethnic

>> No.4120952

I don't think spoofing IP would work m8, because there are defenses against it and also you can only fool the server that it's you who's sending but when they send packets back they'll send it to his IP (the one you spoofed)

>> No.4120974

If that actually worked btc-e wouldn't of been busted for gox funds.
So you spent time stealing peoples identity but can't figure out how to reset a password with access to their email? At least I know this is a larp thread now.

>> No.4121023

thanks for the insight, so thats out the window then, anyone else got any ideas that dont include me either sending ethnic youths to kidnap him or fly drones over his house?
re-read my first post, its an ip/device complication on coinbases part, most US banks/Credit unions dont have that sort of security, a simple email or sms reset is enough.

>> No.4121052

Just checked my account CB actually uses device authorization which is different from IP white listing. That is your focus to exploit.

>> No.4121088

What email provider is he on? Gmail?

>> No.4121094

>most US banks/Credit unions dont have that sort of security, a simple email or sms reset is enough.
That right there proves you've never done anything more than larp. I'm done with this bait.

>> No.4121108

if it's gmail, log into that and click the access log on the bottom of the page, that should help if you try to spoof.

>> No.4121140
File: 85 KB, 1543x797, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for that, now i need to find out how to find and spoof his mac address, considering just laying low until hopefully he send some BTC to his Bitstamp account.
Nah his works private server, run by IBM, its a big company and hes a managing director.
how am i wrong?, all thats needed to reset 90% of US bank accounts is either the email or access to sms, shows how much you know.

>> No.4121169

is that oanda?

>> No.4121174

I'm gonna kek when you did all that work to break in only to find he's transferred them all to his hardware wallet.

>> No.4121177

Can you talk a bit more how you went about acquiring access to his email? I get the twitter database part, but how did you crack the password?

>> No.4121213

good guess, you trade on there?
its a possibility, worth the effort though.
i use a email:password combolist cracker, it basically runs through leaked/hacked lists and tells you which ones are valid or not, google Gratsh cracker on the nulled.io forums, theres also better ones that you need to pay for like Domination cracker on hackforums.

>> No.4121255

not for a long time, but the color scheme is familiar.

>> No.4121307

Ahh cool, there money transfer service has terrible security checks, literally just name address and ssn.

>> No.4121371

i hope you get arrested you thief.

>> No.4121372

Keep us updated OP. Don't forget about us when you break in :D Lol...

>> No.4121380

OP, I've examined everything carefully and I think that if you're not willing to find an accomplice in your targets city who would do field work then your best bet is phishing. Email address spoofing is very easy (just Google). Spoof official Coinbase support (support@coinbase.com) and send him an official looking email (in fact, make a coinbase account and copy their email entirely, just alter the text. Make sure not to make pathetic mistakes like bad grammar and spelling) email. You have 2 routes: 1) clone their website and make him input stuff in it -- this has a high chance of being noticed (no https, wrong domain name etc.)
3) make him download something like a certificate (don't pretend to be Coinbase for this one) which is actually your keylogger and wait for him to log in to coinbase

>> No.4121479

where my /newyork/ bros at?
Lets Ocean's Eleven this shit

>> No.4121488

How do I do this too?

I want to get rich by stealing from normies.

>> No.4121512

This. Do this OP. It increases risk enormously by putting your trust into some other fags but if it works you potentially net yourselves 200k+. Remember us then and come back to do a giveaway thread

>> No.4121528

yeah thats one of the options besides hoping he spills the beans in his notes folder or something.

Problem is because its his work email my email spoofer cant even send to his junk folder with my RAT, as it clocks it as a virus, i need to make it fully undetectable.

Ive spent around £100 this week buying crypters trying to make it so to no avail, if it were a regular hotmail or yahoo i could pull it off but any .exe file sent to his email address wont even land in his junk folder.

>> No.4121534

Keyloggers in pictures does wonders. Even potential partial programs can be reassembled if he downloads all the pieces. Does he use Mega? Dropbox? Work servers? Potentially his twitter password would be his server space credentials and then you would just need to implement a keylogger in there. This is all hypothetical of course. :^)

>> No.4121553


Send him sexpussy.exe and he will definitely open it and then you're good to go.

>> No.4121568

Impersonate his sister's email and get him to download a keylogger

>> No.4121597

that shit doesnt really work anymore as far as i know, maybe wrong though
If i can get my RAT/Keylogger undetectable (still in the process) i will be spoofing his sister email acc.

Any legit Coinbase users came across this problem?, is there some sort of time delay in which the ip/device expires?

>> No.4121609

Can't do it through Googles email network, but through his work servers? A possibility. Through his mega/dropbox? For sure.

>> No.4121619

OP you're a low life scum bag.

>> No.4121626

Anyway its late here and im going to bed, thank you all for your helpful and not so helpful insights, if i manage to pull this off you might see the first legit giveaway thread, night all.

>> No.4121665

>access to his verizon account allowing me to view incoming texts/sms so i can get passed 2FA when need be
this is why you dont use SMS 2FA
dont people know this buy now?
imagine someone with that much in crypto is paying attention and knows better

>> No.4121723

Can't believe what I'm reading. Thought /biz had some good people, but this thread just shows the type of people who hang out on this boards. You idiots are the reason why crypto will become heavily regulated and why every fucking stupid policy/law in existence was imposed on society.

>> No.4121734

or a convenient power outage that last long enough for the isp to reset

>> No.4121798

oh yeah OP, because the crime you're about to commit is over $100k USD, it's FBI level material and you won't be anonymous.


>> No.4121812

Then take 99k OP

>> No.4121898

if OP is serious, i hope he gets caught. Shit like this makes me so mad. They don't think about the mental problems this could cause someone. Imagine having that much money stolen from you. You'd blow your brains out

>> No.4122005

its not like he'd get away with it unless he is in some shithole country

>> No.4122017

It's all LARPing anyway. I gave him a shit ton of advice just because I enjoy the fantasy and I enjoy talking about cybersecurity practices. He's probably faking.

>> No.4122301

wow a white knight appeared

Little do you know, you get fucked in the ass every day going to get groceries, buying any product, on top of taxes, fees, banks fucking us over. And you're weeping over some rick prick losing his buttcoins? Shut the fuck up please, and take what you can get. You're a shill for order and morality when it benefits .1% of people in this world. Fuck you

>> No.4122595

own his phone, retrieve his coinbase api key and empty his wallet with curl you fucking moron

>> No.4122619

fx trade ballerrrrrrr

>> No.4122870


go back to >>>/r/eddit if you expect good people on 4chan.
fucking newfaggot

>> No.4123267
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Don't drop the soap.

>> No.4123381

>little do you know
huh i didn't know that. Guess that makes it okay to drive a guy to suicide.

>> No.4123502

So the typical man gets fucked every day doing all of that, but now has to deal with losing $150k-200k.

>> No.4123522
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>TIL crimes aren't crimes if the victim is also rich