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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4118340 No.4118340 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this boys? Have a few OMGs collecting dust and want to actually make some gains in the meantime.

This hasn't really been talked about on /biz/.. is that a bad sign or...?

>> No.4118396

It's not a bad sign per se. It's just /biz/ likes to shill their shitty coins so people can buy their bags, while a lot of sleeper coins fly under the radar. I'm not to well knowledgeable on this ICO, so all I can say is DYOR and if it seems like a good investment then go for it.

>> No.4118421

This is a good coin that's why you don't see it on /biz/. Keep it low, try not to get too much attention. We all know what happened to LINK.
Saged for a good reason.

>> No.4118596

Isn't there already a gaming coin? I forget what it's called but it was being shilled here pretty hard last week

>> No.4118664

I put $750 worth of ETH in during the ICO. Seems fairly solid but who knows.