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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4114289 No.4114289 [Reply] [Original]

Let's give each other some recommendations. As the title says... What's your 3 favorite business books?


> Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond

> After covering general techniques of value investing, the book proceeds to illustrate their applications through profiles of Warren Buffett, Michael Price, Mario Gabellio, and other successful value investors. A number of case studies highlight the techniques in practice....

> Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction

>In Superforecasting, Tetlock and coauthor Dan Gardner offer a masterwork on prediction, drawing on decades of research and the results of a massive, government-funded forecasting tournament. The Good Judgment Project.....

> Principles: Life and Work

>In Principles, Dalio shares what he’s learned over the course of his remarkable career. He argues that life, management, economics, and investing can all be systemized into rules and understood like machines. The book’s hundreds of practical lessons, which are built around his cornerstones of “radical truth” and “radical transparency,” include Dalio laying out the most effective ways for individuals and organizations to make decisions, approach challenges, and build strong teams. He also describes the innovative tools the firm uses to bring an idea meritocracy to life, such as creating “baseball cards” for all employees that distill their strengths and weaknesses, and employing computerized decision-making systems to make believability-weighted decisions......

>> No.4114986


>> No.4115016

How To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

Warren Buffett's favorite book
It's worth a read or 10.

>> No.4115071
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This. It realy changed my life.

>> No.4115081


>> No.4115157

Mein Negga. 10/10 book, made me rethink self improvement.

Marketing Myopia by Theodore Levitt is a must read, it gives you a great understanding of when companies need to change strategy and how to properly leverage their customers and brand

Buffettology is a very simple book, as in I didn't trust it it was so easy, about the metrics and key stats Buffett looks for when selecting a company.

I really don't know why this book keeps being brought up, it's all common knowledge, I'm a legit Sperg and there wasn't really anything illuminating or revealing in it. I suspect that Buffett had very very poor social skills when he was younger, as in spectacularly bad. I mean "show a genuine interest in people" "don't criticize people directly" WHO THE FUCK DOESN'T KNOW THAT!?

Robert Cialdini's books Pre-Suassion and Influence are way more informative and have some basis in Cognitive Science and Social Psychology.
Picking up a biography on Lyndon Johnson and learning about the "Johnson Treatment" is something I'd recommend if you fancy yourself as a mini-Machiavelli edgelord

>/biz/ books
>middle aged housewife normie trash

Good Troll!

>> No.4115266

Other recommendations

>Michael E. Porter's books on strategy
>Clay Christensen's books, or just watch his lectures on Youtube, he picks up where Theodore Levitt left off
>Felix Dennis - How to Get Rich
>Charlie Munger's speech on "the psychology of human misjudgement"

>> No.4115269
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not exactly business but after reading this book and applying it to my life, i am a well oiled machine. can get so much important shit and unimportant shit done in one day without any stress or feelings of going crazy

>> No.4115275


Here are some good books.

Best meditation


Leadership book





>> No.4115281

Discover this, say, well, let's try, meme myself a gf, ends 6 months later, never use it again.

Does it really work though??

>> No.4115295
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>> No.4115326

No it doesn't work. Law of Attraction is a placebo, if you understood what "cognitive priming" is you'd understand what is really going on.

Basically what happened was you read the book, had more self confidence, were more optimistic so you went up and talked to more girls, didn't give up, spoke to your girlfriend - she was more inclined to like you because of your optimism and self-confidence - which gave you the feedback you needed to ask her out.

The universe didn't make it easier for you - you just stopped being a pussy because of some dumb story

>> No.4115330

>>Michael E. Porter's books on strategy
I prefer Competition Demystified.


Porter's framework seems overly complicated.

>> No.4115343

>>Charlie Munger's speech on "the psychology of human misjudgement"
This one is great!

Poor Charlie's Almanack is also great.


>> No.4115353

Yeah, you're right, still got me laid, so i'd rate it 8/10

>> No.4115365

It actually reminds me of a line in Alesteir Crowley's Magick Theory and Practice where he says something along the lines of:
>If you wish to summon a missing watch, first you must put up a advertisement requesting repatriation of your missing watch.
He says that magick only increases you chances of it paying off, if you don't do the pragmatic step in the first place it doesn't happen at all, you can't make a sigil and expect the watch to fall into your lap...

As Crowley said - again paraphrasing from something I read 4 years ago
>Magick is like painting, the pigments on the canvass are alone nothing, but arranged correctly on a canvas create an image

>> No.4115383

Haven't heard of it, might check it out

I've heard it's good too!

As wanky as this sounds
>You got you laid

>> No.4115396

*pigments on the palette are alone