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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4113791 No.4113791 [Reply] [Original]

anything else I should be holding for long term?
anything on the list I shouldn't hold?

>> No.4113807

RLC check the project

>> No.4113878

Bitbay, prolly gonna be the decentralized marketplace of crypto. Seriously dyor on it. Probably most undervalued coin right now. Haven't invested in it because I have shitty capital that I want to build up first before investing in longterm coins. Might not give the most gains but it sure as fuck will stay alive long term.

>> No.4113916

Can't post illigeal stuff on it, useless might as well go use amazon and ebay

>> No.4113919

I'd tell you but what do I get out of that? In fact every single time I have ever offered any advice I just get called a shill and whatever I'm shilling seems to get noticed by whales who immediately dump the price. So you know what? Get fucked. DYOdamnR

>> No.4113924

You shouldn't be holding NEO, WTC and AST.
They won't go anywhere, because they've already received their pumps.

>> No.4113927

ELIX is a good hold, q1 2018 and if you are patient all the way to q4 for even more gains

>> No.4113947

>retard located

>> No.4113954

>Hodling shitcoins

>> No.4113964

Correct, ETP is the big Chinese coin.

>> No.4113967

We will see who was right.

>> No.4113978
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My picks for long term 2-5+ years

>> No.4113985

ASTRO, if you want to get exposure to decent ICOs without all the drama

>> No.4113989

people are just going to suggest their bags, what's the point

>> No.4114013

your list is good but its missing RLC

>> No.4114028

Astro is closed

>> No.4114037

>You shouldn't be holding AST
>already received pump
>currently below ICO price
what the fuck am I reading

>> No.4114124

no XMR? why?

>> No.4114136

looks good imo

>> No.4114147


>> No.4114159

why xmr?

>> No.4114179

What you'd get out of it is more people investing in the coin you're already invested in.
Increasing the popularity of your coin will make you money. Convince us.

>> No.4114196

You realistically probably have too many coins, pick and choose.

>> No.4114205


>> No.4114206

Because of it's privacy features cyber criminals are adopting it. I met somebody from IT Fox a few weeks ago who believes it will definitely rise in value. Of course this is no guarantee at all and I could be lying for all you know.

>> No.4114210

Zencash (ZEN), low market cap, secure nodes releasing shortly, being shilled by PBC.

>> No.4114212


>> No.4114247

Why do people shill OMG? it's the definition of a shitcoin

>> No.4114300

Are you fucking blind with AST ?

>> No.4114310

same here but cloak instead of monero

>> No.4114352

xmr is a solid pick, not only criminals but just normal people who don't like governements looking at their wealth will adopt it more and more. Just wait until a new DNM opens and they release hardware wallet support

>> No.4114367

KCS for midterm. The exchange is increasing in volume and they are listing new coins every other day. It's going to be at the same level as Binance soon or even surpass it.

>> No.4114376

Your missing 'Lisk' LSK and 'Nexus' NXS. These are serious big boy coins

>> No.4114393


>> No.4114397


>> No.4114400

Doesn't matter. People will still do it. Also, even if it did go the way of amazon and ebay it'd compete directly and effortlessly due to low/zero upkeep costs as well as zero listing fees, and double escrow deposit trustless transactions. RIP to ebay scammers and the like. That alone is worth a billion dollars.

>> No.4114476
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>> No.4114496

Bitbay is going to fucking skyrocket, ignore the pedofags who want their CP marketplace

>> No.4114510

>implying moderators will solve the problem

Let them stay poor. I'm super deep and ready for fucking blast off in what, 2 days?

>> No.4114536

18K bay here, ready for moon mission
Wish I had more but I'm a poorfag
It's the only altcoin I hold, otherwise I'm a conservative bitcoin holder, but I have faith in the idea of Bitbay

>> No.4114580


>> No.4114624


>> No.4114631

I mean how could you not, right?

It's fucking ebay. For crypto.

Brainlets man, I'm gonna hold most of my shares for YEARS and buy a lambo with it.

>> No.4114675

And it has taken them years to get where they are right now

However /biz/ prefers to invest in the new flavour of the month coins made by some faggot millionaire who will abandon it when he can cash out

The only way this can fail is if the dev team screws up, but I don't see that happening. I can easily see a x100 happening through 2018

>> No.4114698

Yep. Years of refining. x100 in 2018 is definitely feasible. I sense 1000x in 5 years at the minimum.

>> No.4114722

Also if you're into utility coins that might have massive uses in the future research into DNT.

It's getting volume right now, probably for a good reason.

>> No.4115136
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add DGB, its primed for a pump and they'll be rebranding soon

>> No.4115174

I had totally forgotten about BAY. Thanks for bringing it to my attention again.

>> No.4115293
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exact opposite

>> No.4115531


>> No.4115564

>1 developer

>> No.4115577

1 dev > 100 devs