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File: 106 KB, 1000x1944, fraternities_in_the_us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
411253 No.411253 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/raelis who aren't in a fraternity, why haven't you killed yourselves yet?

>> No.411254

Because they're ridiculous and the connections can be easily gained elsewhere.

>> No.411259

College is for fags.

>9 million frat fags
>43 big company "heads" and 76 senators

Do your own math, if you learned any in college.

>> No.411265

Don't need to, I'm Jewish.

>> No.411272

>paying fro friends

>> No.411274

Jesus fuck that infographic is terrible. It doesn't present the stats in any meaningful way.

>Each one of these clocks represents 400,000 hours
Holy fuck, what a novel way to view 10million hours.

I'm not even going to continue on about the rest. I hope whoever made that dies a horrible death.

>> No.411282
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Uhh, you don't get to buy friends.

>> No.411288

>Because they're ridiculous and the connections can be easily gained elsewhere.
The connections can't be easily gained elsewhere. Access to the alumni network is an invaluable asset. I forged connections both inside and outside of my Greek network. Those from the Greek one have proven to be much more useful.

>Do your own math, if you learned any in college.
Assuming a 45% male pop in universities, and assuming that this carries over to Greek membership, there are about 4,050,000 Greek men.

>Number of representatives and senators: 535
>80% of 500 corporations: 400
>50 largest companies: 50
>Number of presidents born after 1825: 24. Multiplied by 2 is 48. Subtract 4 for 2 from each office and we're left with 44.
>Total from each powerful demo represented: 1029. (I don't feel like doing the math on justices or Who's Who)

An overwhelming majority of these people is from a pool that represents 2% of American males. Math dictates that being in a fraternity substantially increases the odds of being one of these 1,029.

>> No.411291

>The connections can't be easily gained elsewhere. Access to the alumni network is an invaluable asset. I forged connections both inside and outside of my Greek network. Those from the Greek one have proven to be much more useful.
You have bigger problems if you aren't able to make them on your own. If you need that crutch, you will never be the trailblazer you aspire to be.

>> No.411292

Did you do the math on 1 in 9000, op? You should probably do that.

>> No.411293

The bond between greek brothers is unparalleled by any other men you will ever meet whose cock you haven't sucked.

>> No.411295

That's presupposing you get the grades, can afford college, and make the pledge.

Get the fuck out stupid. Even if you are one in 9million, which is suspect, you're going to be a nobody like your 8,999,000 Greek life mates.

later "bro"

>> No.411297

Had the same reaction.
Sadly this is the trend now.

>> No.411299

>You have bigger problems if you aren't able to make them on your own
I stated that I made them both inside and outside of my fraternity's network. I expounded on that fact by stating the ones inside of my Greek network were more valuable.

>If you need that crutch, you will never be the trailblazer you aspire to be.
This is a stupid argument as it's not a crutch, rather a supplement.

>> No.411314

I'm from EU and we don't have that shit here.

>> No.411317

my friend was in one, he became a drug addict and wrist cutter in college and eventually dropped out after failing two semesters

>> No.411330
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>> No.411336

I'm in TKE, and our epsilon rho chapter is one of the top ranked in the nation. One of the best decisions I've made and I'm already establishing incredible friendships and long term connections. We have finance and marketing study groups and my academic performance has improved. Also gets me laid with no effort.

>> No.411346

Alright guys, I'm a rising junior and not in a frat. I feel like I've wasted half my college experience.

Should I rush, pledge, and take a year off to frat it up? It seems like the opportunity cost of not doing so is great

>> No.411352

>The bond between greek brothers is unparalleled by any other men you will ever meet

"Friends become brothers in trenches." The camaraderie and brotherhood that forms when you are in a combat zone, willing to take a bullet for your brother beside you, doesn't compare to frat boys spanking each other with wooden paddles and date raping sorority whores.

>> No.411354

Because I can form my social and professional connections on merit?

Organizations like this always dredge up some bullshit to justify their existence. I remember when I actually thought my Eagle Scout rank would get me some recognition professionally. Nope.

Also, those statistics are more associative anyway. It just so happens most of those congressmen are affluent white men, which also happens to be the largest fraternity demographic. Joining a frat won't change that I wasn't born into affluence and influence.

>> No.411358


>> No.411360

I remember some careers thread on /fit/, some guy attended Yale, apparently. He told me to pretend being Jewish in order to score connections.

Makes sense.

>> No.411362
File: 87 KB, 500x334, 9-500x334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infographic forgot to mention that joining a frat doesn't make you less of a fuck with your head stuffed up your Charmin 3-ply-wiped ass. In fact, the opposite is generally true.

>> No.411382

>I remember when I actually thought my Eagle Scout rank would get me some recognition professionally. Nope.
Yours doesn't? In every interview I've had, the interviewer was impressed by it. It's also a good segue to talk about yourself for a bit.

>Joining a frat won't change that I wasn't born into affluence and influence.
This is a great point. I was pretty poor growing up. Joining a fraternity aligned me with people that had far more money than me.

As far as connections on merit go, yes, that's a very valid critique. You all seem to stop thinking at the chapter house level, though. Fraternities are national organizations. I couldn't make the sheer number of connections afforded to me by the fraternity simply on merit. Nobody could. And like you said, they're affluent and influential connections. That's why they've proven more valuable to me than the connections forged outside of the fraternity.

>> No.411386

>they're affluent and influential connections. That's why they've proven more valuable to me than the connections forged outside of the fraternity
Except you forgot the most important life lesson: value =/= money. Oh wait, this is /biz/...

>> No.411394

Kek, you're so jelly.

>> No.411396

try disillusioned.

>> No.411404

But I am in a frat

Phi Beta Kappa.

>> No.411408

I was a pledge for Delta Tau Delta, dropped because after a solid six months of rushing/pledging. Basically at that point another two months and I would have been a brother.

The reason why so many frat brothers are in corporations is the same reason why 99%+ of professionals have college degrees. People in fraternities are social, outgoing, and know how to conduct themselves.

As for connections, rarely do frats that great networking. Just the same as any other organization.

academic frats don't count, faggot

>> No.411463

>Except you forgot the most important life lesson: value =/= money. Oh wait, this is /biz/...

I also got lifelong friendships. Don't move the goalposts. If you're talking about networking, status and influence are important factors. I also know a ton of drug addicts. I can't say that they were instrumental in advancing my career in any way.

>> No.411468

I've made better connections through student organizations than the fraternity I was in.

>> No.412034
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>tfw army infantry vet/fraternity member master race.

Are you even trying, trustfundfags?

>> No.412052

Canadian frat boy here

anyone else in Toronto?

>> No.412062


Because in Europe we don't actively keep women out of our Student organisations...
European Student Corps master race here.

>> No.412064
File: 791 KB, 740x717, 1403596120505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a sorority?

C'mon eurotard, I know you can't be THIS fucking retarded.

>> No.412065

That's why we have sororities and co-ed fraternities.

>> No.412073

>find that my penis was circumcized from birth
Man, I bet I would fit right into a jewish community. Sick ideas guys.

>> No.412107


From what I understand, a sorority is a club of women that don't allow men. Why do you feel the need to seperate yourself from the pussy? It just seems so needlessly gay?

>> No.412116

>From what I understand, a sorority is a club of women that don't allow men.
You understand correctly.

>Why do you feel the need to seperate yourself from the pussy?
Because when I want to get shit done, I talk to men. When I want to do something with my dick, I talk to women.

>It just seems so needlessly gay?
We mixed with a sorority twice a week at minimum. You all get drunk and throw a closed party. The fact that you only see each other once every few weeks or briefly on campus means that nobody cares about hooking up to the degree that they would if they were constantly around each other.

Plus they bring over cookies and baked goods and all other sorts of stupid shit once they're upperclassmen.

>> No.412193
File: 777 KB, 1500x1000, 1399254407392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need to be around women 24/7 to prove to others (and yourself) that you're not a homosexual? Or is your country so politically correct that you can't form bonds with other men without being accused of oppressing women?

>> No.412509

thats fucking stupid

are there non for just men only? or are we oppressing women for some other stupid reason they feel the need to care about

>> No.412518

ITT: 4chan autists who couldn't get a bid.

>> No.412537

Because I don't need to pay for friends or pussy from fat sorority girls.

>> No.412628

Most of the gay men on my campus are in frats. But we're liberal and progressive like that, I guess.

>> No.412639


Well, if you let girls become brothers, its kinda awkward when you fuck one, right? That's why co-ed fraternities are gay. Real fraternities have ties with sororities and fraternity sweethearts for girl connections.

>> No.412650
File: 2.39 MB, 3264x2448, Old-South-Boys-1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being in a fraternity was pretty awesome. Party hard for 4 years while becoming friends with rich kids from all over the country. Leave school with high paying job despite only decent grades at an ok school. Tons of pussy and blow. Didn't get to dress like a Confederate soldier like the KA's in the south do though :'(

>> No.412652


>I know a black KA

>> No.412661

Tell me more- that is a very rare specimen.

>> No.413185

>are there non for just men only? or are we oppressing women for some other stupid reason they feel the need to care about

Sororities are just for women. Fraternities are just for men. There are co-ed fraternities which accept you regardless of gender. These are almost invariably gay. We're not oppressing women. Christ. Sometimes you'd just like to be around your own gender. Ever hang out with just your guy friends? That's what we do. Every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; sororities will come to your house to drink and party. If some girls want to hang out during the week, that's cool too. We're not turning them away at the door. Someone in the house is always down to drink or go to the bar. It's a good time.

Oppression is different from exclusion. Take up another cause, as the backlash you'd get from waving this flag would come just as hard from the women as it would the men.

>> No.413210

ya bud i live in a frat, but this was about europe. does europe have any party frats to speak of? we do the same thing, there are pseudo partner sororities that visit and vise versa

The Annex has like 60 or some crazy amount of frats and sororities in the area.

>> No.413223

Then I don't understand your argument from any angle.

Also, partner sororities? What the hell are those? I have a little sister and a big sister, but they're from different sororities. Anyone can mix with us. We even toss the fat sorority a pity mixer every semester. It's beer Olympics, so we're all absolutely trashed, but still.

>> No.413291

It is fun way to get to meet new people and cute girls, but way too much of a time commitment that intrudes with classes. Which is why most fratters get bullshit LAS degrees to go to school and party then get out and end up unemployed.

>> No.413298


I'm fairly socially anxious and a loner. Not in an "look at me, i'm so edgy" sort of way. I honestly don't enjoy being around other people most of the time. I prefer spending a majority of my time alone.

The thought of belonging to a fraternity or most any similar organization holds little value to me. I go to great lengths to avoid others.

>> No.413467

>Or is your country so politically correct that you can't form bonds with other men without being accused of oppressing women?

this right here

german here.
there are frats (studentenverbindungen) that are male-only. they are constantly bashed and demonized as a bunch of reactionary idiots in the media and public opinion on them is extremely negative.

kinda sucks.

>> No.414164

>going to college in the us

congrats your are financially retarded.Enjoy your debt.

>> No.414166


>> No.415606

Because I'm a tech school student. Don't worry, someone has to build and maintain the buildings you arrogant fucks work in.

>> No.415609

Because I can't fucking stand frat culture. Infographic might also do well to point out the third confounding factor of wealth that links success and being involved in a fraternity.

>> No.415613

fraternities give you leadership "experience" that you can put on your resume that can be a leg up against others.

>> No.415645

Thinking about rushing DKE.

Any experiences with them?

>> No.415686


Chapters vary a shitton from school to school. That said, DKE has the most laid back nationals of any large fraternity, which means their chapters can get away with a shitton of stuff most chapters couldn't. But this also leads them to having slightly more balls to the wall insane chapters than other fraternities, so you might be stereotyped as insane. That said, if you like the guys in the chapter and mesh with them well you should join. I'm a TKE so I can attest that national stereotypes should be ignored when evaluating a chapter. That said, national orgs that have banned pledging (new Sig Ep chapters, SAE, etc) should be given a very close examination while rushing since no pledge period can really weaken a chapter.

>> No.415736

>school has no greek system
>is mostly peaceful and quiet
>still a highly rated school with a great CS department (what I care about)
feels alright.

>> No.415746

I don't drink or enjoy parties. And I probably couldn't survive hazing.

>> No.415760

Georgia Tech?

>> No.415769

Pretty much the complete opposite side of the country

>> No.415772

Carnegie Mellon?

>> No.415774

Harvey Mudd?

>> No.415983


>> No.416147

This is the stupidest infograph I've ever seen
>Hey guys I took some numbers and symbolized them with pictures that have no context

>> No.416175

Can't honestly be a part of a fraternity, and I could never be accepted by the members of most any sorority despite being able to buy my way in just as easily as anyone else.

I learn more when I'm alone, and I already earn more than my peers.. Never mind that they're usually not so smart.

>> No.416206

learning and intelligence doesn't mean shit, you're just going to be exploited by those with connections in the good old boy network

>> No.416215

which frat? I'm a senior in a Toronto sorority.

I've met a few decent alumnae but most of the collegians don't give a fuck about meeting the successful older women (which is really insulting to them because they put their time into it), but once you make those connections they're worth it.

>> No.416216
File: 72 KB, 605x607, ellel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't I join a fraternity?
>I'm not going to rush or pledge or whatever the fuck they make initiates do
>I'm not going to do any extra work for the fraternity
>I paid my way through school and sure as FUCK am not going to pay any extra for the privilege of raping some poor naive girls
>Invariably greek members are fucking IDIOTS and I dont want to be associated with them

What your "info"graph fails to mention is all those people probably went to top tier ivy league schools, and there frat membership meant fuck all. I am guessing the OP goes to southwestern central alabama tech A&M and will never amount to SHIT and that his frat days will be the highlight of his miserable existance
>mfw in 5 years OP will be preparing my burgers or delivering my coffee to me piping hot
>paying for the privilege of getting your asshole tongued by your frat "brothers"


>> No.416230

You missed the part where I already have wealth.

I'll exploit my own damned people. And watch me do it while avoiding the most flagrant suspects of the next generation of wealthy Americans.

>> No.416240


More's the pity.

>> No.416242

>9 million members total
>10 million hours of volunteer service each year

HOLY SHIT that's like volunteering for 1 hour every year... average person spends a lot more on the toilet itself

>> No.416821
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So many GDIs in this thread who didn't get a bid.

Enjoy your pitiful dorm life where a 24 pack is considered a "rager", while I will be out getting drunk and playing golf with alumni that are CEOs of Fortune 500's.

>> No.416942

>Didn't get a bid.

>> No.417646
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As far as the finance industry goes, connections will get you an interview but thats about it. This grand delusion that your frat connection will get you a for sure job is insane. Everything is about your numbers and work ethic. As someone who has actually worked for a major financial entity I have seen a lot of college grads bank on connections yet fall really short and end up being let go. Wall Street is really tightening its belt and if you aren't producing then you will be let go. Nobody wants to be known as the guy whovhired the retard broker who isn't making the monthly quota.

Perfect quote from a ex Citi bank hiring manager

"I've seen so many graduates come out of college with the attitude of 'Right, I'm going to the city to become a big swinging dick and dominate the markets' - Then I've sat in on an interview and they don't know where the NASDAQ closed last night. They don't have an opinion on where Gold is going. They don't know who Ben Bernanke is."

Then you have this shit

At least for the Financial industry, now its what you know instead of who. And there will always be an indian working harder than you.

>> No.418535


Connections will always be very important. If you know your basic shit, and were on the exec board at a quality fraternity, it doesn't matter if you graduate with a 2.7, because you will be able to go in and interview in person and land a job.

>> No.418698

>calling it Greek
>not borrowed from Europe

>> No.418736


You're a failure, that's fine too man, different strokes for different folks.

>> No.419022


The Greek system is descended from Masonry and collegiate secret societies. Not Student Corps. The two systems fill similar roles and both heavily emphasize tradition, but they developed seperately.

>> No.419861

I'm not American.

>> No.419863

>Paying for friends

>> No.419908

You remind me, I really need to start making some Jewish friends.

>> No.419932

This. Frats are for faggots anyone who want to suck each others dicks. There's nothign wrong with that but when you try and create this massive thing around it... yeah gay

>> No.419963

I don't understand you guys. I'm not in a frat but I wish so badly I was in one. It sounds perfect.

>live in a mansion with your best friends
>live frugally but happily
>throw down all the time
>bang hot girls effortlessly
>do bro stuff 24/7
>have an awesome social life in general

Does that not sound better than living in suburbia with your dysfunctional biological family?

>> No.419974

italy here.

what is a fraternity and what advantages does it create?

how do i create one if it's so good and EU doesn't have them?

>> No.420000

>he thinks fraternities matter the second you step off campus

>> No.420326

You pretty much nailed it barring the living frugally part.

I assume when people hate on fraternities they are either are getting bad information from the media, or are upset that they didn't get a bid/was kicked out of one of the parties.

>> No.420329

It is not just something you can create to reap the benefits. The reason fraternities are so successful in America is because some chapters go back hundreds of years and have many generations of successful alumni.