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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4111670 No.4111670 [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn't banks just set up their own nodes and pull data from them instead of buying tokens to pull data from other nodes? It seems this would be cheaper. Thoughts anyone?

>> No.4111682

Link isn't going anywhere good in a hurry, but no, banks generally don't just 'make thier own'

>> No.4111683

but banks won't have the brilliance of Sergey
he is the next Steve Jobs of blockchain. come on.
any chink with 10 fingers can assemble smartphones. but it was steven p fucking jobs who built Apple and invented iPhone. the same is true of Sergey, he is the Blockchain Jesus, here to save us from the Oracle Problem. have you not seen the memes? are you a non-believer? oh yee of little faith.

>> No.4111686

slick af just bought 200k

>> No.4111702

hes the fucking messiah

>> No.4111709

You newcoiners really are some fucking mouthbreathing pajeets

>> No.4111712

But then it's not decentralized! I have no idea what that means but it's what I've been told. Oh wait, banks don't give AF about decentralized shit. Oh and a bunch of Russians running link nodes will go over great with banks security requirements. Imagine submitting a security request for that one "we need to know what daily stock price is, requesting all of our bank data to route through russian nodes, but we need to buy tokens too" HAHAHAHAHAHA D.O.A.

>> No.4111738

tee hee

>> No.4111768

Sergey's gonna make them buy tokens.

>> No.4111786

sergeys reserve of 650m plus all the tokens that were reserved for "other investors" will be given to any customers (more like sold privately)
the significantly less than 350m tokens that retards paid $35 million for are literally worthless. and the obvious lack of demand or interest outside of /biz/ and reddit is proof enough. there isnt even a fucking ANN thread on bitcointalk!

>> No.4111972

Smartcontracts are a teeny tiny niche market that many are not even sure banks will bother with. Banks new dbase systems are working pretty damn solid (I work for a major bank and no we do not need blockchain or smart contracts). Oracles, oh wow.. these are a teeny tiny niche of smart contracts. tldr; you invested in something no one is going to use for another 3yrs if at all.

>> No.4111986

oh and if my bak does decide to use smart contracts or oracles, we have teams of developers for that (it's not rocket science). We are not going to use 2 door to door vacuum cleaner salesmen selling Link tokens LMFAO oh god, you feeling freaked now? You should be.

>> No.4112154

ETH is worthless, bitcoin can just implement smart contracts and banks will just make their own.

>> No.4112181

yep, jpmorgan is already making their own version of eth, jewgle that shit it's really happening.

>> No.4112250

Yes banks will be node operators, people like you and me have no reason to operate nodes

>> No.4112281
File: 111 KB, 640x640, Thinking_Face_Emoji.png?9898922749706957214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banks and other industries want to implement a trustless system
>the answer to this is decentralized nodes
>but instead of using them like intended, banks will just centralize the nodes, making the system completely pointless

what kind of idiotic scenario is that...

>> No.4112288

Is Sergey that vest wearing autist? How does he compare to money skeleton autist?

>> No.4112422

>Smartcontracts are a teeny tiny niche market
You're a retard lmao.

>> No.4112459
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>oh and if my bak does decide to use smart contracts or oracles, we have teams of developers for that (it's not rocket science)
Using centralized oracles makes no sense when the goal is trustlessness.
Look at pic related, and now imagine every party to this transaction relying solely on their own oracles. The transaction simply would not happen.

>you feeling freaked now? You should be.
Lol, dat dime-store psychological appeal.
Truly PUA-tier.

>> No.4112471

established fintech embracing trustlessness LMFAO. You're truly going to be BTFO when this is all done internally and at most via a consortium of banks. They don't need sergey, his token or his nodes. Wake the hell up.

>> No.4112586

>established fintech embracing trustlessness LMFAO
You do realize that blockchain tech is one of THE hottest items in finance today right?
And what makes the blockchain into what it is? Decentralization.

For instance: SWIFT's flagship overall project is GPI, which so far is almost entirely devoid of blockchain tech.
GPI takes a full day to process cross-border transactions.

Meanwhile, actual blockchain tech like Ripple or Lumens (used by IBM) can process those same cross-border transactions almost instantly.

The result? SWIFT partners like Barclays looking at alternatives for SWIFT because they feel SWIFT isn't moving fast enough in the blockchain department: https://www.coindesk.com/barclays-joins-cls-blockchain-consortium-search-swift-alternative/
(this same Barclays was also involved in Link's SIBOS demo btw)

If you think banks aren't absolutely itching for trustlessness; you are either an idiot, or you are just as out of touch with internal bank affairs as my local belthole puncher.

>> No.4112612

I work for Citi in IT.

nothing is made here, everything is 3rd party, all the applications for different regions have half a dozen 3rd parties and none of then talk to each other.

The answer to your question is no.

>> No.4112613
File: 397 KB, 611x1021, gartner on chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smartcontracts are a teeny tiny niche market

Except there is sky-high interest from some of the biggest players in global economics, with SWIFT, WEF, Capgemini, Gartner all underlining the importance of smart contracts and mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com by name

- WEF: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC15_Technological_Tipping_Points_report_2015.pdf#page=24
World economic forum talking about smart contracts and crypto as a technological tipping point, specifically mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com by name

- Capgemini: https://www.capgemini.com/consulting/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2017/07/smart-contracts.pdf
Massive consultancy and IT firm Capgemini devoting an entire report to the importance of smart contracts, specifically mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com and Sergey Nazarov by name as the only providers of a smart contract solution that can use external data

- SWIFT: https://www.swift.com/node/39911
SWIFT itself saying how "Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Smart Contracts (SC) promise to transform automation in the financial industry, and are generating huge interest amongst financial institutions and technology providers."
SWIFT also invited Smartcontract.com/Chainlink as the ONLY external crypto dev to showcase a proof of concept for SWIFT at last SIBOS.

- Gartner: (see pic)

tl;dr not only are the very biggest global economic players tripping over themselves to adopt blockchain tech, they are specifically lusting after smart contracts, AND mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com specifically.

>> No.4112620


SWIFT itself is a 3rd party.