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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4109901 No.4109901 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going with two of these but I'm not sure which ones are a hassle to deal with.


>> No.4109911

I like bittrex.

Anyone know how long to get approved on Polo? I feel like Ive been waiting a month or more.

>> No.4109914

How much personality to get a rich fire girl

>> No.4109921

You generally want to use an exchange that's based in your own country.

>> No.4109931

I've been hearing horror stories about Kraken and Coinbase. Are they really that bad?

>> No.4109937

Bittrex are a bunch of cunts, you can't withdraw anything unless you give up your first born.

>> No.4109943

i don't know if this helps your decision, i opened a poloniex account around september 1
my account still has not been verified
that's 2 months of waiting. i can't trade
meanwhile, i can make an account elsewhere and it takes seconds

>> No.4109947

Coinbase's fees and new ToS are turning people away. I recently moved everything to Bittrex and the only thing I use it for is purchasing litecoins and transferring to bittrex.

>> No.4109948

I haven't had any bad experience with Cuckbase.

Kraken is a disaster. My account got hacked like 3 days after I created it. Luckily I didn't have any personal info or money on the account yet.

>> No.4109977
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I already have Coinbase so Bittrex is sounding decent so far this thread.

Polo is out, I don't want to wait even a day to start my alt coin trades.

I was just looking at Binance for buying LINK only, probably not worth signing up for just for LINK.

Too bad Bittrex doesn't have LINK.

>> No.4109980

I'm trading on nine different ones......why are you limiting yourself?

>> No.4109996

Is bitstamp any good?
I've seen it shilled here, thinking of trying it.

>> No.4110009


Not all coins will be on all exchanges. And some exchanges can have bullshit things happening to them like hackers taking people's accounts or trading of a certain coin being suspended due to """maintenance""". Smartest thing to do is have an account ready on multiple exchanges.

>> No.4110017

>tfw no qt pyromancer gf

>> No.4110018

t. i didn't enable two factor authentication

>> No.4110029

It doesn't yet, and I was "enhanced verified" within 10 minutes of signing up on bittrex and trading within 12 minutes. Only downside, is no USD unless you like dealing with Tether.

>> No.4110039

you will find later on that having an account on each exchange could benefit you in the future

im on around 10 exchanges at least

>> No.4110047
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I pick blocknet. Decentralized Exchange. Also Bitbay for a replacement to locabitcoins.com because it has trustless p2p contracting.

>> No.4110051

i did though

>> No.4110114

Personally I don't trust Bittrex at all since they randomly stripped legacy status from my (and many others) account. They are also very sketchy with doing "maintenance" on wallets right when the particular coin is mooning or dumping. However, they do have a really big selection of coins. If you're from a first world country and are willing to give them your real info, ID, etc. then I guess there's nothing wrong with it but if you're from a country that the US gov decided to get triggered about that week, good luck when they lock your account (happened to all Iranians randomly a couple weeks ago).

I've recently started using Binance since Bittrex stripped my legacy status and I actually love it. The "Advanced" interface is the best I've ever seen, the fees are low (and even lower if you use BNB), and you can withdraw 2 BTC per day without giving any kind of real ID. Also, they really do right by their users when it comes to forks, the gave people their BTG with no problems. They even credit you with your GAS if you hold NEO on the exchange. The big downside is that the coin selection isn't huge. I missed out on Vertcoin and Groestlcoin because Binance doesn't have them. Although Binance does have some of the trendy tokens like LINK and REQ (I realize people got JUSTed on these but that's not the point) which Bittrex doesn't have.

>> No.4110137

Poloniex will steal your identity and then never verify your account.

Submitted ID both front & back, twice, along with selfie & hand written note. They then blocked me and will no longer respond to even tickets.. Identity theft 101

>> No.4110154

how much LINK for her

>> No.4110175
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How much for her?

>> No.4110211

GDAX. Easily the best.

>> No.4110687
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I went with Binance to pick up some LINKS.

Bittrex is tomorrow.

Thanks /biz/.

>> No.4111022
