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4106701 No.4106701 [Reply] [Original]

Ether delta is displaying the wrong price of the token.
How can we properly calculate the price per token?
We all know this gonna moon so fucking hard unlike the other shit coins.

>> No.4106896

No you retard
You are retarded
Retarded retard

>> No.4106925

30$ in a few months already did the math

>> No.4106927

It's not even on any exchange, no chance for mooning.

>> No.4106999

Too many miners are selling the coins for cheap. Ether delta is displaying null on my end

>> No.4107038

Does not have enough coins in an economy yet for it to be posted on an exchange website yet.

All other shit coins ready have 100 million+ tokens minded which satisfy the conditions of being listed on coin market

>> No.4107067

What's the use of this token anyway? It doesn't do anything unique and has no real purpose besides being a novelty and an experiment. Why would anyone use this instead of BTC, LTC or ETH?

>> No.4107880

Changes the standards of how tokens should be [No more pre-mining, airdrops, pump and dump scams]
Most of /biz/ started mining the coin
3 days ago there was only a few hundred tokens, now its over 100,000 and keeps going.
Coin is at 0.004 now at 0.012 [3x]

I will defend the token and argue it deserves the hype it has unlike shit chain link which is a scam

>> No.4107903

phone shitters have ruined this website
these teens dont even know how to post a picture

>> No.4107963

Furthermore, I don't think etherdelta.com is a reliable resource to refer to the value of the coin, espically with such little in circulation to begin with

>> No.4107986

At least I'm not iphonless panjeet

>> No.4108122

That's a nice full wallet you have OP. How many more do you intend to mine?


>> No.4108517

That's the number of coins within ether delta you autistic

>> No.4109274
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>shilling coins i can't spell

>> No.4109588

bitcoin will break forever, Ethereum will be the new bitcoin and this token will be the top1

mark my words

>> No.4109774

this coin is an exact carbon copy of bitcoin only it's an ERC20 token and its decentralized. I've tried looking for publications on bitcoinereum and only see negative things. However I see this thing being what bitcoin was back in 2009. This is the genesis.

>> No.4109805


Keep in mind that anything negative you hear is just FUD so the miners have more time to mine.

I'm a miner and I feel the pressure already. My gas=5 invocations no longer work. Yesterday this time I could call 10 invocations at 1gwei and it would all work

>> No.4109853

Yeah thats what i had thought, better load up on some more BTCM. I dont know when this coin will break out, but I agree, the pressure is getting increasingly staggering

>> No.4109935

>What's the use of this token anyway?

Same use as BTC. Exactly the same. Nothing fancy about it. That is why is being shilled so much.
It might lead to absolutely nothing, but I think is the inteligent idea to at least grab 10 of it, put them in your wallet and forget about it. If you can't mine them, on ED you can buy for a few bucks.
It is better to think in a few years
>ha, I bought/mined XXX of these in 2017 and now it doesn't exist
>I could have bought/mined these and now they are worth thousands each

>> No.4110003

I shouldn't even have to explain how fucking retarded this is
You are giving your gas to a bunch of anonymous dudes and they pay you back with a token worth literally nothing

>> No.4110035

Token can be sold for literally $0.6

Gas price to mine is less than $0.13

>> No.4110370
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Yes, but you have 100s failed invocations for every 1 successful mine... look at all the failed transactions

People are literally throwing away money just to get a shot at mining btcm.

>> No.4110383

That's what makes it valuable.

>> No.4110398

Two days ago I got 2 out of 4 attempts. I guess it became more difficult now that the buzz is spreading a bit. Still, that will only make it more valuable with time.

>> No.4110412

shut up and let the miners enjoy the gas fucking retard
fuck you retard
shut up please