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4104724 No.4104724 [Reply] [Original]

Im going to create a mini studio to create mobile games.

My goal is to generate ~$50k/month with our apps. For now we'll only be two.

I create a game that made 40k/month at some point, but I fucked the business after. I want to learn from my mistakes and do it again.

I know a couple guys from the industry that could be angel investors but I want to bootstrap this time.

Any anon that wants to give me advice?

>> No.4104740

Idk but I own a marketing company that could help with all your graphic design at the very least

>> No.4104760
File: 149 KB, 556x750, 1666FFDD-0A0C-4674-B4F5-D2A4C404A35C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do graphic design for stake in said app

>> No.4104815

how did you create a game that generated 40k/month? good marketing? what's the formula?

>> No.4104912

sick pic, got more?

>> No.4104946

You made a game that made 40k? Were you at a company or did you do it by yourself? What kind of game?

>> No.4104989

Make an ICI

>> No.4105042

I created a successful indie video game. The mobile market is brutal, you are going to be competing against giants that can afford to spend $20 to acquire a user because their shit game is finely tuned like a gambling machine to pull money out of people. Good fucking luck. You should just gamble on cryptos instead mate, trust me.

>> No.4105083

Honestly, I don't know if there is a formula. We focused on making the highest quality game we could make. We were absolute shit at marketing. We did a very minimal job at marketing but still got organic growth.

A lot of people say there is no room for small games in the market, it's either hit or crash. I agree but there is also a zone in between where we were. We didn't make a famous game but it was generated good money in my opinion.

I failed to scale because it was my first business and I made lots of mistakes that accumulated. I still think with the right marketing this thing could take off like crazy. But I stopped the development on it because I burnt out working on this project. Maybe in the future I'll get back on it.


Yes, I founded the company. Casual game.

Its like an ICO for games? Please tell me more I'm interested.

>> No.4105112

Both Google and Apple app stores take a 30% cut, so he actually grossed 57k in one month, about 2k, per day, 80$ per hour, so if he had 80 users spending 1$ an hour, I'm guessing it's some kind of fremium setup. Bretty good job desu.

>> No.4105154

Everybody keeps saying that, but isn't it the same anywhere you want to create?

Create a youtube channel? there are already thousands of youtubers!
there are thousands of new movies; books, songs every week, yet it doesn't mean one shouldn't push its own creation.

>> No.4105185


I wouldn't mind working with you. I'm fluent in Java, libgdx, and Box2d if you're interested in making any physics based game.

>> No.4105209

The problem is unless your mobile game can get free viral growth or your ARPU (avg revenue per user) is off the charts high, you won't be able to effectively market and grow your game. I had a lot of success promoting my game via youtube influencer marketing but once that was saturated it gets hard to keep growing. Also most youtubers arent showing off mobile games. YouTube/Twitch do nothing for you on mobile. Only way to get new users is pay the insanely high marketing costs. It is really, really rough unless you happen to create that rare viral game that grows by word of mouth.

>> No.4105233

You would be better off making a Steam game imo. I took a few hundred thousand profits from my game and put it into crypto hoping to turn that into a few million.

>> No.4105283

I'm an Android programmer with experience looking for work. Let me know if you need someone.

>> No.4105289


What did you make, Cuphead or something? It makes me sad that games like Overcooked don't have sequels yet.

>> No.4105323

It's a game 4chan definitely knows but I'm not saying what it is for obvious reasons. Just trust me if you want to make indie games then do Steam games. It is way more friendly than the mobile market.

>> No.4105568

Link you your game?

>> No.4105719

No, pajeet. Companies have had enough of your shitty code.

>> No.4105769

Did you program it yourself or had a programmer do it for you?

>> No.4105980

How'd you start off doing this? Im curious as to how this unfolded

>> No.4106604

I'm a developer myself (mobile mostly) and my cofounder is a (kickass) designer/illustrator. His designs are awesome and its a big part of why our game became popular.

>> No.4107096

I think mobile gaming streaming will start being a thing soon. Really. Good luck, friend!