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File: 29 KB, 741x639, mine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4101589 No.4101589 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please help me?
I am trying to mine Bitcoinereum using Geth, I get the error shown in pic related. Did anyone else have this problem?

>> No.4101595

Your computer has AIDS. Congrats.

>> No.4101606

Wow so many viruses installed at once, congrats

>> No.4101639

Really guys?
I thought we had our back on biz.

>> No.4101695


Ask this on ethereum.stackexchange.com

Seems to be an issue with geth/ethereum network

>> No.4101736

You need to sync the blockchain first, the gas limit for early blocks is 5000 iirc. Therefore, when you run the mining command with more than 5000 gas, it gives the error because the last gas limit it knows is that really old and low value. Use "geth --fast --cache=1024" and leave it running for ~12h depending on your internet speed.

>> No.4101746

Thanks man, I will do.
Do I enter that command in Geth or in the cmd under C:\ProgramFiles\Geth?
I tried from the cmd and I get this error:

Fatal: Error starting protocol stack: datadir already used by another process

>> No.4101797
File: 46 KB, 705x503, mine2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it running now, do I just leave it on like this?
Also, what happens if I disconnect from the wifi and connect back to it later?

>> No.4101834

Hi OP. I tried to mine as well. I have similar issues. As far as I understand, as mentioned in this discussion, the blockchain must be in sync. I am currently struggling with that, as I am not able to catch up on the remaining 100 blocks. Maybe you have more luck.

>> No.4101880

Yeah we have the same problem, we need to sync with the latests blocks. What have you tried so far?
Do we just leave geth running?

Check this post

>> No.4101891
File: 17 KB, 603x343, wtf is this bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get some sort of authentication error even though the first thing I do is put in my address and password.

>> No.4101960

I believe you are not unlocking your address correctly.
You can create a new Geth address using:
geth address new

You can unlock it with the following statement:
web3.personal.unlockAccount("[YourAddress]", "[YourWalletPassword]", [UnlockTimeInSeconds]);

>> No.4101961


I keep restarting geth with the hope that it will catch up. My currentBlock is 4452409, and highestBlock 4452499. I keep being 100 behind on the latest block. All it does now is import new state entries, so I do not really know what I can do to minimize this gap.


Before you copy the script, you need to unlock your account each time you want to run the mining operation. This is the script

web3.personal.unlockAccount("address", "password",unlocktimeinseconds);

Just make sure to replace the words address and password and to not remove the ". This does not apply for the last one. I put at 0. This means that your account will continue to be unlocked for the rest of the session.

>> No.4102011

Looks correct to me. Just leave it like it is. Not sure about the wifi-situation. You could try to disconnect and then reconnect while its running to see what happens.

Did you use "geth account new" first? Or if you want to import an account with the privatekey, you can do "geth account import /path/to/keyfile".

This is done in cmd or a terminal, and then you have to do "geth attach" and use "web3.personal.unlockAccount("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "qwerty", 50000);".

>> No.4102028

So can i do that using my MEW wallet then? Also is the private key just text in a txt file if you do that?

>> No.4102041

How do you find the current block?
Is it "eth.latestBlock()" or something?

>> No.4102074


eth.syncing shows the current block, highest block, known states, pulled states, and your starting block. eth.blockNumber should show the latest blocknumber you are synced with. In my case, this is still 0. I am getting quite frustrated with this syncing process, as I have been syncing for the past few days and the gap is not getting smaller. Getting close to giving up on this shit.

>> No.4102079


>> No.4102080

Yes and yes.


>> No.4102085

Don't bother, you won't mine any coins anyway.

Because I already mine most of them.

>> No.4102087
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>> No.4102121
File: 25 KB, 643x441, syncing i guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UnlockTimeInSeconds doesn't actually mean it takes that long to unlock your address etc.
>Had it at 1 second this whole time meaning that I was only authenticated for a literal split second.

Wew lad, well thank you for that, everything started working now after I put it at 0

I appreciate your help, comrades, but I think now it's trying to sync, can anyone confirm?

>> No.4102162
File: 18 KB, 579x282, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting very frustrating...

>> No.4102181
File: 14 KB, 536x328, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic..

>> No.4102188

Oh so we really do have to pay for the gas? This coupled with the fact that it's pretty much just a lottery...Guess I'm aborting this mission and gonna mine some other coin.

>> No.4102250


Yes, I am experiencing the same issue. I have been trying to sync for the past few days. I have no concrete solution to this issue. I think it is an issue with the Ethereum network itself, as I believe more people have issues with syncing to the network.

>> No.4102253

>it's pretty much just a lottery

Not really, It's actually pretty easy to abuse. I've managed to get all 50 tokens during single round for myself several times. Too bad the coin is shit and not worth much.

>> No.4102283

Please let me know if you manage to fix it anon...
I tried to mine yesterday manually and got 25 coins in a few hours. How do get 50 tokens in one round? How much gas are you using?

>> No.4102296

That was you fuck, I was wondering why i'd miss all tokens randomly; I get 5-8 most of the time with 10 transactions

>> No.4102319
File: 24 KB, 326x344, Bitcoinereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started mining like 20 hours ago with my custom script using 10 accounts.

Spending between 1-5 gwei per transaction.

This mining mechanism is pretty stupid tbqh. I just want to get few thousand coins and then hodl just in case.

>> No.4102329

>This mining mechanism is pretty stupid tbqh. I just want to get few thousand coins and then hodl just in case.

Any tips on how to write a proper script? I do not need you to chew it out, but guide an anon towards the right resources.

>> No.4102346

Did you have any of these problems when setting up the Geth mining? Please help anon.

>> No.4102364
File: 14 KB, 77x350, fgrgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4102374

Nope, I used the script they provided on the website and it all went smoothly.

Read the tips they gave on the website with the description of mining process.
Then take the original script and modify it to do what they advised. It's pretty easy, yesterday I knew nothing about ethereum blockchain and I've managed to figure it out.

>> No.4102454

You're missing from: "<yourAccount>" in your web3.eth.sendTransaction()

>> No.4102536

I have it, I just did not include in the screenshot...

>> No.4102553

Did you have to synch or anything? Fuck I am always so unlucky.

>> No.4102564

I have Ethereum Wallet open and synced, so I guess that's required.

>> No.4102607

So I guess is it best to mine when the new block starts or a few seconds before or what?

How did you get it to go through with that low of gas?

I'm setting my geth script up now, i'm just not sure about the timing to use. every 600 seconds, but a little before or after?

>> No.4102645

On myetherwallet?

>> No.4102658


>> No.4102874

just a quick question OP how did you solve the
>datadir already used by another process

>> No.4102935

I closed the Geth window. Try that anon. It means you cannot have the geth attach running on the cmd while you have the geth application running at the same time.
Did anyone manage to solve my problem?

>> No.4103484
File: 44 KB, 1000x707, Biz what do I do next.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... not getting any coins, fucking burgers are awake; go back to sleep before I detonate a nuke in the stratosphere above North America

>> No.4103877

Kys 14 year old.

>> No.4104567

I'm the miner that just gave away 11 btcm.

Hint: you need to send your transactions in a few milliseconds before contract.RewardEnd.call(). Use Date.now()/1000 to compare unix time.

>> No.4104592

Timing is more important than gas value. There is been a dominant miner that has been using 0.1 gas and timing it perfectly, it gets around 30% of each distribution

>> No.4104605

Hey anon, you are very kind and I just posted in your thread

Yes thanks, I figured that out and I am doing okay mining manually. Are you using a script? I can't seem to get over the error that I showed in the open post pic

>> No.4104628


You should check your LINK, OP, looks like the guys at Bitcoinereum are after it.

>> No.4104677

When mining manually, how do you manage to get more than 1 BTCM per distribution? Do you have to manually send off more than 1 transaction before RewardEnd? Does the Gas matter?

>> No.4104771


Yeah just send a bunch. There's a balance, because if you send too many, none will go through. Most of the time only my first transaction goes through.

I think gas doesn't matter right now (because there are so few miners!) But eventually that will help speed up your transactions relative to others. I can see once we have 100-500 miners, we may need gas prices of ~30gwei

>> No.4104810

I get you, are you using the script or not?

>> No.4104857

I thought that anything higher than 20 gwei doesn't change the transaction speed.

>> No.4105135

script of course