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File: 2.80 MB, 3000x3000, mgtowisfreedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4099053 No.4099053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where my MGTOW´s at? Let´s make some dolla$.

>> No.4099159

Is mgtow the "you're not firing me because I quit" of relationships?

>> No.4099166

no, it's the realization that women are trash.

>> No.4099210

all you normies are the same shut up.
It's not just the girls or the boys

>> No.4099248

sure ;-)
I'm sure you were having lots of sex and dating hundreds of women before you decided that women were trash and you weren't going to date any

>> No.4099272

that's the thing. Every redditor in this thread is gonna tell about their experiences of having sex with hundreds of women and how they finally discovered what women were.
The rest of us never even dated any woman and could already tell they were trash

>> No.4099282
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>> No.4099284

>Every redditor in this thread is gonna tell about their experiences of having sex with hundreds of women
they're lying, and I was being sarcastic. try going to therapy for your autism and psychopathic tendencies btw

>> No.4099305

protip: if you're not having lots of sex and dating hundreds of women, you are not an 8+/10
If you aren't an 8+/10, you will likely end up with a leech.
>There are whipped men right now catering to women for occasional sex
What a waste.

>> No.4099334
File: 27 KB, 600x410, 1time[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that MGTOW is subversive propaganda designed to lower white birthing rates.
Don't let them win /biz/.
Use your crypto gains to have 8 blue eyed christian children

>> No.4099388

I read this as "blue 8 eyed Christian children"
>tfw no alien spider gf

>> No.4099639

I can't find a gf nor did I try, MGTOW is the way

>> No.4099667

this, my plan is 10+

>> No.4099677

I'm gonna have 8 little Elliots with my Filipina gf

>> No.4099696

Cringe, talk about jumping before you're pushed kek. Only a beta would fall for this shit.

>> No.4099738
File: 32 KB, 600x341, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahah, oh boy. Sure is /r9k/ in here. The only men that go their own way are beta white/Japanese men. You complain that women are trash, but yet, if every non-Westerner could get with a white girl and marry them, they would without hesitation.

So the real answer here is, it isn't women who are trash (even though some suck, it's normal), it's actually your personality and the way you behave around women. You're all probably manlets as well.

>> No.4099907

Roastie status: toastie

>> No.4099936
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>> No.4099944

money is the only thing that matters in life
money = time
money > chasing bitchy stacies

>> No.4099948

I have green eyes. And 3 children. Marriage is the red pill. This anon is right. White birth rates are falling. Someone needs to pay for future liabilities. So we import niggers and Muslims. And they destroy any identity your country had.

Have children you fucking worthless cunts!

>> No.4100046
File: 11 KB, 501x585, merchant in disguise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((MGTOW))) is great. Don't have white children, goy!

>> No.4100065

it's not about being a goy or not
it's about not having to wageslave like a fucking idiot till your late 60s because you decided it would be cool to have kids
kids are for rich, not for poorfags that will raise another generation of poor wagecucks

>> No.4100075
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You dont have to be mtgow to realize marriage is terrible for men. Every man who marries is retarded and deserve to lose all his money desu


>> No.4100080

>ugly femanons detected

>> No.4100135


>Cucking yourself for a common good

Kek. Good luck after she cheats you, dumps you and take all of your money. As a poltard you should protest kikes for making women this way and for making marriage an awful deal for men... not men who are looking to avoid getting rekt.

>> No.4100214
File: 170 KB, 1419x842, muhrapeculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that any FEMALE you hire is a potential career ending and reputation destroying liability. She doesn't need evidence. She just needs to say you "harassed" her. Not even "raped" her, just "harassed" her. There was a point when these cunts had to at least make false rape claims but now they just need to "feel uncomfortable" and it's game over for you and your company. She can make these false claims even 10 years later and ruin your life and cost your company millions.

>> No.4100243

I wish I were gay so bad, man.

My best buddy since childhood is gay. He's the most awesome person I've ever met. I love him, but unfortunately only platonically.

While drunk he's "joked" about blowing me while I watch [niche, embarrassing porn genre only he knows I like] and he wouldn't want anything back, he's hyper-submissive, but I'm not quite there yet. A few more years of my woman-hating leveling up, though... :/

We already room together and spend all our time together. We even cuddle when drunk sometimes. At a certain point I figure we might as well downgrade to a one bedroom to save costs, and if he's serious about offering his mouth as a fleshlight with no strings attached, then, well.

I worry I wouldn't be able to get it up, though, even with porn. I'm not into dudes.

I just want pussy, bros. why do woman suck.

>> No.4100265

this post basically sums up all of r9k except their best friend is their 14 y/o brother

>> No.4100288

turn him into a girl. Tell him to take HRT and dress like a girl

>> No.4100348


This has crossed my mind, but he's honestly pretty masculine for a gay dude, and honestly even for a non-gay dude. No facial hair, though, thankfully.

>> No.4100418

men are trash too, humans are trash you fucking virginal egocentrist manchild

> Every redditor in this thread is gonna tell about their experiences of having sex with hundreds of women and how they finally discovered what women were.
You mean LARPers?
>The rest of us never even dated any woman and could already tell they were trash
Yeah because self-serving bias isn't a thing


Why not become rich then?

Who says you have to get married!?

And yet Polanski, Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, the guy who is still CEO of a major Australian TV network and hundreds of other men get away with inappropriate relationships for years.
You're paranoid and obviously lack the basic social skills to make people loyal to you
>inb4 women are never loyal
What you mean is: people aren't loyal TO YOU.


>> No.4100425


That's why I follow the patrician lifestyle.

I'm straight with a long term grill that will bear me children, and have a best friend who also has a grill. We fuck each other and suck each others dicks as part of our friendship, and always have each other's backs.

Male company has been the norm for thousands of years. Women are still needed to propagate the species though and compliment male personality and characteristics.

>> No.4100561


You sound bi. Good for you but I'm not.

>> No.4100620

>We fuck each other and suck each others dicks as part of our friendship
hmmmm... Is this what all friendships are like??? Why don't any of my friends suck me off or fuck me? Does this mean that they're not really my friends?????