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4098780 No.4098780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

KEKEKEKEK my parents are giving me an additional 100k USD after I told them I'll kill myself because my LINK and REQ investments failed. I fucking love my mom and dad. No need to kill them after all.

my old thread

>> No.4098788

Now you go all in on link, buy the dip

>> No.4098792

>investment has failed
>its been 1 week

>> No.4098796

FUCK NO BRO. I have enough LINK. Its time for me to fucking diversify. They also said i should fucking invest this shit in index funds instead of crypto just in case crypto fails.

>> No.4098807

Diversify your life by ending leech

>> No.4098854

Oh please, why would i kill myself when my parents can save my ass for my decisions. They said they love me so much and that I shouldnt kill myself for something like money.

I have a feeling i would kill myself in a decade or so though. My conscience would probably come knocking in my 50s.

>> No.4098864

Holy fuck what a waste of space you are op

>> No.4098872

nice bro
youre gonna make it

>> No.4098887

hurah bro hurah!!! i cant believe this shit, im actually shaking because of crying in front of my parents.

i used this method so many times, i cant believe it still works until now kek.

>> No.4098909
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>> No.4098920

I feel sorry for your parents you degenerate cunt, however they are partly to blame for raising you this way. Someone doxx this cunt and send a screenshot in the mail to his parents

>> No.4098941

Nigga its entirely their fault. My mom beat me up for 3 mistakes in a shitty exam during gradeschool. I studied hard so hard. Its their fault.

You know whats the best part? That -3 from the exam wasnt because of the wrong answer. Its becuase the instructions required us to shade the fucking TRUE or FALSE butterfly using a red color. My mom didnt put a red color crayola in my bag.

So i chose the closest color to red (PINK) even then i got a -3 from the exam. FUCK THESE KUNTS.

>> No.4098951

damn you still have the mind of a toddler

>> No.4098953

God damn you are a piece of fucking shit OP and need a bullet to the head. Give me your 100k you fucking nigger, you don't deserve it

>> No.4098971

I deserve it. Do you know what ive been through? I literally studied so hard even though basketball varsities get all the girls i want.

I deserve to make it.

>> No.4098974

Lmao even if you make it, you're still going to be a manlet with copes. All the money in the world won't help you stop being a beta faggot. Sad thing is that this story most def LARP so this homo is going to remain a poor NEET asain pajeet

>> No.4098981
File: 62 KB, 680x748, 1509073756921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers. You are smart.

>> No.4098983

Whatever, believe im larping if you must. My eyes are literally in pain right now because of crying so much in front of my parents.

>> No.4098986

You still have a grudge on your mom from grade school?

Holy shit

>> No.4098989


>> No.4098993

What will you buy?

>> No.4098995

Wow...you can't seriously be proud of that sentence you typed out that didn't happen.

>> No.4099010

i dont know actually, i mean i dont really want to buy any material goods right now. I mean i have a mercedes benz CLA and a shitty condo (I MEAN REALLY SHITTY). I dont really want to buy wristwatches and shit since my wrist is too small. I bough a cartier santos XL and its too fucking large for my wrists.

if you're talking about crypto ill probably buy some OMG. but my parents strictly advised me not to put the extra 100k usd in alts or crypto at all.

>> No.4099020
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>if you're talking about crypto ill probably buy some OMG.

Smart. Do this

>> No.4099023

lol do you know how hard it is to master the art of crying? let me give you some tips.

noobs normally cry by preventing their eyes from blinking but that shit is shit tier. True tears require your back to move up and down, notice how people who had their relatives die have a hard time breathing and their back/spine moves up and down?

the secret is to concentrate on self pity then when you feel your upper lips twitch just concentrate on the feeling of twitching and crying. then i guarantee that you will produce authentic tears.

this shit would be 100x more effective if i was born as a girl though

>> No.4099031

dude you have 100k why no just go for hodl coins?

>> No.4099060

bro i hold 100k REQ and 50k LINK my parents strictly advised me to not put the new 100k in crypto.

>> No.4099121

psychopathic cancer, you sound like elliot rodger

>> No.4099130

is this real :? wtf

>> No.4099134

Anon did you just copy some random backstory of a children's cartoon villain from fanfiction.net ?

Also why the hell would you ever believe that an adult would let a child, a hormonal autistic dicklet child in charge of more than 3.50$? Parents don't even trust their children with doing the groceries properly.

>> No.4099147

>REQ failed
You're a fucking retard OP, I'll buy your REQ.

>> No.4099156

what the fuck are you talking about?

nigga im holding LINK and REQ till 2019

>> No.4099157

I wonder how many homicides and suicides occured due to LINK shenanigans.

>> No.4099165

Good, you're gonna make it. Not sure about LINK but if you just get free money from your parents it's fine.

>> No.4099221

i still wish LINK and REQ would take off though by 2019

>> No.4099277

REQ will take off this year senpai

>> No.4099331

what's fucked is that a degenerate piece of shit like this will probably make it from being a scumbag leech, while many of us just struggle to get by. if you aren't just LARPing, then you should honestly do the whole world a favor and remove yourself. the world would honestly be a better place without you.

>> No.4099353

i deserve it you fucktard. you literally dont know what ive been through watching basketball varsities steal my dream girls.

>> No.4099371

no you don't deserve it. you deserve a bullet you little worm. I hope your parents smother you in your sleep for being such a fucking burden on them. They must hate your guts. And I don't blame them one bit. If I had a child like you I'd beat the shit out them.

>> No.4099386

if they hate me why would they give me an additional 100k usd just for crying because LINK and REQ dipped?

>> No.4099410
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probably so there brat child doesn't commit murder/suicide. They are so ashamed of you they would rather just give you the money than deal with your psychotic behavior. If they loved you they would seek help for you. But they don't, so they give you enough money for you to lose to honestly kill yourself over. And when you lose it, and you will because you are an emotional shitcunt, hopefully you will blow your brains out. In fact I hope you come on here and post about it first so I can have another laugh then.