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File: 364 KB, 1280x2202, sarah-snyder-and-jaden-smith-on-the-beach-in-miami-12-19-2015_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4089445 No.4089445[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All money grabbing jokes aside, what's good dating and "catch a man" advice for women? Or where to find this.

And please, bitter virgins need not respond. And neighter are we interested in "be in the kitchen, har har, redpill fuckyeah" shit. At least when it's angrily applied.

>> No.4089455

don't be a whore, don't be fat

>> No.4089463

Back to the kitchen shaniqa

>> No.4089470

Are you asking how to date a guy? Ask them out or go to a club or just be pretty and you'll get asked out. If you're asking how to meet rich guys, then you're going to need to get into that "society". If you're not born into it then you'll need to either luck out meeting a rich guy or become a high class hooker.
Probably not worth it though since you can make just as much from being a camwhore.

>> No.4089489

you're not a woman, OP. you're just a faggot chick with a dick.

>> No.4089503

Is that JMac in the background?

>> No.4089507

facebook gives good advice on these topics

>> No.4089521

Dont be fat

>> No.4089523

Are you joking. 7/10 average male here. If you have boobs and look at least 5/10 I would date u. Albeit as a diminishing rate. Each point is about a couple months of dating. 8+/10 is wife material.

>> No.4089537
File: 308 KB, 600x598, sara_youve-got-a-beautiful-reflection-44-photos-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a /biz/ thread, I hope this was clear

>> No.4089542

How do I get a 6'2" Chad doctor or trader that makes 400k a year? I'm 5'1", 250 lbs.

>> No.4089552

Online dating is the best way. Guys who want something more than a slut probably won't be looking in bars or other public locations.

>> No.4089577

If you're being serious, the only thing you need to do is maintain a sexy instragram account. Show off your slutty knickers and you're golden

>> No.4089598

That's not you jamed

>> No.4089602

There's essentially unlimited demand for single women so I don't understand exactly what you're asking. When it comes to guys there's essentially cucks and assholes, with varying levels of attractiveness and tolerability, just pick one that suits you

>> No.4089614

Don't. Be. Needy.

I can't stress this enough. We are far less emotionally driven than women and we don't get attached the way you do.

I repeat. DONT BE NEEDY. Being smothered is what has driven me to end every relationship I have ever had.

>> No.4089637

why is this a /biz/ thread

also this

>> No.4089644

real men are not caught

>> No.4089651

I like it when girls are clingy and needy. There's basically no advice that can satisfy 100% of guys preferences. Just be yourself (to a reasonable extent). If you have to try very hard to act a certain way to appeal to a guy then your relationship won't work out long term.

>> No.4089657
File: 52 KB, 503x519, 1508105701893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold digger
>virgin shamer
>can't spell
>not in the kitchen, reeee
>on /biz/ instead

>> No.4089666

>Women on /biz/
I guess it's time to sell all my crypto.

>> No.4089700

$$$ because better life

>just pick one that suits you
if that were possible or at least easy enough, people would do it, and then it would be impossible again

there are hardly any good men who will not crumble

?? what do you mean ??

Thanks guys!! :)))

>> No.4089728

What do you call that nigger hairstyle? The chef boy ardee?

>> No.4089731

>in this episode of "women ruin everything"

>> No.4089751
File: 508 KB, 500x701, IMG_5101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Digits confirms, bitches don't know about my blockchain.

Sell everything lads, the ruination of greatness by women is a constant throughout history. OP is a perfect example.

If you want to snag a rich man, dress like a whore and wander around wealthy parts of town. You'll probably end up with STDs and poop on your face, but if all you want is money, dignity is worthless. Good luck, whore.

>> No.4089752
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>How to catch a man
Interesting thread, I'll bite

>Assuming you're looking for a long term thing
My first suggestion would be to identify yourself. The whole >opposites attract thing is the most bullshit statement anyone's ever come up with. You need to find a guy that's into the same shit as you, so that when the time comes for you two to be living together, there is as little day-to-day divergence and attrition as possible.

>If you're nerdy, into tech, videogames or watching netflix or whatever
There are succesful men in IT and engineering fields who are perfectly sociable and all around desirable who still would love to come back home and play post-sex vidya with their partners.

>If you're into socializing all the time
Guys in sales, procurement and law positions literally get rich off of never being tired of talking to people. If you'd like to have dinner with different people every day of the week forever, look for a guy in some field that rewards extraversion

You get the drill. Tell me about you and i'll try to help you further

>> No.4089765


This is literally all a woman has to do in America to get a decent guy

>> No.4089773
File: 69 KB, 618x412, jaden_newnormal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaden is a stupid faggot, but at least he is not afraid to be called out.

The girl did it right. I'm not a thin beach cow, tho

>> No.4089783

Be really good looking, don't have a history of sex with too many people, be a good person, say compliments that boost your man's confidence, try to get alone with his friends, provided they aren't assholes.

>> No.4089788
File: 109 KB, 650x360, 5E1AF196-ABC5-4C49-96B1-1621C49CF66A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a thin
No decent man wants a fatty so lay down the chips sweetie

>> No.4089812

>$$$ because better life
okay, easy route is to find some rich autist, I assure you there are a lot.

t. rich autist with filipina gf who managed to break through my autism

perversely, you could look for a bitter virgin.

also this, I love my clingy gf. People have difference preferences.

>> No.4089832
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1507115033879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all American women mentally challenged? Or is it just this broad because she's "thick" (fat)

>> No.4089838


Investment banker here

I wouldn't date you because i'm not a fucking pokemon to catch.

>you seem like a gold digger
>you don't post pictures so likely fat/ugly
>you quote some equality bullshit (sure don't mind if i pay the bills though right?)

If you want some actual advice, be more than just a pretty face and don't be fat/unattractive.

Nevertheless, I probably wouldn't date you OP, possibly ONS/plate material.

Marriage is a bad investment in this current state of the world; if i'm going to settle down, you better be bringing your best to the table.

>> No.4089839
File: 49 KB, 613x771, stina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get bored and then people give up

I can't even sometimes show interest on a date, even if I'm attracted

A man should be able to coldhardedly rip another guys balls off, but that's just my preference.

I changed my ideology so much over the last 3 years, especially with the internet, 4chan, the rightwinged youtube movements and channels, and I don't want to talk with my friend normally anymore because then we get into conflicts and their morals are so streamlined, it hurts


>> No.4089855

So are you fat/ugly or what?

>> No.4089885

Don't be a gold digging slu-

Oh wait...

>> No.4089904

>$$$ because better life

Make your own money.

>> No.4089906
File: 995 KB, 450x253, 1508787971675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god you seem unbearable as hell, like one of those girls that expects men to do everything for her.

I bet you've had a string of one night stands but rarely date anyone long term and you're stuck trying to figure out why.

you're a crazy hoe.

>> No.4089921
File: 59 KB, 500x720, marina_bitbean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never fat. I was SHY. I'm not pretty LIKE instagram pretty. But this is not about my LOOKS.

>> No.4089956

Nice larp.

>> No.4089978

>I get bored and then people give up
>I can't even sometimes show interest on a date, even if I'm attracted
I think your options are either therapy or being extremely attractive.

>> No.4089998


t. crypto 'trader'

>> No.4090006
File: 17 KB, 480x360, tooz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way a person gets money, they make it "on their own". Get over it.

Also, there's no /biz/ over on lolcow

>> No.4090026

show up. don't be a bitch.

>> No.4090103
File: 17 KB, 224x340, 1492899667396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have sex
You're only worth the least amount of effort you've ever accepted. If you want a high value man to offer you commitment, you have to be worthy. No amount of "hurr durr muh feminism" will change this.

>don't be fat

>learn some skills
Can you cook? Do you like gardening? Do you do anything creative at all? You should. If your main hobbies are spending money and watching TV, you're about as valuable as a fleshlight.

>be graceful and feminine
Women trying to act like men is disgusting.

>> No.4090125
File: 365 KB, 1221x1570, Mariage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha, no.
Men who truly not want a slut will look into their community/surrounding (church, political party, association, friend's families, work, etc...), basically places where they can gather external feedback on a woman.

The entire "dating market" in itself is degenerate, it's something born in big cosmopolitan cities where there are a lot of people but everyone is alone, where there is no "social tissue" with people thinking relationships are like shoes; algorithms can only do so much because people lie and don't put their history, also it's just the place to fuck these days.

Biggest issue with online dating today is that it totally fucked up women expectations and hypergamy, when women 50 years ago had a pool of maybe 50-150 potential partners to pick among through their entire life now with internet you can count in tens of thousands, women can't choose (because they think there is this "perfect guy" in the pool that they FOMO and so ditch perfectly fine partners and end up finishing alone or grabing the first guy they found after 30).

If I had to manhunt I would define my expectations and my self worth accordingly to each other (if you are an average looking woman working in an office you will not finish with the cute cardiologist, sorry), understand what men value the most on average (attractiveness, age, capacity to nurture, to be supportive and to be a good homemaker) and what they value the least (college degrees,"experience", network of friends and financial/professional prospects).

After that you think about the type of lifestyle you want, you can't be "adventurous" during your 20s and then hope to build a big trad family and become a matriarch when you suddenly hit 30, it's too late and no decent man will want you, the best you can achieve is trapping a beta, cucking him then divorce which will make your miserable.

Now you have a realistic "police sketch" of the type of man you want, just go to places they frequent.

>> No.4090127

It's kind of obvious English is your second language so I can hardly tell what the fuck you're talking about, but I'll take a stab:

lower your expectations or be alone, just like every other woman.

Don't want to settle for less? Cool, live alone. If the guy you want doesn't come naturally, accept you aren't good looking enough for him.

Essentially, all women are competing for the top 20% of men. Your chances of actually landing one for long-term commitment aren't great unless you're in the top 20% of women. I'm sure they'll fuck you, though.

Tl;dr- lower your standards for the men you seek for long-term commitment, or take a bunch if alpha dick you can't keep. Your call.

>> No.4090128
File: 122 KB, 398x373, b6789b678b7b76b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you arent redpilled the only guys youre going to attract are pussy cucks. try to use that little female brain of yours, k sweetie?

>> No.4090166

Moreover, it's kind of obvious to us that if you're trying to game for a higher status man than you could get on your own, you're not in the higher percentile of women.

>> No.4090183

give blowjobs on the first date, get really good at it

have a good personality. most guys like honesty, so try to be honest, or at least feign honesty, women that are too guarded/reserved or seem to have too many secrets send up a lot of red flags and elicit a similar response in the man; basically just seem like you have a thoughtful, very honest view of things, a "call it like you see it" outlook but without being bitchy/obnoxious all the time.

always stay in shape, maintain values (regarding fitness and other things) that you'll never abandon. don't have that stereotypical Amy Schumer type of personality where you think it's amusing that you're a messy, disgusting, fat piece of shit and that guys will still accept you for it. Almost no good men find women resembling Amy Schumer (physically or personality wise) to be attractive, so use her image/personality as your 'what NOT to do' example.

and give great blowjobs

>> No.4090261

The girl in the OP is so fucking nasty, walking around barefoot with those alien feet of hers. Kind of sad when a rich, famous, fairly talented person like Jaiden is with a trashy hoe.

>> No.4090277

>she has several of those bikinis in different colours

>> No.4090320


Be cute and quirky anon

>> No.4090356
File: 2.49 MB, 1680x1050, gzero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course everybody knows the dating market is shit - I don't even want a guy who looks at tinder every day. There's better things to do for a man. And what's a fomo?

>>don't be a slut
>>practise giving good blowjobs

>> No.4090385


>> No.4090409

You will never appeal to everyone. Some guys don't care if you've sucked 50 cocks if it means you're a pro at giving head. Other guys won't consider dating you unless you're a virgin.

>> No.4090421

7/10 is not average you innumerate retard

>> No.4090426

Get off my board you FUCKING FEMALE NORMIE


>> No.4090441

I'm not female wtf

>> No.4090442

just don't go out offering blowjobs to everyone in the street,

is it not obvious?

>> No.4090456
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She could commit a felony like the roast in this vid.


>> No.4090477
File: 153 KB, 768x768, 1505688297472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw spent 20 minutes of my life reading people give advice to a guy on how to date other guys

>> No.4090485
File: 1.70 MB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK she looked pretty good in this

>> No.4090499
File: 107 KB, 580x725, ally-mcbeal-hot-cars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't identify as a guy, but okay

also, you're a slow as fuck reader, get booked

>> No.4090508
File: 122 KB, 399x372, 543235352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off our board freak

>> No.4090523

Dating advice for women lololol. Don't be obese, be at least of below average looks, don't be insane (this is where most of you fuck up). Literally easy mode.

>> No.4090524

So you don't identify as female, or male? what are you then? If you're a trap you should at least have the decency to post some sexy pics.

>> No.4090527

post pics of your weird genitalia

>> No.4090539

where to find /biz/ man

>> No.4090558
File: 116 KB, 1000x841, 66Flateyri1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Learn how to cook/be a homemaker
2. Show a nurturing side
3. Have some independent life of your own
4. Take some interest in his work


Oh nevermind, you are a lost cause.

Adjust you expectations and be less robotic.

>> No.4090765

i never said "don't be a slut" in anything I wrote.

it's idiotic to think most people (men and women) won't have had a decent number of sexual partners by the time they're in their college years.

i said give good head, be very truthful, honest, and forthcoming, maintain a good physique through your entire life, and don't act like a piggish woman similar to Amy Schumer (maybe thats where you inferred the 'dont be a slut' thing?); i wasn't necessarily correlating Schumer with being a slut, I was just saying her general demeanor, the obnoxious behavior, unladylike mannerisms, and being messy and chaotic is what's appealing.

If you're otherwise a composed individual who happens to like sex that's different than being an Amy Schumer.

All that aside, ya being too much of a slut is generally not a great selling point to men looking for LTRs so keep it in mind as well, if you've fucked 7 guys, your future husband probably won't care that much, but if you've fucked 400 guys most good men will find it disgusting.

also give good blowjobs

>> No.4090778

appealing = unappealing

>> No.4090800

Only weak men invest their time and emotion with promiscuous women. That's always been true, and isn't going to change.

>> No.4090801

Its not easy for the modern western girl to be neither

>> No.4091101
File: 325 KB, 1391x1108, Generation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear of missing out.
Did you ever see an episode of HIMYM (rhetorical question, you are a woman of course you did), well that's what not to do: endlessly searching the perfect partner because he doesn't exist, also the more you will "try" men the less likely you will be satisfied with what you end up with (see the chart I posted in the last post).

Because of that half of young women will end up cat ladies, especially if gen Z girls happen to be more conservative, I don't even talk about sexbots/MGTOW/artificial wombs, there will be a lot of crying and tales of regretful millenial women in the 10 coming years, it could be funny if we wouldn't all suffer from it.

>> No.4091114


>> No.4091372

1. Don't be a makeup covered pigclown. Don't have to be a model but at least go for a jog 3 times a week...
2. Learn to cook and do it good, specially sandwiches.
3. Don't be a pretentious whore who thinks the world owns her money and luxury.
4. Actiolly do something other than have sex. go on a walk, give a free massage. Show some interest.
5. WORK, I ignore pretentious bitches and fall for working girls who can maintain themselves and are in for the person not the money. Sharing money investing together is different that comes after confidence is built.
6. There is no perfect man,stop acting like you can do muuuuuch better and that prince with hot looks and billions of dollars is coming for you next week. BE HUMBLE.
7. Try what you dont like, and let him try what he doesnt like.

For me a working humble girl who is honest is worth more than a rich victorias secret model by FAR. If a girl wants to marry me by offering a prenup even better. Doesnt matter who proposes but prenup so no 50/50 robbery in case go rek

>> No.4091373

Keep telling yourself that thot.

>> No.4091458


>> No.4091510

You could fucking kill yourself for starters, you rancid fucking whore.

>> No.4091570


>> No.4091626

Honestly the only way to nail down a guy who is wary of commitment is to be so awesome to him that he he is afraid to let anyone else have you.

But if you have to force this and you lack common ground then it will make you tired.

For me knowing how to cook and being kinky in bed pretty much seals the deal but so far I haven't found a woman who can do both and still has a decent personality.

>> No.4091629

Stay healthier than all the other women your age. Thats it.