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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4087040 No.4087040 [Reply] [Original]


People might recommend you to buy Chainlink token (LINK) (pic related is the logo). DO NOT TRUST THEM. This is a shit coin that has no prospects and is most likely a scam. They are what is known as bagholders, meaning they bought too high and are now holding their bags of coins in hopes of it going up. It's never going up.

You have been warned.

>> No.4087047

Yea, it's certainly not going up with the October update in less than 4 days or the devcon3 in the main hall

>> No.4087061

Main stall

>> No.4087365
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>> No.4087449


>> No.4087459

Bagholder here, can confirm OP is 100% true

>> No.4087462

>October update
>chainlink team
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH thanks for the laugh senpai

>> No.4087475
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>> No.4087567


>> No.4087577
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LOUD kek

>> No.4087586

Chainlink was a paid Shill attempt by a group and they did A horrible job and lost a lot of money. I made 17k here while they lost money in the last 4 weeks.

>> No.4087603

yes DO NOT BUY link scam coin lose a lot of bitcoins if you shall!

>> No.4087715

Sell your chainlink quickly!!!!!

>> No.4087747

I just sold mine.

Jk, I didn't, and this thread is gay. You wouldn't be making these threads of you didn't stand to gain something from it. No one would spend all day, day after day, knocking something just to help save others from an investment unless you were up to some shit. Kill yourself.

>> No.4087755
File: 397 KB, 611x1021, gartner on chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- beastly use case
>(mainstream fucking smart contracts)

- rock-solid fundamentals
>(peer-reviewed white paper featuring Ari Juels)

- practically finished working product
>(v1.0 of network done)

- major partnerships and endorsements
>(SWIFT, Cornell, Gartner, WEF, ...)

- massive marketing event just happened at SIBOS
>(invited by SWIFT as the ONLY external crypto dev to do a demo, with direct involvement of BNP Paribas, AXA, Sony, Barclays, Santander, ...)

- started rolling out the COMPLETE working product right after SIBOS
>(you can now set up nodes on the front page of the website)

- sky-high interest from some of the biggest players in global economics
>SWIFT, WEF, Capgemini, Gartner all underlining the importance of smart contracts and mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com by name

Sources for this last bullet point:

WEF: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC15_Technological_Tipping_Points_report_2015.pdf#page=24
World economic forum talking about smart contracts and crypto as a technological tipping point, specifically mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com by name

Capgemini: https://www.capgemini.com/consulting/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2017/07/smart-contracts.pdf
Massive consultancy and IT firm Capgemini devoting an entire report to the importance of smart contracts, specifically mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com and Sergey Nazarov by name as the only providers of a smart contract solution that can use external data

SWIFT: https://www.swift.com/node/39911
SWIFT itself saying how "Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Smart Contracts (SC) promise to transform automation in the financial industry, and are generating huge interest amongst financial institutions and technology providers."

Gartner: (see pic)

tl;dr not only are the very biggest global economic players tripping over themselves to adopt blockchain tech, they are specifically lusting after smart contracts, AND mentioning Chainlink/Smartcontract.com specifically.

>> No.4087765

toilet link coin beastly use case FOR FLUSHING haha

>> No.4087768

FUDers BTFO, and double dubs to boot.


>> No.4087794

I'm liking what I see, but what is the use case for the token?

>> No.4087798

I have nothing to gain. I just don't want people to get burned like I got burned

>> No.4087799

you just cummed all over the fudders faces

>> No.4087814

it definitely succeeds in its use case of halving ones money in 2 weeks

>> No.4087823

The LINK token is the payment vector for nodes.
After all, there is no decentralized network without incentive.

Chainlink is a network of its own, entirely distinct from the ETH network, BTC network, Hyperledger network, ... and it is best served with a currency that is native to and representative of that network.
This is pretty much what tokens were created for in the first place.

>> No.4087842

Chainlink is developing beautifully, what the market does is by now apparently a completely unrelated matter.

Three reasons of the top of my head: cryptards being spoiled by crypto hypebeasts, the one exchange situation, and the Bitcoin fork bs.

>> No.4087858
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>> No.4087872
File: 340 KB, 824x609, price it in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>done going potty
>reach for flush handle
>Sergey emerges from the poopoo and peepee toilet water and grabs your hand
>Sergey speaks: "This one's already priced in, little buddy"
>Sergey disappears back into the toilet water
>leave without flushing


>> No.4087902

such a fucking AMAZING project, and yet the price keeps going down...LOL

>> No.4087924

Holy. Fuck.
This is what paid full-time fudding looks like. Hour after hour, thread after thread, shitting on chainlink. You're making it too obvious retards.

>> No.4087930

It's still a good token. Good for another couple dead cat bounces

>> No.4087934

fuckking kek
as a link holder these memes are fucking getting to me

>> No.4087953

That's what they want.

>> No.4087968
File: 271 KB, 539x477, Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 3.14.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of making comeback meme magic you are letting them win.

shut up and make better memes

>> No.4087972

oh im still going to hold regardless
the memes are top notch bants thoe

>> No.4087976

whats the point
right now it would come as cringy
im just going to wait when it shoots up then spam this board until the fudders choke on our memes

>> No.4088005

See >>4087842

Money isn't supposed to come easy or logically.

>> No.4088021



>> No.4088034

That's an extremely stale meme, anon.

>> No.4088058

i loved that movie
so belive me when i say that this got to me
still laughin

>> No.4088060

This coin rape my ass everyday.
my ass hurts anon.
i cant take ass pounding everyday so i dump my bags.
i hate that slav mongrel CEO that fucked everyone

>> No.4088156

next to toilet

>> No.4089065

Passed on Chainlink ICO, passed on Ripple, got in the Stelar Lummens pump and left.

The 3 are shitecoins compared to Wanchain. Wanchain has what the 3 have plus much more and a 33 elite CHOYNA team with westernerss.

>> No.4089222

say all beta saps; who instead start focusing on themselves to become stronger - better and avoid getting burned in the future.

You're a funny fucking dude man.

>> No.4089607

Can anyone post the pic of Sergay speaking in front of the paid audience?

>> No.4089665
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>Bought at $0.35
I don't know when to let go fuck
thinking about cutting it and going full into BTC

>> No.4089683


>> No.4089941


New to this board but you sound like a shill

>> No.4090162

*breaths in*

>> No.4091088
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