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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4082648 No.4082648 [Reply] [Original]

What can you guys tell me about it?

>> No.4082669

metal spelled backwards is latem

>> No.4082670

Buy it.

>> No.4082683

All right, but why?

>> No.4082703


>real product and use case
>alpha release in two days
>one of the few alts that Brian Kelly has been shilling on CNBC
>has devs that worked at Apple and Visa
>sponsoring a tennis tournament for Virgin

Fucking buy

>> No.4082707

Because you can do your own googles

>> No.4082709

it'll be $100 or more next spring/summer

but you can get it cheaper if you wait

>> No.4082726

Kek thanks for giving me real arguments, not like this pajeet >>4082707
Will buy mates. I had some spare money doing nothing.

>> No.4082727

I used to be a holder but switched for omisego a few months ago. The price could definitely pump but there's really not much benefit for those who own the token from what I can tell. The only benefit to having the token is not paying fees when sending metal to another person, no dividends or staking.

>> No.4082764

np. really good long term hold in my estimation. I don't trade the swings anymore

>> No.4082779

let's save this discussion for another day, lads. I'm feeling sleepy. Aren't you?

>> No.4082788

thank you. actually i bought 650 when it was 7 dollars. i like the fact that erik vorhees is an investor. dont know if he exited though

>> No.4082827

I'm a pop kinda guy

>> No.4082833

This is one of the few time where /biz/ isn't full of shit and its giving you an advide from the bottom of the heart.

MTL will have a huge mainstream success, basically you get paid every time you spend money (you get 5% of what you spend in MTL). Sellers will accept it, buyers will be happy to use it, 100% success.

Also I would say that if you're looking for /ourguy/, Marshall Hayner is absolutely the most based CEO ever.

>$100+ by spring/summer 2018
I totally agree.

>> No.4082842

I'm not.

>> No.4082910

Hi what's inflation

>> No.4082929

What do you mean?

>> No.4083070

He's jelly because Metal uses PoPP and his coins use POOP protocol.

Inflation is controlled somehow considering the total supply of 66.000.000 coin and the fact that the 5% is an initial incentive to use the coin, then the PoPP (Proof of Processed Payments) will regulate the thing.

>> No.4083189

just bought 130 of these bad boys. Am I set now?

>> No.4083207

Yeah man, this + STRAT have been pretty solid tbqfhf