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4080329 No.4080329 [Reply] [Original]

Now tell me what the difference between BTC, ETH and LTC are.

>> No.4080355

what a newfag

btc is old
ltc is newer version of btc
eth is the gay version of btc. picture what btc would look like if it were human and got full-blown AIDs

just look up the founders of eth, both are homos and both look like they're slowly dying from too much poz

>> No.4080403
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Well this a real ethical dilemma..

Do I give the faggots money for more AIDS and possibly make money?

Or, do I withhold, possibly lose out and stand morally upright?

>> No.4081342
File: 76 KB, 600x300, bitcoin-vs-litecoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTC is fast and with low transaction fees compared to bitcoin.

Bitcoin is for storing value and buying lambos or houses (large transfer of value)

Litecoin is for grocery shopping or paying your friends for stupid shit (small transfer of value)

Etherium is for fags (big transfer of AIDS)

vertcoin and monero is for buying drugs (:

>> No.4081367

ETH is a scamcoin platform, LTC is faster BTC, BTC is a pajeet shitcoin

>> No.4081379

bla bla ltc is everything but vtc is much better, faster, lower transaction fees

I'd stick to VTC OP. Besides that, vtc is $4 and will be $50-100 one day, I doubt that VTC will ever get 10x again now that everyone rides that vtc train

>> No.4081387

if LTC is a faster BTC why is it barely worth anything compared to BTC?

>> No.4081402

the only reason its got lower transaction fees is because of the volume you condensed stupifuck

>> No.4081419

dont take advice here
these people are fucking clueless
go do some homework you worthless faggot

>> No.4081439

Normies are stupid

>> No.4081447

BTC have a max supply of 21 millions, LTC of 84 million.
BTC have 17 millions in circulation so already 80%, LTC 54 million so only 64%.
BTC is older than LTC.
BTC is more well-known than LTC.
BTC is on all exchanges while LTC only on most.

>> No.4081470

so just give it time and LTC will be $1k too?

>> No.4081491


even reddit is better for actual information, biz is a shit hole and the only reason you come here is to laugh

>> No.4081518

True dog speak da true true

>> No.4081844

Maybe. The dev is genetically a chink, so it could become a scam overnight.

>> No.4081873

What about LTC vs BCH?

>> No.4082292

reddit is still full of FUD and newfags but ya

>> No.4082979
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>> No.4082999

if you do not own vertcoin

you are LITERALLY a retard

dr.'s suggestion kys