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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4080291 No.4080291 [Reply] [Original]

>tax department decides my dad owes hundreds of thousands, even though he doesn't
>he spends years paying it off
>finally finishes paying it off
>they decide he hasn't paid any of it off and brings the debt back up to hundreds of thousands
How can I convince him to sue the bajeezus out of the IRD?
He'd rather give up and go bankrupt.
This is New Zealand by the way, so suing isn't normal here, and he can't spare many thousands on legal fees.

>> No.4080305

they make receipts for this reason

>> No.4080622

I don't know why he hasn't sorted it out then, it must not be that simple.

>> No.4080637

sounds like either a misunderstanding, extortion, or youve been told misleading information

>> No.4080643

hes either being scammed or is hiding something from you

>> No.4080718

yeah something doesn't add up here.

>> No.4080740

>implying bureaucrats don't fuck up constantly

>> No.4080800

Not like this

>> No.4080806

He probably lost the money in a casino or something and blames the tax department just so he doesn't look like a total retard.

>> No.4080822

Tfw you discover your pop is the largest DGB bagholder in the milkyway

>> No.4080840

*loses your college fund on scratchers tickets* ah geez son the damn tax man at it again!!

>> No.4080848

Lying to your kid about how you lost all of your savings for his college fund/car 101

>> No.4080946

I've never seen him gamble or heard him lie.
I absolutely believe he is telling the truth about the situation, trying to convince me otherwise is pointless.

>> No.4080977

When I read OP I thought maybe that is possible in some corrupt South American, African, or tiny Asian country but New Zealand? Come on, m8. Something doesn't add up. They have accountants and lawyers for this kind of shit over in Kiwiland, no?

>> No.4081010

Your Dad is Kim Dotcom ???

>> No.4081021

You have to understand that resolving matters through legal action is very rare here.

>> No.4081039
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I'd also assume it's pretty rare to pay a debt owed to the fucking government of New Zealand and then have them tell you that you didn't pay it.

>> No.4081046

Did he pay his debt in paysafecards?

>> No.4081076

Seriously though, contact the NZ news outlets, they have fuck all to report and are desperate for stories. Get in the press if it is actually a legit injustice.

>> No.4081182
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He's a project manager.
So we know better than anyone that the government departments are badly managed money sinkholes.
He worked at a place that wasted tens of millions of dollars just trying to transfer some financial records from one storage format to another. TRYING to transfer some financial records, not succeeding.

So it doesn't surprise me even slightly that the Inland Revenue Department can mistake a million dollars of business expenditure for a million dollars of business profit (and create debt accordingly), then ignore any payments of that debt.

My dad would get pretty pissy if I suggested that.
He doesn't like thinking about his predicament, and he prefers to keep things calm.
I'd do that if I was in his position, I loathe the government and am happy to harm its reputation, but I understand that he doesn't want to since reputation is important to him and engaging in a publicised financial battle isn't good for reputation.

>> No.4081207

you dumb nigger, you really think your dad is that much of a fucking beta cuck that he'll just pay hundreds of thousands that he doesn't owe?
he's fucking hookers on the side

>> No.4081216

>publicised financial battle
nigga is your dad warren buffet? noone is going to fucking know about some faggot project manager suing the IRS, people do that shit all the time
your dad owes the money for sure you naive little faggot

>> No.4081220

No, he plans to just go into bankruptcy, which means that any money he earns above a certain threshold goes to his debt; and then not earn above that thrershold.

>> No.4081232

Well if he 1) doesn't want to escalate things legally and 2) doesn't want to escalate things outside of legal channels publicly, then I guess he's just happy to get cucked, right? I mean, I'm not seeing another option here if he's exhausted all reasonable means of dealing with the people that have made the "miscalculations" at the department responsible for the "mistakes."

So he'd rather just give up than fight? I guess that's your answer then.

>> No.4081280

The thing is, it takes time and money to escalate things.
Maybe he would if he wasn't close to going broke.

I wish I had a decent income to support him, I've tried doing stuff on Fiverr but until you've completed a few jobs it's almost impossible to get any work; and after lots of asking I've only found ONE person "generous" enough to hire me for $5.
It'll take about 4 more hires until I've got enough momentum to have people decide they want my services.

>> No.4081307

>not just having friends "hire" you for 5 bucks, and you pay them back

Think, you dumb nigger.

You could even make a thread here and ask for people to hire you for $5 if you give some cryptos in return.

>> No.4081413

If someone expects free work, then they're greedy and don't respect freelancer workers.
I wouldn't trust them to slap me with a 1-star review if I don't pay them double, or even just do it for kicks.
A 1-star review on Fiverr before you've got a substantial buffer of 5-star reviews means you're pretty much fucked. It's like eBay, for every bad rating you should have a hundred good ratings.

And all my friends are very passive, they're only the kind that are good to talk to and not actually good for anything.

>> No.4081951

ffs i live in NZ bro, the IRD are generally good to deal with unless you are into nefarious activity. I doubt you know the entire story here. Someone being 'wrongfully' charged 100's of dollars does not take it lying down and sure as hell does not opt for bankruptcy over contesting it! Bankruptcy is the worst thing you can do, it fucks you for life. Tell your dad to come out with the truth or fucking grow a pair and do something about this. WTF!

>> No.4082137

>the IRD are generally good to deal with
Well, they're being really aggressive with us.
Seriously, the debt they say he's in just increases and increases because "he hasn't paid it off", even though they know perfectly well he's out of work (demand for project managers has slumped, many extremely qualified project managers have been out of work for months).

They'd rather bankrupt him now than wait for him to get a job so he can pay off more fake debt.
Everyone in this thread seems to be unable to accept that the government gets things wrong and instead thinks my dad is doing something shady. The government constantly gets things wrong, otherwise life wouldn't be shit and elections wouldn't be about "who is going to do the least damage".

>> No.4082159

You sure he didnt fall for a IRD scam?

In the US, IRS scams are pretty big business where people scam people pretending to be the IRS.

>> No.4082162


Has he actually paid it off? If so then his bank records will show that.

>> No.4082170


Show us a scan of one of the letters from the IRD, black out any personal information.

>> No.4082273

He doesn't like talking about it though, he gets stressed extremely easily.

>> No.4082296

Well you dad is not listening to you so you need to find someone he will listen to and get him to take action. The gov is wrongfully charging him a fortune and he's like meh, will just go bankrupt then. WHAT!??? There are a lot of free legal advice services, even lawyers that will take a case if it is a legit wrongful issue.

>> No.4082330

Any in Wellington that you can recommend that won't charge me just to explain my situation?

>> No.4082392

wonder what he's really spending the money on
gambling? drugs?

>> No.4082410

LINK, obviously.

>> No.4082574

>my dad doesnt want to talk about it
>he doesnt want to sue
its all the governments fault I bet

youd get a lot more money if you sue the government but
>dad doesnt want to sue
clearly the ebil gobberment is at fault

>> No.4082580


This all makes zero sense.

>whoops son guess it looks like I need to pay another hundred thousand dollars to the government. It can't be helped

>> No.4082599
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>tax department decides I owe them $2600
>send in my W2's
>they owed me $160

>> No.4082611

>He doesn't like talking about it though, he gets stressed extremely easily.
Your dad is lying to you.

>> No.4082620

lol op you naive fool

>he wont get lawyer because hes close to going broke

uhh by what youre saying he'll be in the negative income bracket, pretty sure whatever money he has left should go to sorting this out. implying its true

>> No.4082623
File: 167 KB, 659x525, 848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he has had an income high enough to rack up a tax debt of hundreds of thousands then this is a job for an accountant and later a lawyer.

And that is the only advice you need from biz.

>> No.4082672

anon we cant accept that your father wont sue the government for more shekels not that a government did anything wrong they do it all the fucking time

but not sueing or being even remotely angry just means he knows something and hes not telling you about it

>> No.4082718

this desu senpai
may god have mercy on your soul

>> No.4082756

For what reason did the IRD decide he owed them money originally? Did he wrongly fill out a form or what?

That's an incredible sum to just spring on someone. Did he admit to doing a bunch of cashies or something?

>> No.4082765
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 79e0f76f22f429dc6a79ebbe8f3b484d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this not just another /biz/ larp

>> No.4082786

he feels like a deluded linkie so it seems interesting

>> No.4082859

As I said, suing is not a normal course of action in NZ.
Of course he's angry.
But also he's overrworked (just with looking for work and doing odd jobs for money) so he doesn't list dealing with such a stressful thing.

>> No.4082876


Come on drop that "it's not the kiwi way" bullshit. People are sued all the time in NZ, the government too.

>he doesn't list dealing with such a stressful thing.

So he finds it relaxing to come up with hundreds of thousands of dollars and just keep paying for nothing? None of this makes a particle of sense.

>> No.4082877

Get a lawyer

>> No.4082955

Well, if he could get a lawyer for free, maybe he'd change his mind.

>> No.4083155


Get an accountant if nothing else. A tax accountant won't cost much and can submit all the forms and claims for overpayment of tax easily.

>> No.4083197
File: 461 KB, 421x623, iuio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP your dad is fucking lying to you. not memeing. revenue services don't just decide someone owes hundreds of thousands when they definitely do not. he's lying and gabled on a loan or something and doesn't want to admit how stupid he is. i guarantee you that is the case.

>> No.4083226

How much is "won't cost much"?

>> No.4083228

There's a 0% chance that your dad is not lying to you about this. You are very unintelligent to take him at his word about this.

>> No.4083268


Few hundred at most.

>> No.4083278


Also this: >>4083228 >>4083197

>> No.4083459

You're pathetic and annoying if you aren't trolling. Your dad is lying to you.

>> No.4084240

Found the autist.