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File: 135 KB, 2038x1036, RequestN-Media.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4075412 No.4075412 [Reply] [Original]

Hi ,We regret to inform you our dev team says that we have credited an extra amount of 60000 REQ from binance's account when you were depositing which means double deposited 60000 REQ due to system upgrading .The system has frozen your account immediately when detected your account was out of ordinary .
We sincerely request you to send us the 60000 REQ back ,any related charges will be borne by binance .We feel sorry for the inconvenience and thank you very much for your understanding and great support !

>> No.4075420


>> No.4075462


how can they ask for this back when the price is wayy higher now LOL. THEY NEED TO BUY BACK THE REQUEST WTF

>> No.4075471

sent 100k

>> No.4075477

is that real?

holy shit pay for your own fuck up binance or no one will ever trust you again

>> No.4075480
File: 46 KB, 1003x57, whatdidtheymeanbythis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody remember this when verge got listed? the difference in price was even more insane for pretty much no reason. not the first time weird shit happend on binance

>> No.4075531

you call 24 sats insane? it was because it was a fresh listing, prices are determined by supply/demand and since some people are exchange-loyal (and don't have accounts/trade at all exchanges) it opened up to a small but new market on Binance and there was some temporary discrepancies in price (and great arbitrage opportunity)

The difference lasted for like an hour or less btw.

>> No.4075602
File: 11 KB, 293x97, poyNqEM - Imgur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4075723


why isnt binance buying back REQ LOLOL

>> No.4075749

>We sincerely request

ahhh I get the joke

>> No.4075769

So wait, people deposited to Binance, they got twice the deposited tokens? So did people withdraw or sell and took easy money? What the hell

>> No.4075929

They should really just pay for it and don't Jew this out
It was their mistake
Learn to test your shit before releasing a new token

>> No.4075945

Once they got 2x req, they sold, causing a panic dump, then binance went and took half of everyone who bought or soles money

>> No.4076258


binance is screwing people and not fixing their mistake

>> No.4076275

Hi, this is 出售博伊, from the Binance team. Listen, mistakes were made, but we cannot be certain that the mistakes were on our end. Perhaps if greedy American traders did not release for quick gains, this could have all been mitigated. Really this is every one of our users' fault, and as such we will be setting a trap to lure our users into depositing more coins so we can use the newly deposited coins to pay for the mistakes that were made (NOT ADMITTING WE MADE THE MISTAKES!!!).

>> No.4076292
File: 58 KB, 2760x2000, 1505036116984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where shitcoins go to die

>> No.4076336


How is binance screwing people?

You deposited x amount of req, they made a mistake or accidentally credited you 2x

So asking for the extra amount back is screwing you how?

I'm not a retarded boomer, I'm literally all in on crypto and I own req myself. But if you wagekek and somehow get a double paycheck deposited by mistake, are you getting "screwed" if the bank takes back the error? You just expect to run to the atm, withdraw the excess, and laugh? Don't be retarded

>> No.4076419


they are screwing the people who panic and market sold

they need to reverse all trades and give the original REQ amount back

>> No.4076444


How so? Only a retard would panic sell based on an obvious mistake

>> No.4076516


because they thought binance doubled the supply - ofc people market sold, people thought REQ would crash and it did

>> No.4076708

Why didn't they sold half of their tokens?

>> No.4076722
