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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4074517 No.4074517 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have an asian spouse yet, /biz/? (both men and women)

>> No.4074536

where do i find any good looking azn women in real life.

>> No.4074556

Probably in Asia

>> No.4074588
File: 8 KB, 227x222, 12426125246256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the pic tulip mania 2.0 guy is gonna love it

>> No.4074605

You missed Nordic white - Nordic white at a basic of about usd 150k

>> No.4074916

This doesn't show it, but it's really Indians who are at the top
There ones that come over here are smarter and harder working than anyone else

>> No.4074927

that is covered in Asian-asian

>> No.4074938

>this data from 2010 is in anyway relevant today

fucking brainlets i swear

>> No.4074985

pretty sure asian also includes Indian in America (highest earning)


>> No.4075046

That's me

>> No.4075308

I do have an Asian wife. She stays at home and takes care of the kids. Single income family. If my wife was white or black, the numbers wouldn't change.

>> No.4075355

But the IQ numbers of your children would change

>> No.4075377

Arguable if it was white-white. Not arguable if it was white-black.

>> No.4075397

Being white is worth a million alone. Look at all the niggers etc who "made" it . Still have inferiority complex until they die. Kek.

>> No.4075410

I am a Chinese man who will have a White wife. Our children will have the blood of the mighty Han and the docile Aryan. Dragon and Wolf. Fire and Ice. They will conquer the world.

>> No.4075418


Honestly, Asian women have good qualities in terms of finances and such, but I can't get past how ugly and genetically inferior they are.

Flat faces, ugly wide noses, terrible square shaped hips, squat, bowed out legs, sickly pale colouration.

Just really bad genetics.

I can't afford that.

>> No.4075431
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because I make more than asian-white while being a single white CIS fuckboi

>> No.4075438

Pajeet-Asian is highest income in murica

>> No.4075569

What I get from this is that the people who make more money for their household are:
>1.asian men
>2.white men
>3.asian women
And that the others are garbage. Is that accurate?

>> No.4076121

Europeans and Asians had to live through several ice ages and intelligence was a high factor for survival. Its genetics/evolution at play here, if it werent for christianity killing off all the geniuses in Europe for a thousand years maybe we could have had an even greater average IQ

>> No.4077058
File: 192 KB, 356x356, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it werent for christianity killing off all the geniuses in Europe for a thousand years maybe we could have had an even greater average IQ
>le dark age maymay

Name me a single genius "killed by christianity" during the Middle Age.
Also the Middle Age has been an age of explosion in science and engineering for pretty much everyone north to Rome (ie: Europe), there has been more inventions during this period in the West than during the whole Antiquity.

Stop watching le science man and buy yourself an actual history book.

>> No.4077089


You fucking illiterate Fedorah.

The Church was the only medium of propagating knowledge in the early Middle Ages. Go read a fucking book.

>> No.4077096

Out of all the girls I've talked to, asian girls have been far the most cold and bitchy. I have no idea where this submissive asian waifu stereotype comes from. And I'm a decent looking white guy.

>> No.4077143
File: 444 KB, 1520x1518, ASIANNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I literally do. Infact she convinced me to invest in ETH when it was $25

>> No.4077188

This explains why there are so many idiots in Florida. If you pass out drunk somewhere you won't die of exposure. This is also why Boston/NYC has the best Jews.

>> No.4077191

calling bullshit on niggers making more than hispanics

>> No.4077285
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>Black-Asian not even on the list

>> No.4077711
File: 33 KB, 645x729, 1508824372573-biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correlation =! causation you mong

>> No.4077733

yes it's totally random that nogs and hispanics with low IQs and predispositions for violence are doing poorly while whites and asians with high IQs and tendencies to ... build fucking technological civilizations ... are doing well

muh correlation

>> No.4077745
File: 122 KB, 399x372, 543235352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pump out more elliot rogers goy!

>> No.4077755

hol up there cowboy
>nogs and hispanics with low IQs and predispositions for violence
do u know what ur insinuating there amigo

>> No.4077756

maybe they included illegal workers

>> No.4077760

This is because asian women will only marry you if you're earning $71k

>> No.4077769


>> No.4077780
File: 59 KB, 636x382, study1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're white take your pick gents