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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4070679 No.4070679 [Reply] [Original]


This is who is invested in ETP.

>> No.4070720

On June 27, 2014, Draper purchased, for an undisclosed price, nearly 30,000 bitcoins which had been seized by the US Marshals service and auctioned to the public.[13]The accumulation of bitcoins was estimated to be worth US$19 million at the time.[14][15]

On January 27, 2015, Tim Draper wagered about $400,000 (which is 2000 bitcoins with $200 price) that the bitcoin will rebound from its recent plunge.[16]

>> No.4070821

Wish i got into ETP in Aug.

Sitting on just under 200 coins right now. Have 30 on the exchange trying to buy and sell the dips but its pretty hard with BTC and these forks

>> No.4070885

So Draper Dragon (US), Chandler Guo (China) are big fans of ETP.
They are being listed on HitBTC on November 1st.
ETP is in it's own lane, with major crypto players and financing and it ISN'T the biggest coin on this board?

I'm so balls deep in this coin it isn't funny. Just wait anon, everyone will soon love it and have always supported it.

>> No.4070896

He invested in Tezos too...

>> No.4070918

It actually activates my almonds to extents I never knew were possible, how stupid this board is.
Because I know so soon, everyone will love it and be posting the FUCKING RETARDED
>You missed X, you missed X...
>Don't miss ETP

>> No.4070929

how much you holding?

anyone froze their coins for the interest?

>> No.4070935

5,000 on exchange
1,000 in storage for a year

>> No.4070988

nice amount. what price did you get involved? holding any other chinese coins?

I got ETP and about 70k TRX but thats looking like a very long hold

>> No.4071093

when your coins are in cold storage, is this different then like a master node? you need to have your computer on all the time for a master node like WTC? cold storage is just your coins are in the wallet and you leave them there. dumb questions. I am trying to understand . thanks

>> No.4071112

no idea man, I have only recently got into crypto after ignoring it for the last 3 or 5 years like an idiot

>> No.4071214

ok thanks. maybe someone else here will answer.
when your coins are in cold storage, is this different then like a master node? you need to have your computer on all the time for a master node like WTC? cold storage is just your coins are in the wallet and you leave them there. dumb questions. I am trying to understand . thanks

>> No.4071413

A masternode gives you the tx fees of the network, when you lock your ETP you get the coins immediately, but you cannot access them until the blockheight specified.

>> No.4071422

You do not need your comp running to secure these funds.

>> No.4071453

thanks for answering. i appreciate it.

>> No.4071490

No worries, you seem new so I will give you some of my honest to God advice.
Buy some ETP. If you like other projects, buy them too.
But I've been in crypto long enough to know when something is big. So buy and forget, even a small amount. I hope in the future you will appreciate this.

>> No.4071547
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>> No.4071551

>anyone froze their coins for the interest?
I'm a burger with a whopping 25 rice tokens frozen for a month, hopefully long enough for me to figure out where else I'll be able to trade these. Meanwhile, I've got a few hanging out on the exchange until the ninth. We got news recently, right? Why isn't there a bump?

>So buy and forget, even a small amount.
This is what I have to do with all of my holdings at this point and it hurts.

>> No.4071568

>hopefully long enough for me to figure out where else I'll be able to trade these
go to bitfinex and just say youre mexican or something

>> No.4071577

>Bought 30k bitcoin for 19 million
>Now worth 180 million

Really made me think

>> No.4071605

That's my plan for a quick exit strategy if needed but I'd rather have somewhere I can keep some on the exchange and swing trade a bit to increase my holdings without putting more money into things I won't see returns on for a year.

Really makes you think you should never cash out completely and HODL at least a bit of everything?

>> No.4071642

No, really makes me think I should kill myself for not having 19 million to buy that much bitcoin in the first place

>> No.4071665
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You might've had 19 million to buy more bitcoin in 2015 had you already gotten in during 2009.

>> No.4071693

I almost bought in 2010 but didn't
Not a day goes by I don't think about ending it

I also used the 5 btc faucet a bunch of times but it was worth nothing back then

>> No.4071735

I dont think so. It appears to me that what they call mining is in fact writting yourself a smart contract for up to one year.