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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4070516 No.4070516 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys feel knowing that business Majors are dumber than people who Major in other useful fields, like STEM, medicine and law?

>> No.4070526

Pretty good because I'm in medicine

>> No.4070535

fine cause i'm a dropout loser who managed to build a rolodex that I leverage to make more than most surgeons.

enjoy your mediocrity.

>> No.4070537

Engineer here

Feels good man

>> No.4070545

>speak to a business major about to grad
>theyre impressed im familiar with the lingo and what theyre talking about

>speak to a marketer about to graduate
>they cant think of a word, i tell it to them, theyre impressed i know about things in marketing

lel, college has super secret skills to teach guys.

>> No.4070670

Mechanical Engineering student here.

It hurts to live.

>> No.4070705


Engineer also here.

> tfw you realise you could make way more money in Finance doing less work
> tfw college was hard whilst finance and business students had it easy and got to fuck staceys daily

Kill me.

>> No.4070910
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>> No.4071107

My friend is a credit analyst for Merryl Lynch making 80k and it almost seems that way. He says his job is pretty frustrating though and he's kind of always on the run.

Who knows