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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4066556 No.4066556 [Reply] [Original]

Why is LINK needed?

can somebody please give me examples on what it will be used for in the future?

>> No.4066564

>spoonfeed me
>wah mommy

>> No.4066573


I'm a LINK holder and honestly, ironically, it's not really needed, it's just used as an incentive to trust node operators (which should already be trustworthy) if it's a DAPP

>> No.4066609
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I‘m dumb ok? So please explain to me in simple words like what is it used for besides inside banks and mumbojumbo?

>> No.4066751

bruh, link... it's life

>> No.4066791

LINK will be attached to the smart contracts initiated from which ever institution or business is using the middleware. Also as the store of value for transactions across blockchains ie ETH -> BTC

>> No.4066819

So LINK, in turn will need to be purchased by the institution or business to attach

>> No.4066822

nothing. its a shitcoin

>> No.4066833

It's a utility token to incentivise people to run nodes. People don't do shit for free nigga

>> No.4066847
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And how is a business making money with this?

>> No.4066905

Decentralised smart contracts take away the middle man and user error/theft/corruption.

It will guarantee that once the smart contract is agree'd upon there is no way to stop it, double spend, back out.

It increases security, removes the middle man, reduces error all for the fee of LINK.

All in the meanwhile connecting things like Banks to the Blockchain to keep up with the world we're entering

>> No.4066959

It's needed for bagholding.
It solves paying for Sergey's philosophy
school problem.