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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4066475 No.4066475 [Reply] [Original]

How frugal is /biz/?

I'm curious, as I've always been a minimalist, way more so than my friends. I can tell the stories of how I've lived for <$300/mo rent consistently. Post how frugal you are.

If you still live with mommy, your post doesn't count.

>> No.4066586

> $2.98 for potatoes

wtf nigga I just bought a 5 lb bag of potatoes for 77 cents

>> No.4066783

Convenience also has a value OP.

Yes, the chicken dinner is half as expensive. But, the McDonalds dinner saved more than 2 times the TIME.

TIME is the currency. We live in a time of rampant laziness and self absorption. The ego has increased in importance

>> No.4066813

the kroger by me does this sometimes. god i love taters

>> No.4066823
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Cheap as fuck

>> No.4066835

I plan to leave in a garage next spring.

>> No.4066882

>for 4
I eat that by myself

>> No.4066900


>> No.4066935
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>> No.4066946


You're dying. Use your fucking money.

>> No.4066960

>two bell peppers for 4 persons

ever heard of vitamins?

>> No.4066975

I eat lots of pb&j sandwiches, scrambled eggs, and ramen.

>> No.4067023


A great idea, but I'm afraid that the new gen can't even be bothered to remove a pot from the cupboard. Or to buy groceries.

But I might steal your idea that looks pretty good ps

>> No.4067027


Ever hear of investing in yourself?
If it makes you feel and perform better then it's money well spent and spoiling yourself with a little bit of convenient junk can keep you happy

>> No.4067034

enjoy transsexuality

>> No.4067052

yeah the boomers with their tv dinners and canned food are so amazing

>> No.4067059

I take estrogen inhibitors to counteract the soy.

>> No.4067067

>>>4066935 (You)
ok put strips of steak instead
sorry you have no taste btw

>> No.4067110

God tier

>> No.4067445

hehe, not my original idea, this is how japan survives their 25 hour work days
but thanks anon always glad to help
make sure the noodles you use are good ones (the kind that don't go mushy after 3 mins of boiling) yeah they're like 20c more expensive or whatever but stil so cheap
vary the ingredients you add to stop from getting bored (egg, strips of steak, w/e is on sale that week) and you can eat like this for a long time but still pretty healthy and tasty

>> No.4068023

Once in college on spring break, I got drunk and spent all my money for the month. I had $30 to my name, no meal plan, and 21 days until my parents sent me more money. I learned how to live on $1.50/day, it wasn't easy.

Rice, beans, ramen, and lots of condiments.

Now that I have CA$H CA$H its fun to look back on that.

>> No.4068105

Nah I spent $50 on beer and pizza last night money well spent

>> No.4068107

Im doing keto atm so not frugal at all. Shit is expensive

>> No.4068162

I always buy discount vegetables
I walk 1 hour and a half everyday to get to the centre of the city just so that I can avoid paying €1,30 for the bus.
I carry only €10 maximum on my pocket. Living in high criminality area is the main reason for that though.
I never pay for software or apps
I never pay for movies or music
I brought the heater to my university library and studied there all night to avoid paying the electricity bills when I was a student 3 years ago.
I always cook my own food at home.

>> No.4068220

you can whip something tasty up with chicken and potatoes in half an hour and only about 10 minutes of that is prep

>> No.4068238

wow mom didn't ever serve me fish and now I hate fish

>> No.4068271

>My time is worth less than €0.86/hr

>> No.4068322
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Is frugality a meme taken too far?

>> No.4068338

But it's good exericise! This way I avoid going to a gym too or at least save time avoiding having to go jogging after work too. 2 birds with 1 stone my man :^)

>> No.4068453

>portions per serving/bag/etc: 4
>eat everything and still feel hungry

>> No.4068471

you guys aren't necessarily fatasses, just hardwired on fat and sugar

changing up your diet habits would help with hunger/cravings

>> No.4068472

Go with the middle option. Yes it's more money than the bottom option, but there's a reason for that - animal protein is very important for our diets.

Beans are classes as high in "protein", but they don't have the same abundance of essential amino acids that meat does.

So basically you should be eating meat. It's not a coincidence that vegetarians are faggots.

This is very true. Time is money. Time, effort, and mental/physical energy spent on preparing food could be used to make money.

That said, you need a good diet, of course. That will help you maintain optimum health, energy, vitality, and vigour.

So try not to eat too much shit food. These days you can get much healthier takeaways than McD's.

>> No.4068489

*Beans are CLASSED as high in protein

>> No.4068523

you don't need to eat complete proteins from animals if you have a balanced diet, + you get the benefits of high fiber that are lacking in option 2

I would say for sure that option 2 is tastier and more satisfying

>> No.4068613

>you don't need to eat complete proteins from animals if you have a balanced diet
Well I just read the following website which says this:

>Animal foods are the highest quality protein sources. Plant sources lack one or more amino acids, which makes it more difficult to get all the amino acids that your body needs.

And it also says this:
>Animal protein sources, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy, are similar to the protein found in your body.
>These are considered to be complete sources of protein because they contain all of the essential amino acids that your body needs to function effectively.
>On the contrary, plant protein sources, such as beans, lentils and nuts are considered to be incomplete, as they lack one or more of the essential amino acids that your body needs.

>> No.4069083
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Holy crap. You win.

Why tho?

>> No.4069121

>what are complementary protein sources?

>> No.4069146

The soylent drink also gives diarrhea.

>> No.4069159

worrying about "complete proteins" is for faggots. Getting all the amino acids is enough so you don't die- that's a complete protein.

Biological value is what you're after.

>> No.4069174

I'll give you a hint, the amino acid lacking from plant foods is different for each one. Legumes (beans, peanuts) are missing a different kind than grains, which is why rice and beans, bread and chickpeas, etc. are such common combinations throughout the world. Fuck even a peanut butter sandwich has complete protein between the wheat and the peanuts.

Also soy, amaranth, quinoa, are complete protein sources on their own.

I'm not even a vegetarian or anything but it's bullshit that you can't eat a good diet while cutting down on meat and its an excellent way to save money. You do need to learn to cook better and use spices to make it taste as good though.

>> No.4069181
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>Can eat for for $20 per week with mealprep
>Suggest to my family that we can pool money and prep in bulk for cheap
>They ignore me
>Now they're stealing my prepped meals

How can I fix this?

>> No.4069186

2 McDoubles only costs $2. That was my dinner every day during college.

>> No.4069192

Option 1: eat delicious, delicious meat like a normal person

Option 2: be a total faggot who doesn't eat meat - oh and also you have to FASTIDIOUSLY study your diet plan to make sure you're getting all the correct amino acids that you would otherwise get if you just ate meat like a normal person

>> No.4069204

Option non-retard: Eat the same fucking food people have survived off for literally ever, and worked much physically harder, with about 10-25% the amount of meat they eat now.

>> No.4069216

>Eat the same fucking food people have survived off for literally ever
So, meat?

>> No.4069220

Yeah but way less than people eat now.

>> No.4069221


>> No.4069226

>get can of cheap canned air
>spray upside-down onto "bait meal"
>not fatass problems again

The stuff contains a stupidly strong bittering agent to deter inhalation. The taste sticks in your mouth forever lol

>> No.4069230

Like I said, I'm not a vegetarian, no need to convince me that meat is tasty. But if you think it's "fastidiously studying" to have some fuckin variety in your diet you are really at the bottom of the bell curve.

>> No.4069261
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Give Huel a shot.
It's Soylent without the runs.

>> No.4069347

Learn to enjoy incredibly spicy food.

>> No.4069470

Sorry m8, if this picture was frugal, it shall not despict tp.

>> No.4069497

Mate if you're a fucking veggie (which you aren't, but some people are) then you have to fucking study to see which food sources have which protein sources

Like lmao just eat a fucking burger bro

>> No.4069547

There is a difference between being frugal and being poor.

Being frugal for most is a choice.

Being poor and havening to live a certain way because that's all you can afford is not being a "minimalist".

Or rather, I should rephrase to Being frugal out of choice is not the same as being frugal due to circumstance (poor).

Also, I will never deny myself of things which I deem to be "luxuries" just to save money because that negates my choice.

>> No.4069576

sure, i agree, but this thread is about saving money, and most people would be just fine for protein on half the amount of burgers they're eating or less

and it's not exactly a degree in biochem to know that beans + grains = complete protein lol

but yea veges gonna veg

>> No.4069582

The lowest cost per calorie prepared food on earth. Maybe that's the secret to wealth; an endless diet of McDubs

>> No.4069592

>in uni
>daddy pays my rent
> he also pays for my food
>oh yea and tuition, books, an clothes
>I spend my free crypto money on appleshit and boba milk tea

life is good :)

>> No.4069609

OP here, switched operating systems (lel), I totally agree.

I actually would like to hear from anyone who's actually very wealthy in here (from crypto or otherwise), or has an unusually high paying job, but socks away a lot of their money just because they don't care for spending a lot. That'd be me.

captcha: calle calle

>> No.4069618

Eat more eggs and cheese anon.

>> No.4069658

Surely the goal is to make enough money (from business, job, investments etc) that you can still afford to both indulge in your luxuries and put money aside at the same time?

Now, I'm not against "living below my means" for a specific period with the sole intention of saving as much as possible so that I can invest it in X and have it repay me at a later date, but I will not do what I've just said for the sole reason of just "saving money".

Most low paid workers will do exactly that. Live below their means and deny themselves of anything they deem to be a luxury for the sole reason of simply saving money (for no reason).

Saved money is lost money. Don't save, invest.

>> No.4069710
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hi OP
anon here
I work 3-4 days a week at this hotel at the front desk
i make about 600 every two weeks, I cant seem to save money. goes into eating out w the gf, driving back and forth(usually for my gf) smoking, and just generally shitty financial decisions, only reason why im not out living on the streets is because i'm living rent free with my parents, I really want to move out and regain control again. Do i bite the bullet and work at this beef packing plant again like i used to two years ago? It pays roughly $15 an hour and is full time... just to save up for some uni classes? I am utterly fucked.

>> No.4069789

My food is expensive, have to eat a ketogenic diet, my body doesnt react well to carbohydrates.
Lots of fish, meat, nuts and vegetables, without the carbs, have to eat a fuckload after gym and training. Average meal $15AUD

>> No.4069798

First off, stop being a bitch. Do you pay for your gf? If so, cut that bitch off, you're already her personal driver which I'm sure you're not monetarily compensated for.

Next, stop fucking smoking. Not to "save money" but because it's bad for you. Any money you "save" from not buying cigarettes is a bonus.

So, 1,200/month working 3-4 days. Is there a reason why it's only 304 days? The way I see it, you're making 1,200/month after tax but before expenses, right?

You have no rent, which is most peoples biggest expense. So, forget uni and go all in on starting some type of business.

Cut out the bad spending and plow all your income into getting it up and running. Learn about investing. Start small. I guarantee if you did that for 2 years straight, you'd be set.

>> No.4069819
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Well it's all about the return on your investments right?

What's your expected salary as a result of going to uni for whatever degree you want? Compare that with the amount of debt you'll have when you graduate. You definitely should have a pretty good idea of the numbers here beforehand.

Assuming the cost is justified, ok, you want to go to uni then. How much do you need to save up before then to cover your living expenses while you're in it? Can you get a part time job WHILE you're in it to continue sustaining yourself? Again get some rough numbers, and see how long it'll take you working $15/hr for however many hours to get to a point where you'll be safe for a while in college.

600 biweekly is pretty shitty though desu. What kind of experience do you have.

As far as general frugality though, I'll point out things obvious from your post that you can do right now:
>eating out
No. You don't do this anymore. Buy the biggest bag of rice and dry beans you can from walmart, grab a cheap $5 used crockpot and rice cooker from your nearest goodwill, and that's your staple from now on. Now all you have to do is buy veggies and chicken periodically from the grocery store and you're set nutritionally. Google simple recipes and learn how to meal prep (protip: you don't have to pack everything into nice little portioned containers like reddit will have you think - I literally make a bunch of rice and beans every few days and freeze some/keep em in the fridge. Just pull from your stash of ready-made rice & beans for every meal, plus your chicken/veggies). For breakfast, eggs and oats erryday. Cheese on the eggs and brown sugar in the oats
>driving back & forth
Yeah you need to figure out a more efficient way to not drive as much. Have your gf ride her bike or something. For that matter, you should be doing the same whenever you can. Mrmoneymustache.com is my inspiration here, take his word as gospel. Bottom line: Driving kills the anon


>> No.4069874


I recently quit dipping myself so I won't just chide you here for it, I know how it is. Honestly I would highly recommend switching to oral tobacco of any sort, look it up, studies show it has <2% of the risk of oral cancer than smoking, and it's cheaper and you naturally dip less because it's a stronger buzz. Although I'm not a typical case, when I was dipping I usually only ever threw in one fatty after dinner per day, that was it. Satisfied my craving and was still a nice punctuation to my mood for the day.
If you can't do that however, look into buying loose tobacco in bulk (pipe tobacco from cigar stores, or leafonly.com for bulk organic tobacco you can roll yourself). Don't make your stupid habit into something that you can't DIY if you're just after pleasure. Man up and figure out how to do it efficiently, or don't do it at all.
Also snus is the cheapest form of oral I could find and that's what I was using before I quit. It made it really easy too, highly recommend
>living with parents
I can't logically explain the psychological component to moving out on your own, but it's magical. If you can find a way to move out and have a net positive income while being on your own, trust me dude, it is the single best thing you can do for yourself.
If you're actually set on going to a local uni and aren't just tossing around the idea and going to bitch out eventually and continue doing nothing at your parents house - then not paying rent gives you a huge leg up, especially when you're going to school. You can continue to do that if the opportunity cost of getting your own place is considerably higher (especially if you live in an expensive area)

>> No.4069885

Not rly frugal. I just tipped a bartender $25 cuz she was hot. Then ubered home for $8 and gave not tip to him cuz he not a hot chick.

So fuk u all fuks

>> No.4069900

if you're feeding your family just beans and rice your kids will hate you.

>> No.4069941

I recycle dental floss with hydrogen peroxide

>> No.4069960

I only wear discarded clothes

>> No.4069987

What does that mean? Garbage picking?

>> No.4070064
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only 3-4 days because anything more than that and I'd be a wagecuck
I've tried to be a freelance photographer, and I used to dj and this now defunct hookah lounge in town. I want to be an entrepreneur, and I've had minor successes with investing into crpytos( i.e the massive bullrun of alts back in april-may) I was just thinking uni classes to get a certificate in some trade job or something just to start me off in the right direction. thanks anon. I appreciate your kind words. I'm 21 btw.

>> No.4070075


>> No.4070089

Buying Bitcoin and holding it while ignoring all altcoins.

Daily reminder this post would of been laughed at a year ago but now that bitcoins exploded nobody's laughing anymore just shilling scamcoins

>> No.4070102

god fucking damnit. I meant to say that I used to dj at this NOW defunct hookah lounge in town. And yeah, I used to live with a roommate and even though it was an utterly shit flat, I can say that the magic of being without my parents was there. I miss it. Also, I vape now. Dunno if that makes a difference. But when i said smoking i meant weed. Only reason why I dropped major dosh on food was because of my girlfriend. I would've been satisfied with your suggestions because thats exactly what i used to do when i lived on my own. But now? Now I'm just at wit's end with this girl.

>> No.4070119

This is what makes me laugh when people are willing to delivery less than $5 items on offer up

>> No.4070121


I've dumpster dived. For a lot of stuff.

>> No.4070132

Oh true. I too vape, not smoke, weed, still. Not every day though, once in a while, maybe 1-2x/week. If you think that's part of what's causing your rut, consider cutting down your use.

As far as your gf, she sounds like a HUGE reason for your troubles.

Do you love her? If so, and she's willing to work with you, you need to lay down the law a bit. Tell her what you will and won't be doing, including driving her ass around everywhere, and especially buying fucking food besides the bare basics, and try & find a good compromise. If she doesn't like that and isn't having any of it, dude you can do better than that. Get out of that shit relationship as soon as you can.

>> No.4070136

i want you to take a step back and look at yourself for a moment

>> No.4070156


So how do you sweeten / spice it?

>> No.4070167

I'm basically a fucking Jew. call me Hershel. I save all my money and only eat when I'm about to die. I'm a hunter and all my gear is old and will probably jam or lock when a boat is going to kill me. spending money on shit is dumb. people building fancy house nests and cars they don't even know how to drive or take to the track are cancer to me. my ethos is the self. I can beat to death 99% of humanity. this is the only 1% I care about. I have a tonne of money. it doesn't make me happy, but I'll never give it away as it cost my time I'll never get back. get outdoors people. your Lambo mëmë will ruin your life

>> No.4070241


I'm on free stuff like a fly on shit

>> No.4070287

thing is, we've compromised on so much, i know she can be frugal and in a lot of situations, she's saved me money and time... she recently got a car and a job, so let's see where this goes.. I've recently asked her if she was still attracted to me like she used to be when we first met, it's nearly been a year, and she admitted that she isn't as attracted to me. She said the flame has gone out, and if i hadn't had asked, i would've been ignorant of it. She said the reason why she didnt tell me was because she would've found that flame within me again after some time, but i can tell, things have been going downhill slowly. She's a lovely, respectable woman, and I do love her, but at this point of my life, I've hit a wall.
sidenote: I dont smoke as much as i used too.

>> No.4070295

lmao this is me too

>> No.4070828

Heh well. I'm sort of in a similar situation as well. My gf is long-distance though so at the very least there's a reason for being apart, which is sort of more reason to give it a bit more effort too...but anyway. I've just been trying to get a job since I graduated college in May and been having a super hard time, and as soon as I do I want her to move in with me but she's been pretty cold lately.

Best thing you can do is keep your head up. Be thankful for what you have and be ready to accept if you lose something. I know there's a possibility my gf and I could break up. But I'm interviewing and going to take a job soon and just going to settle the fuck in, live on the essentials for a while (hence frugal thread), and see what she thinks then about coming to where I am and moving in.

The flame can always be uh...re-found I guess. But you gotta do what's best for yourself first. If you don't want to give up completely then hammer down the basics; get your life together; make yourself happy. And if your girl is still around by then, the happiness will rub off on her. But if the relationship is meant to last, she will be ok with you devoting all your energy towards a goal that will be better for you, most importantly, and potentially both of you.

I would definitely try to not smoke too much until you get your shit together also. Really helps me out just being sober when I'm trying really hard to achieve something. It keeps you hungry, so to speak, which makes you sharper.

>> No.4070881

No, all the consumerist garbage you pay for goes to the hands of Jews, the more you make the more taxes you pay which again goes to Jews (Israel)

>> No.4070927

bullshit. I tried soylent and now I laugh at people who try living on that crap.
It's too dense once you subtract the water. you really have to give up clean shits if you want to live like that.

>> No.4071055

I fucking love soylent. I love people who rag on it for this and that, not knowing that all it is is essentially a vegan diet in drinkable form. It takes getting used to, and sure it's not perfect, but it's truly the nutrition of euphoric noblemen who are too enlightened to spend the unnecessary time chewing and preparing food.

But it's not frugal. I got 3 cases of the drink earlier this year as a result of some kind of credit card thing going on on ebay; someone was apparently listing uber-cheap Soylent on ebay (like $0.75/bottle) and basically collecting the money from paypal, using a stolen credit card to order directly from soylent, and put in the ebay buyer's address. Shit was dank, I got a fuckload of soylent for literally criminal prices. :------------)

>> No.4071082

thats more like $20 from mcdonalds

>> No.4071137

>drinks possibly adulterated soylent
>doesn't deny any of my claims
>still pays several dollars a day for food and probably an equal amount for adult diapers
i rest my case

>> No.4071189

> truly the nutrition of euphoric noblemen who are too enlightened to spend the unnecessary time chewing and preparing food.

Not having your manservant blend the finest nutritious foods into drinkable purrees.

>> No.4071192

>shipped directly from soylent themselves
Do you into reading comprehension?
And what claims? That you get the runs from it? Ok. I get the runs from a lot of things. I'm guessing you're not vegan either, so yeah, adjusting to a completely different macronutrient profile in completely liquid form will probably throw your colon for a loop - for a little while.

Then the body adapts. Cuz that's what it does. At the end of the day soylent is still just N U T R I E N T S, in their purest form, just liquified food.

>> No.4071436

>you have to fucking study to see which food sources have which protein sources
You really don't, you can actually just use common food combinations. Rice + anything, potatoes + anything, any three things (just don't count oil and fruits as "things). If you don't have a monotonous diet, it's generally not an issue.

>> No.4071523


>> No.4071538
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Who here /dump dinner/?

>> No.4071949

never heard of it
I just buy rice and beans in bulk, and throw in some poultry like twice a week. I also treat myself by baking stuffed mushrooms/peppers or blondies/cookies once in a while. I need to increase my repertoire badly.

>> No.4072402


what dose it cost in the us for one "meal"
the german equivalent is ~ 3 € for breakfast.
that's not cheap.