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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4065180 No.4065180 [Reply] [Original]

So obviously this shit is going to collapse in on itself in an hour around conference call time. What is everyone setting their buy orders to?
5400 here.

>> No.4065193

The fuck are you talking about?
The amazing meme was biz trolling the world

>> No.4065354
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this isn't even real retard, it was another news scam. Who the fuck would Amazon even have a conference call with? Bitcoin CEO? jesus christ the absolute state of biz

>> No.4065418

Think about it. Who is the most influential person in all of crypto currency land.
Thats right.
Satoshi nakamoto

>> No.4065419

A conference call with their investors dummy. That part is really happening. The Bitcoin part is not.

>> No.4065430

It was on a regular news site though, not just biz. So some dumb nuts are actually expecting it.

>> No.4065435

well who gives a shit what they do with their investors, this was being pitched as some Amazon vs Bitcoin conference call which is just laughable

>> No.4065464

It was never pitched that way. It has always been the rumor that they will reveal the bitcoin news during their Q3 Earning Reports which is in about an hour. It's the most logical time to announce something like that, which is why you keep hearing about a "conference call."

But the chances of it happening are slim to none.

>> No.4065480
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>"Big news coming soon!"

>> No.4065519

Rumor was as early as October 26th

>> No.4065531

i have some short sells, but even with the margin maxed out at 5:1 its not a heavy trade.
price has fallen $40 in my favor and i've only made $2 what the fuck?

>> No.4065533

>Amazon makes a hard push for bitcoin.
>Free amazon prime if you pay in bitcoin
>Due to the massive deal, millions start buying bitcoin to get prime video/faster delivery with near 0% fees
>Amazon implement smart contract blockchain for amazon so you can instantly know when your shit arrives
>Bitcoin networks starts to slow down due to increased transaction number
>Amazon almost goes bankrupt and as a result, uses its own cloud to start verifying transactions
>Now the transaction amounts eclipses card providers.
>Google realises there is money to be made in mining and starts doing it too
>Visa/Mastercard/Experian all obselete now that most bank accounts have a wallet address
Now that the transaction amounts are in the billions with google / amazon to verify, miners actually make money again.
>No need for any shitty forks
>Internet speed measured in TBPS now that big companies and governments have a reason to actively maintain internet capacity

>> No.4065548

Who the fuck cares if amazon accepts bitcoin? Lots of online places accept bitcoin for years now, I don't think it will have an impact at all.

>> No.4065593

I bet on the dump tonight selling my btc for eth (maybe a bit too early). I just smell the trap, but I don't know if the bull of today was due to the amazon rumor or just whale swimming. In that case, I did wrong.

>> No.4065627

why would u buy at 5400, its going sub 5k

>> No.4065645

It's the news that drives the market more than the actual longterm value sir.

>> No.4065733
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1478670271180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Amazon almost goes bankrupt and as a result, uses its own cloud to start verifying transactions
>Now the transaction amounts eclipses card providers.
>Google realises there is money to be made in mining and starts doing it too
>Visa/Mastercard/Experian all obselete now that most bank accounts have a wallet address
You are fucking retarded, I knew some of you didn't understand well how Bitcoin works but you are literally double digit IQ.