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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4063973 No.4063973 [Reply] [Original]

How are you guys so motivated to make money? I can't even manage to spend the little money I make so it just piles up. I don't really care about gold-plated versions of stuff I already have. What do you guys spend all your money on?

>> No.4064001


>> No.4064016

are you independent currently? living on your own? paying your own bills? without any assistance/roommate/shared household income?

I am, have been for like 15 years. It's really comfy making a shitload of spare money so you don't feel any external pressure from your responsibilities, so you know you have ~5 years of expenses safely covered without having to work a single day if you don't want to.

My motivation to make more money is for financial freedom, to ensure I never have to work for anyone or do anything I don't want to do ever again, so I have full control for the remainder of my life. I also don't care much for gold-plated shit, I'm actually somewhat minimalistic, I don't want fancy cars or a mansion, I just want comfort and security.

>> No.4064037
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Helping people I care about.
Funding causes I believe in.

>> No.4064040


>> No.4064052

I was like this when I was 19-23. Now I'm 26 and don't give a shit. Can't even be bothered to get a job. Just plugging away in crypto trying to make a killing. I'm a simple man living the zen life waiting for the moment to switch full time hedonism.

>> No.4064066


>> No.4064083


I want to have money to have more money

>> No.4064096

what do you think the goal is? to have enough money to simply never work for it. thats the real, and only motivation

>> No.4064117

>spend it on material items
Ha, it's a scam.
I just want to stockpile it so someday I can be a right wing George Soros.

>> No.4064188

No room for you in that club

>> No.4064622


But we can be a crowd intelligence/investor.
Imagine 4chan doing what it's doing right now ten years from now with millionaires and billionaires being the shitposters deciding which political event to influence in their favor.

Scary thought actually

>> No.4065116

Same here, comfy but I'm living like a spartan and accumulating big amounts of money.
I don't go out, I don't buy fancy shit, I don't do shit...
Have a decent amount in cryptos but I don't feel like putting all my eggs into that basket.

>> No.4065139

This anon gets it, although a few cheap hookers from time to time wouldnt hurt

>> No.4065172
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I'd like that

>> No.4065249

We need to make this happen.

>> No.4065292

Pol is already doing this trump election was 90% because of pol

>> No.4065335


/pol/ surely had a big influence but it wasn't everything and a close call in the end actually.
Now imagine a beefed up /pol/ that can turn everything they imagine into reality because they have the monetary power to do so.
No organization or entity could keep up.

>> No.4065360

>What do you guys spend all your money on?
Now why would you look for something to waste money on?

>> No.4065423

>tfw comfy like me

>> No.4065456

I am pretty sure that pol trump shillers were paid by wealthy people that rule the world from shadows, it is hard to imagine/pol/ having interests on its own because they're more like sheeps following the bigger shiller and the biggest shillers are the ones that get paid to shill i bet they get alot of money
>tfw you can put on your cv professional /pol shiller

>> No.4065498

to escape wagecucking, simple
I feel sick every day I get off of my bed, I can live like a monk and I will be happy as long as I don't have to fucking wagcuck anymore

>> No.4065554

gay, buy a lambo pussy

>> No.4065561


Who the fuck would pay fucking NEETS to shill for Trump? /pol/ wanted tocsee Trump win for ine reason only: Shits and giggles.

Nobody had a master plan. It's really just a bunch of bored NEETs who just get their laughs from seeing how much they can screw with people

>> No.4065582


You're right, money means nothing if you're spending it on shit

None of the money I make means anything until it's enough to quit my job forever

>> No.4065612
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>> No.4065643

>implying trumps views and agenda didn't fit /pol/'s
the shitstorm amongst libtards and niggers was just a cherry on top

>> No.4065648


Oh the jews WANTED Trump now?

>> No.4065649

Try being a racist, I am one angry moment from calling one of the incompetents that I work with a nigger and losing my income.

>> No.4065680

>he shitstorm amongst libtards and niggers was just a cherry on top
This. But my, my.. what a sweet cherry it is..

>> No.4065747


Once upon a time, I was a vidya gaymen faggot. Got tired of the same rehashed cookie cutter shit and sjws/femishits ruining games with their agendas so I got out of it and took my wallet with it.

Trading shitcoins and playing the market+forex is the only way I can ever get the same high that I did when I first started playing games. Only now that gains and losses are permanent, no one is going to rescue my bitch ass, and I can fly solo and not be forced into co-op bullshit.

I'm a bit on the frugal side and stacking paper and coins aren't my end game. If anything all I care about is to constantly pull in big gains in the most efficient (and optionally the most consistent) matter.

>> No.4065766

I want enough to be able to buy my own house some day. Can't do that without money! Maybe spend 300k on a little something and go balls deep with all the money I make investing.

>> No.4065872
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Good shit to buy:
* Maid cleaning service once a week or more (never need to clean up, do dishes, wash clothes, take out trash or do any shit ever again)
* Good food (doesn't have to be expensive, but it'll cost more than shit food)
* Gym membership (assuming you use it)
* Amazon alexa
* A little taste of good alcohol. You don't need to be drinking all that often, but you really should try a great bottle of wine or spirits a few times a year.
* Develop eccentric habits. I spent a few weeks living in Sweden and I picked up a habit of enjoying tubes of Kalles smoked roe (caviar, but not really) on my eggs. So I have a dozen tubes shipped over every couple months. Recently have grown attached to a german mineral water (Gerolsteiner) and had a case shipped to me.
* Get a personal assistant to handle bullshit tasks.

>> No.4065906
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I'm not into human vanity or materialism

I'm a vegan and want to influence others to be vegan too. I'll fund myself or someone else to travel the USA giving college lectures about veganism if I make it big.

>> No.4066015

lol i live relatively close to gerolstein, we went there twice with (different ones) school

>> No.4066074


>> No.4066112
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>* A little taste of good alcohol. You don't need to be drinking all that often

Does daily beer overdose count, past 1200 days

>> No.4066490


I am a slave at the moment. I make minimum wage and I have momentarily put my schooling on hold ( 2 years to finish Eng degree).

I save all of the money I make. Every penny. I dont have friends that egg me on to spend money, and what I do for fun is go to church, and pray with my fellow humans in classical worship fashion.

I want material things like anyone else. I want to not be a r9k robot, and "go out" and have fun in "le world" too.

But I realized that I rather go home alone like a loser on a friday night after work, than be out there spending my money that I sweated all week like the "winners" do. Fuck spending money you earned on things.

I realized that every dollar I invest, is a dollar that can work for me. Every dollar that I put in investments is a dollar that produces money for me by doing FUCK ALL. Thats what I am working towards.

Someday I want to wake up, get the mail and see several thousands of dollars in dividends. All of it generated for me to spend or invest without lifing a finger. Money that I can gladly spend having fun when I want to without caring about price like the normie cucks do with their sweat money.

For now people laugh at me, including my family. I only get 400 dollars of passive income a year. But thats ok. Given the fact that I am 19, I am quite happy with that. In a few years, i will get enough in dividends from my investments to live a comfier life than half of the normie wagecucks "flexing" their money out there.

Just watch.