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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4058570 No.4058570 [Reply] [Original]

Which crypto wallet and exchange do you use and why?

>> No.4058586

ledger nano s cause it's cute, chicks dig it.

bittrex cause it just fkn works and i like the layout

>> No.4058590

this. ledger nano s + bittrex

>> No.4058603

Trezor and Nano S. Trezor for long term storage, Nano for short term.

Whichever exchange has the highest volume for the coin I want.

>> No.4058604
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ledger nano s + kraken / bity (im from switzerland)

>> No.4058632

>Trezor and Nano S
I never got the advantage of these over writing down you private key on a piece of paper - anyone care to explain?
It's not like we're at a point in time where we actually send funds away from our address on a weekly basis.

>> No.4058633
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>ledger nano s
>can recall seed perfectly and destroyed all copies
>mfw nobody can steal my coins

>> No.4058643

it's so you can do stuff with your coins like trading, but then you end up with less money than if you bought and held.
it's the /biz/ paradox

>> No.4058660

What about software wallets on a computer or phone?

>> No.4058662

I'll use this thread for a stupid question.
I want to take my bitcoin out of coinbase and into a personal wallet (not hardware)

One of the thing I want to be able to do is see the value converted in EUR.
What software wallet should I use?
Or alternatively is there some website that let's you simulate your portfolio?

>> No.4058676
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altpocket.io is pretty gud anon

>> No.4058677

Blockfolio is a good app for your holdings. I'm a newbie to this but this one seems popular and it works for me.

>> No.4058700

Sadly I have a windows phone, so blockfolio is out of the question.

I'll check it now, thanks

>> No.4058714

Ledger nano and no ex changes. I meet with whoever I want to trade in person.

>> No.4058735
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>> No.4058740

Shame it never took off. It's unironically a brilliant mobile OS. Still having my hopes up for the Surface phone rumors.

You sound like a guy I don't want to mess with.

>> No.4058742

thanks, trying it now and beside the social bullshit does exactly what I needed

>> No.4058766
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Nano s is the most streamlined
I advocate security in depth if you know what I mean

>> No.4058780

Hey man how can i store my butcoin and eth on a paper wallet? What is the process

>> No.4058828

genius! pic related would make it more comfortable.
you would have do disable shuffle pin though
I would suggest working on your kegels now

>> No.4058837
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oops forgot pic

>> No.4058903


>> No.4059177

For BTC :

Download the site
Go offline
Use the Brain Wallet generator, type a long sentence,
Write your private key on a paper

Keep your public address on your computer, then delete everything and go online again

>> No.4059208

ledger nano + bitfinex

>> No.4059246

ledger nano, decentralized exchanges + instant exchanges only (shapeshift, etc). dont trust any of them to hold my coins.

>> No.4059255

What do you guys think of Bisq?

>> No.4059274

there's literally no difference between using that service and depositing then withdrawling from an exchange.
but they charge a big fee as opposed to gdax which is free with pending orders.

>> No.4059410

gdax requires id, and i avoid any exchange that has even optional verification.

>> No.4059489

Why exactly? everyone's id is indirectly tied to all of their crypto addresses anyway (unless you stole it)

>> No.4060450

This but I only use bittrex to buy shitcoins. I usually use Kraken for margin trading.