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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 806 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171026-001352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4056369 No.4056369 [Reply] [Original]

"we are the early adopters"

>> No.4056379


>> No.4056382

what the fuck

>> No.4056388

we are the early adapters

>> No.4056390

We want normie money right?

>> No.4056393

>boomer opens IRA
>moves $250k retirement into it
>2 years go by
>now is worth $50 million
>tells you that you could be wealthy too if you just worked harder

>> No.4056396
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>> No.4056402



Why do you think they are targeting old fucks? This is an advertisement who's target audience is geriatrics. Lets ask why. These old fucks will put money into this, die before cashing gains, and there will be a clause that the coins go to the company. we're fucked.

>> No.4056407


>> No.4056409


>> No.4056414

Welcome to the stage of the cycle in which we'll experience the strongest growth. Hopefully you've been in a while stocking up.
Making crypto go mainstream is EXACTLY what we want to happen if you intend to get rich.

>> No.4056416
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They can't keep getting away with this

>> No.4056417

We're smart money for sure guys. This is definitely not a bubble

>> No.4056418
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>> No.4056421

Drop a fucking link to the video

>> No.4056431
File: 356 KB, 1145x558, esp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inwest in $espers on yobit today dears, best coin today make you many wealthy. everybody becoming rich join now

>> No.4056438
File: 8 KB, 218x218, pepe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-we are the early adopters

>> No.4056453

Waiting for segwit, then I'm going to sell. This is the end. Our memes predicted this.

>> No.4056477

Is that rand paul?

>> No.4056488

I-Isn't this a good thing?

>> No.4056504

based ron paul

>> No.4056507

google is your friend faggot

>> No.4056536

FYI that's fucking Ron Paul.
>Ron Paul is a spokesman for a crypto IRA.
And guess what? This company is a subsidiary Goldco, which offers precious metals IRAs.

>> No.4056537


When the shoeshine boy tells you how to make money, it's time to sell.

>> No.4056553


>> No.4056567
File: 26 KB, 619x453, cc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... no no no please no no nono please I am no where close to being done accumulating please... save me please just 1 more year please thats all I ask please PLEASE

>> No.4056578

It's going to last longer than that.

>> No.4056592




>> No.4056633


>> No.4056695
File: 105 KB, 1117x299, Screen Shot 2017-10-25 at 9.49.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to coinira.com

>> No.4056729

>pick top 5 most normie coins
>fuck with the percentage allocations
Wow portfolio master

>> No.4056745

This makes me irrationally angry

>> No.4056758


>> No.4056770


>> No.4056780
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>> No.4056781

> 15% eth classic
wew that IS aggressive

>> No.4056788

why the FUCK is litecoin LTH fucking IDIOTS

>> No.4056803
File: 65 KB, 1092x1037, sadpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me so depressed that Ron Paul will die in my life time. He is literally the only good politician in the world and he has been cheated out of the presidency worse than anyone, while witnessing his country to go down the drain.

For many he is the only reason they got into crypto, and the only reason they ended up extremely rich.

>> No.4056812

Look on the bright side, you might an hero or get hit by a bus before Ron Paul dies.

>> No.4056824

You'll have at least 2 years, don't worry.

>> No.4056828


>> No.4056877
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>> No.4056912


Uninironically did this before.

>> No.4056984


>> No.4057030


Why don't we buy these kind of ads ourselves? If old people are so easy to target we could use some of our gains to sell it to old people

>> No.4057062
File: 132 KB, 620x369, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laughed

>> No.4057065
File: 9 KB, 232x217, 1508733859849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-my business model

>> No.4057069

99% of people dont even know how to buy a bitcoin.

few understand this.

>> No.4057083


On the plus side, the people seeing these ads have no idea what the different between Bitcoin and Ethereum is. Let alone Ethereum Classic.

>> No.4057086

So is bitcoin gonna have an opportunity to drop or is this gonna take it straight to $10k and beyond?

>> No.4057141

He got his son a Senate seat and his whole family is well off. He'll be alright.

>> No.4057160
File: 101 KB, 1309x346, LTH_LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bahahaha holy shit and it was their "fund/crypto expert" that wrote this and it was approved no problem.

>> No.4057165

Its actually great. No BTC-based token shit pajeet coins like Link which Russian hackers and Pajeet post on /biz/ all day.

>> No.4057168


You will see a few ups and downs before institutional money pours in. Mostly up.

>> No.4057188

They're not that easy. Go sell it to the PM crowd over at ZH. They crucify anyone questioning their shiny Jew stacks with our digital tulips.

>> No.4057202


>> No.4057280

It's Ron Paul dude. He's always vouched for BTC and most normie boomers think he's a kook.

>> No.4057831

>Holding ETH
What the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.4057875

>donates half to charity

>> No.4057895

so much money left on the table

>> No.4057896


>> No.4057905
File: 85 KB, 593x534, asftwrdfhgbgfbnvgdfgdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old news, pic related.
anyway they will probably be buying IOU's and not actual coins. who knows what will happen

>> No.4057917

That's who this is aimed at - you don't buy the coin directly, you buy a certificate of holding for the company's bought coin.

It's just like the modern stock market or precious metal certificates.

>> No.4058376


Well at least he woke me up. I'm getting rich. In 5 years people with principled uncorrupted libertarian mindsets will be richer and wield more power than ever before.

However if he were president, the fed would be ded and crypto would be the us currency.

>> No.4058389


>> No.4058390
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>> No.4058396

top kekkerooni

>> No.4058411


>> No.4058437

i want etherium to rocket. i have 7 of them and none bitcoin

>> No.4058449


>> No.4058463
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>> No.4058470
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 2eb[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding any ripple at all

>> No.4058510

>reee fucking normies don't even understand the difference between operating a gold mine and a diamond mine, how dare they invest in commodities!!!1!11

>> No.4058579
File: 477 KB, 918x689, dave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just unethical, there's not a single person who believe LTC will grow over BTC in the long run

>> No.4058619
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>> No.4058649


in Africa*

>> No.4058703


This is the truth.

>> No.4058748

LTH will though

>> No.4058943

>Hodling ETC
This is how we're going to make money thanks to normies bruhs

>> No.4058949

When did you sell it?

>> No.4058971
File: 168 KB, 1535x885, gbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and by the way guys bitcoin packages for normies are not exactly a new thing
they love feeling like they are getting rich collecting fork "dividends"

>> No.4058975

lets be real. none of you faggots own a single bitcoin. youre just here to shill your shitcoin, so what is it?

>> No.4059181

The biggest retailer of my country has a decent newspaper and they did a really bullish article on bitcoin, way more bullish than a /biz/ wet dream copypasta about link.
So my dad told me he wants some now when it's a bit cheaper but doesn't understand how to buy easily. I told him there's no quick way for a 1st buy.
We need some mainstream bitcoin provider before it can go to 20k.

>> No.4059182

old fag

>> No.4059254

Total used btc + eth wallets indicates that we are. I can't remember the figures but they are low.

>> No.4059363

it's in the tens of millions, that's not low.

>> No.4059382

what kind of retard holds even 3% in ETC?

>> No.4059427

the same people that got a huge hardon when the homestead shit came out.

>> No.4059439

It's OVER for HODLers.

The only people making money in this anymore are daytraders.

>> No.4059567

>I told him there's no quick way for a 1st buy.
>download a wallet
>buy some btc online
Yeah, really complicated.

>> No.4059748

Wait so the bit coins are IN the computer? You have to buy a wallet and put it in the computer? Where do i get a wallet, can I get it at JC Penny? Or do I have to go on the amazon internet web site to buy one? How do I get the bit coins out of the computer? Do I have to open it? I bet that nice young man at the Best Buy can help.

>> No.4059779
File: 42 KB, 567x449, 5D4E4851-5AD4-4C95-8C72-FC8B177A7365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually pissed me off reading

>> No.4059781


>> No.4059803
File: 17 KB, 301x400, 1450911323985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I should be buying bitcoins now?

t. dumbass tourist from /diy/

>> No.4059806

Early adopters were people who bought BTC below 500$. We are early majority.

>> No.4059811
File: 123 KB, 329x329, 812D8BF6-7549-4DED-9EED-3A679DFDC7B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 50 years ago you could have shined shoes and affixed a home and family of 4 with a stay-at-home wife

>> No.4059812

Best time was a few years ago
Second best time is now

>> No.4059848


>> No.4060055

Boomer genocide when?

>> No.4060074

I have to learn how. What's the best way? Is there a good resource? I'm not even sure where to buy them..

>> No.4060082

lol nice

>> No.4060099

>Ether Classic

>> No.4060124

>Find the bitcoin chart online somewhere
>get a wallet (you can download one)
>wait for a dip in price
>buy bitcoin
>send bitcoins to your wallet
>wait a few years
>you are now rich

>> No.4060144
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 1503517529073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a wallet (you can download one)
> (you can download one)
>download one

>> No.4060182

You're smart, or atleast know how to google

>> No.4060210

Yeah I'm finding stuff now thanks. This is a bit overwhelming, but I feel like I should at least try it sometime this year.

A lot of the information in Google seems to be a bit sketchy though. Like bitcoin.com comes up first and they have their own "wallet"

Are there any good resources that are pretty neutral?

And what do I do, buy a bunch and just sit on it for 3-4 years? Or is it something that has to be daytraded?

>> No.4060277

If i was you i would lurk this board for a couple of weeks/months and unironically check out reddit. They have lot of starter guides etc.
I only use /biz/ to find some gems in this big ass shitpile where people fud and shill altcoins for their own gain

>> No.4060303

Daytrading in altcoins is risky but can give high reward, for easy money and the average joe like you and me it's better to just hold bitcoin.

(you can always use a small percentage to trade on something like bittrex tough)

>> No.4060373

Thanks guys. I'll keep lurking here for a few months before buying. Maybe at the New Year make my first coin purchase or something.

>> No.4060425
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>Increases fraction of XRP

Haha, OH MY FUCK, these people have no idea what they're doing, do they?

>> No.4060547


> mfw
> heard first about bitcoin in 2011 when it was 25$ on ronpaulforums whilst ron paul was heavily marginalized by every figurehead
> see ron paul paraded as he were the posterboy of shilling mainstream normies into crypto

Seriously, wut?

>> No.4060557

how far can BTC go ? is 50k realistic in like 3 years or so ?

>> No.4060595

I was really pissed off when I first saw the thread but this made me so comfortable. We still have a bit more time to accumulate lads.

>> No.4060640


It will hit 10k by the end of the year. 25k by beginning of the summer. If you look at the charts you can see that btc is doubling at a rate of about 3 months this year, and that it's stabilizing. I believe once it hit 1000, a psychological barrier was broken and it's not slowing down by much until probably this time next year

>> No.4060642

Where can I get me some LTH?
But really how? There isn't even an H in litecoin...

>> No.4060796
File: 38 KB, 720x720, 1da7de4dfb70c5d55c9af4887a69151e6c57fa01d9f63ed29ae528855632873d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 2nd time I’ve seen one of these normie boomer “”””portfolios”””” recommend holding a nontrivial amount of Ether Classic.

WHAT the FUCK, lol.

>> No.4060920

I think they like the word "classic".

>> No.4060933

It is. Consider lost and multiple wallets per person.

>> No.4060998

>4chin frogposter opens Bitcoin
>moves $50 into it
>2 years go by
>now is worth $50 billion
>all is dust and meaningless

>> No.4061011
File: 1.34 MB, 286x216, Vegeta 4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The U.S better fuckin collapse in on itself before that shit happens. Boomers sold us into debt slavery and fucked the entire culture before we even lived in our father's balls. Now we have a way to make gains and try to get the State out of our fucking money, and they want to hijack that too.

And why is Ron shilling for this?

>> No.4061035
File: 28 KB, 600x400, Ron Paul Rand Paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rand's Dad, Ron.

Does anyone know if Rand named after Ayn Rand?

>> No.4061525

Same here. Why is that? What do they know about ETC that we don't?

>> No.4061634

Nobody is that retarded.

>> No.4061728


>> No.4061747

>work a lifetime
>save aggressively enough to afford a risky investment nearing retirement

>be NEET
>wonder why you're not rich
>blame other people

>> No.4061762

>And why is Ron shilling for this?
he's probably broke

>> No.4061788

boomers are literally the scum of the earth, i shit you not when i say that there's not a single demographics on earth that i hate more than them

>> No.4061800

The portfolios aren't even that bad, lol. Actually a lot better than i had imagined. Of course they won't touch low cap shitcoins.

>> No.4061874


>> No.4061943

but also it is losing steem in new money coming in

peak will be in 2 years

cyrpto will collapse soon after that.

>> No.4061955

When the stock market crashes people will dump more into crypto. We're due for a correction.

>> No.4061972
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>> No.4062065

>TFW talkin my mom sell her silver at a loss to buy crypto for them gains.

>> No.4062223

you must live in a big city surrounded by 20-somethings and no one else

>> No.4062549

I do live in a big city, but I know a lot of people of different ages. My mom and dad at least would have no problems understanding cryptos, let alone the simple process of buying bitcoin. Most if not all people of their generation that I know would have no problems with buying btc with a brief guide like this >>4059567 and a couple of links. It would be harder to convince them that cryptos are legit, legal, not a scam and not a bubble, since our government (Russia) has done a serious fud campaign against cryptos.

>> No.4062608

I think it would also be harder to protect boomers from getting scammed out of their coins. And it's not just boomers. Most people are not used to protecting their own wealth themselves, not to mention something of great value that is entirely digital.