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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4055879 No.4055879 [Reply] [Original]

>goto careers counselor to analyze which degree would suit best

>tell him I am interested in Bach of Business/Commerce

>he tells me to dont even think about it and that the drop out rate is extremely high and that the correlation of students switching to a humanities degree from biz/commerce is high but did say if I do business I should do a double degree with humanities, but highly recommended that business is a meme degree

>says I should consider a humanities degree being it would be beneficial for my mind and "in the business world"

>ask him which should I choose and he says social science and business/ developmental studies / social welfare/ social work / law and business

I also have a fair few friends that have completed the bach of biz and says its not worth the paper its on so that a reason I'm a bit iffy but on the other hand:

* Is this counselor retarded and should I just go ahead and do my bach of biz?? has anyone here had experience with Humanities in business?

>> No.4055902

Degrees are worthless in business. You've either got it or you don't.

>> No.4055929

It's all fine. People say that shit about every single degree, it's not the paper so much as what you do with it.

You can literally make it with any degree. Many people in leadership positions have liberal arts degrees.

The co-chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs has a bachelor's degree in political science.

>> No.4055933

anyone who goes to college for anything besides law, medical, or STEM is an idiot, especially since govt has inflated the cost of tuition.

go learn a trade, get on the job training and get paid while you do it. the best jobs you get is by knowing someone in the biz

>> No.4055936

What do you actually want to do.?College is a conduit, not a goal.

Humanities can be useful, don't listen to all the naysayers here who go "meme degree" - a lot of it is exactly the kind of bullshit the negative stereotypes make it out to be, but remember Carl Ichan did a thesis in Philosophy... there are important interrogative and research skills you can learn in humanities (especially philosophy and history - basically anything that forces you to read and learn).

However none of that matters until you know what you actually want to do, what career? What skillsets do you have? What could you spend at least 10 years doing day in and day out without shooting yourself?

>> No.4055949

Unless you study accounting and want to have a boring career, stay away from biz in college

>> No.4055965
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>take test
>says I should be packaging boxes

>> No.4055971

Your counselor is trying to nurture your soft, warm, fuzzy, human side. This is weakness which does not lead to profit. Ignore this shill -- he's helping the jews destroy the west -- and go balls deep into business. Never look back. Happiness is a lie, and the pursuit of happiness only takes you away from gains. Make sure to thank your counselor for disuading all the weaklings from pursuing a biz bach and leaving a more open playing field for you. You already know the answer. Fuck the humanities; study business! I mean, jeez, look at what board you're on. Is this the humanities board?


Yeah, I didn't think so. (There will be one, soon, I'll wager.)

>> No.4055996

>What could you spend at least 10 years doing day in and day out without shooting yourself?
Stupid question. Literally nobody knows that without years of trial and error and someone who knows wouldn't be asking about it.

>> No.4056097

No No No No.
Not this agnostic "you'll figure it out someday" "don't worry, everything falls into place" fucking bullshit. No.

Fuck this. This attitude ruined my life, I will not allow other people to make the same fuck ups I did.

You need to make some decisions and own up to them!! Yes, you will get some wrong, but you still need to make decisions and understand your reasoning for them rather than just picking a course that is vague enough that you can try a whole lot of things, because as someone who is "overeducated" I can tell you that unless you have specific objectives out of education and a strategy how to utilize the resources you will not make your tuition fees worthwhile

You need some clear objectives, stakes in the ground.

Fuck Trial and Error. Trial and error creates a sense of being lost. It creates mid-life crises and poor decision making.

No. It's not a stupid question - it's the most important question!!

Don't fucking ruin this kids life!

>> No.4056134

A lot of people in college get a degree and expect to just fall into a job because of graduating.

You really have to prove your worth. One of my first friends to graduate (in closer circle) sits on my couch and smokes $5-$10 of weed off me almost every day and hasn't held a job for more than a few months ever in his life.

So get whatever degree you want, you just have to be willing to find your niche/home/a career. Not just sit on your ass and smoke dope.

>> No.4056140

>You've either got it or you don't.
Which comes down to you are either a fighter or a flighter. Majority run away. Courage is scarce.

>> No.4056146

Friend in question is also business grad w/ minor in psych iirc

>> No.4056152

>You can literally make it with any degree.

Meaning you don't need any degree.

>> No.4056159

Your personal fuck ups are your own fault, not the fault of some bad life advice you got.

>> No.4056200

I obviously have ultimate responsibility for my own life, no doubt, but you still shouldn't give out bad advice!

>> No.4056217

There are plenty of jobs that require a business background (finance, accounting, actuarial science). Even if you're not majoring in one of those, a business degree has useful accounting and finance prereqs. You're not going to learn much in management, marketing, or general business.

Humanities are only useful for checking off the "I have a bachelor's degree" box on job applications. If not for that, they'd be worse than useless.

If you're personable and a fast learner it doesn't matter at all. Just make the right friends and they'll help you.

>> No.4056220

OP, to make it in business you have to have the mindset of confidence in yourself, if YOU want to do business then do it. You can only do it if you believe you can, honestly. In business, you cannot let the doubts of others infest your confidence in yourself. Don't listen to these "meme degree" fags, only people who say that are those who didn't have the desire to succeed and failed. Make yourself cut out for it.

>> No.4056236


Do the Commerce degree - this dude is a fucking guidance counselor at your school. Of course he told you to do a Humanities degree. My buddy was sold the same bill of good by his guidance counselor and did a Geography degree... He went back to school after he was done that.

Do the Commerce degree but don't do it soft and "Generalize". Have a plan - are you going to go into Finance? It's can be a pretty broad field - try to find a particular part of it that interests you and pursue that. Want to do accounting? Focus on that, network big 4, do case comps, etc. Marketing? OK, what kind, Public Relations, Brand, etc.

Humanities can interesting and useful however you will likely need to go back for a Masters if you don't have connections for a gig afterwards.

>> No.4056249

Not really.

University offers tons of networking, recruitment and other opportunities.

Many HR departments literally will discard your resume if you have no degree.

>> No.4056256

>There are plenty of jobs that require a business background (finance, accounting, actuarial science). Even if you're not majoring in one of those, a business degree has useful accounting and finance prereqs. You're not going to learn much in management, marketing, or general business.

Listen to this guy. He gets it. You can always be a Project Manager with an Accounting degree - you can't be an Accountant (well not easily) with a Sociology degree.

>> No.4056273

>Do the Commerce degree but don't do it soft and "Generalize". Have a plan - are you going to go into Finance? It's can be a pretty broad field - try to find a particular part of it that interests you and pursue that. Want to do accounting? Focus on that, network big 4, do case comps, etc. Marketing? OK, what kind, Public Relations, Brand, etc.

>> No.4056324

I agree with this, I recommend every year setting a 5 year goal.

This gives you a sort of moving average of goals to aim for. Now in 5 years everything might have changed, but at least you were aiming towards something in the mean time.

>> No.4056813

Sounds like a Marxist.
Make your own mind up, based on what you enjoy doing

>> No.4056898

you wanna takes tips from someone whos a guidance counselor? are you are guidance counselor? are you fucking weak?

probably not you are you and you know better

I have lib arts and now Im in biz dev

It fucking sucks, learn a trade instead, a lot of biz is just vaporwave

uni offers networking? learn to be charismatic and have emotional intelligence, dont buy into that shit

Also, just do SOMETHING, and own it, everybody has advice, you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who is not giving you advice

but from whom are you taking it?

lets say for instance you like entrepreneurial stuff, you want to learn that from a cuck professor who has 0 experience and went from doctoral degree to teaching, or do you want someone with REAL experience, that will tell you how it is in a congruent manner

I know some /biz/ anons will disagree, but if you're curious could look at your birth chart for some indicators as to what you could be good at doing

>> No.4057026

Is there even any use for the stupid bachelors degree box for entry level? This shit feels more like a set back than a step forward at the very very start. Still applying for shit every day and getting interviews, but it seems like it's saying "hey I'm a loser that feels entitled to good pay and a cushy position" at this point.

>> No.4057031

this guy is right

quit fucking around newfags
get to work
life is about work
happiness/joy/family/success comes from work
make money or get FUCKED

>> No.4057068

Tldr study the hardest tolerable thing you can, starting from math down

>> No.4057099

I have a business degree and have $400k worth of equity in the company i joined (very early employee, took big paycut to get here)

and we're going to be acquired soon top kek fuck crypto

>> No.4057105

also most of the local lingo/jargon you can read up through a book or two or articles on the internet, which will get you quick approval in the milieu you want to get into

school is so fucking outdated it's actually unbelievable (no update in ~150 years?), especially when you think that today's school system stems from the industrial revolution, where the model is to create as many plebs for the big machine as possible

>> No.4057271

Business degrees are very broad. Unlike say stem fields you won't just learn one thing but a wide range of subjects (I had finance, macro economics, accounting, corporate organization, marketing etc.) basically it makes you a jack off all trades master of none type.

But the types of jobs you can get are very carried. So you do have a lot of choice. Be aware pay won't be STEM tier at entry level.

The degree basically shows recruiters and HR you are not a complete moron and might even have some skills that can help the company.

Then you can prove yourself by clawing your way up. Experience is what counts in business, not the piece of paper, that is just there to get your first foot in the door.

>> No.4057304

Very varried*
