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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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405229 No.405229 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/, I'm trying to apply for a job and it has me answering these questions. I've never had a job before so I'm not sure if something like this is normal or not.

If it is, should I just fill it with bullshit answers or would I regret that later on?

>> No.405237

what is the job? that's the most important

if it's a normal 9-5er with a good amount of employee-to-employee facetime, I like to use the following trick
>pretend I'm female
>pretend I'm a victim of spousal abuse
>pretend I am fervently religious
>pretend I also espouse "treat others as you would like to be treated"
>what answer would that person give?

basically, they want you to be an extra nice pussy who won't hurt anyone's precious feelings

>> No.405239

Look for a different employer.

>> No.405240


Any company that uses this type of bullshit doesn't know real talent from its ass.

>> No.405242

that's what I call a work of fiction and falsehood

any company that does this more than likely has a reasonable person in HR who understands how costly employee harassment issues can be to either productivity, or worse yet, the company getting sued

either that, or it's a public company and has to do due diligence to keep up appearances for shareholders

>> No.405244

It's a customer service job. I'm just afraid that I'll put down these answers making myself look like a confident person, then come times for an interview they see I'm an autistic sperglord and realize I was lying.

>> No.405247
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I'm 99% sure they're giving this test to evaluate if you'll be an objectionable co-worker or disruptive to the workplace

if they want to evaluate your personality, they'll do it during the interview

>> No.405248

I'll take your advice then, thanks.

>> No.405274

good luck anon
post some of the funnier questions, i'd enjoy seeing what they are

>> No.405278

many larger companies that use these questionnaires actually use the score from them to determine whether or not to hire you. Be careful to read them closely, and if it seems like it could be misinterpreted play it safe.

Bullshit large companies that place their faith in the laws of large numbers over applicant assessment and candidate potential

>> No.405326

Lie lie lie.

If you fail this test, they won't even look at you. They're just filtering out obvious baddies with it.

>> No.405377

I have an interview for an entry level retail job at Target. I read about the STAR technique for interviews where you describe a situation, the task that I was doing, what actually happened, and the result.

I only put volunteer as my past experience, but I lied about that. What types of situations could I make up about volunteer duties where mistakes or difficulties could arise that I could talk about for questions about what I did when a mistake arose or how I handled a high pressure situation. I can't think of any scenarios in a volunteer setting that could arise that I would be able to use. What can I make up? For example I could talk about helping out with a food kitchen, but don't they usually just have volunteers do menial tasks like setting up the area?