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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4042971 No.4042971 [Reply] [Original]

Wysker is tinder for shopping. A super sleek one button navigation app that delivers images of up to 20 related products per second. The app employs machine learning to build data sets around user profiles and their purchasing behaviour. This data isn't owned by wysker but rather is an asset that will become extremely desirable to advertisers who wish to use the app for targeting specific buyers or demographics. The thing that gives the wys token value is that advertisers HAVE to pay users in wys for consensual access to their data. These wys are then redeemable for discounts/free products from merchants and the merchants will pay advertisers wys to run their marketing campaigns and increase sales.

Check out the video of the app in action:

The app launches on december 1 but the accompanying token is currently in presale from wystoken.org with a 30% bonus. The function of the wys token is essentially the same as a discount coupon but once it itself is tradeable on exchange and redeemable in app there will be a prixe discovery mechanism as people who need access to user's data compete with a free market who can buy the tokens to redeem for products in app.

>> No.4042988

>x is the (popular app) (of/for) y

fuck off

>> No.4043001
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It's the first German ICO with full legal advice from KPMG. It was described as "an idea more radical than facebook or google" by the biggest financial newspaper in germany and the team were on german tv 7 times in one day last week.

I've been shilling this ICO for a couple of weeks on here but many of you fail to see the massive upside potential for this token. Digital commerce is in the trillions of dollars a year. If this app captures even a few percent of that we're looking at a multi billion dollar market cap. The figures for digital advertising are something similar too.

Market cap from coins in circulation if the ICO sells put should be around 25 million or around 50 including the dev fund and tokens reserved for incentivising institutional adoption.

I had the CEO come through and answer some questions the other night. Rather that pursuing the traditional VC funding route, the wys team are super keen to decentralize the investor base and give more people the opportunity to realize the substantial gains. Do yourself a favour anon or stay poor.

Would you have had the foresight to invest in instagram at $25 mill (sold for $3b)?

>> No.4043010
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Haha please remember this post then kys when you realise what you could have been a part of.

>> No.4043064
File: 108 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-10-25-10-14-25-94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's starting ....

>> No.4043075

my problem with the coin is that it will only be used with the app and do you think muh coupons are really going to be that interesting to people?

>> No.4043123

anyone still buying into ICO's is a complete autist

>> No.4043132


Stop trying to shill your coin, whale.

It's obvious this just another P&D coin, there is no way this coin can compete against the likes of Twitter or Snapchat.

If you've been reading the news lately, a lot of countries are starting to ban ICO's and this one is no different.

>> No.4043135

Ok you convinced me, will buy at 50% off on etherdelta in 2 hours

>> No.4043375

I don't think so. In the whitepaper they say that the app is just the start and that'll it can be integrated into other apps / shopping sites.

>> No.4044012

Cool a token for epilepsy

>> No.4044114

this has immediate appeal to Reddit... one well structured shill post there ought to do it. i don't think /biz/ shops.

>> No.4044125 [DELETED] 

Lmao this shit is fucking TRASH

It's the idea of a marketer without a doubt. Literally no one will ever use this

>> No.4044138 [DELETED] 

In other words: Sounds good on paper, but it's trash.

I can imagine some fucken' sqaure all excited at the thought of this app, serving products to users in this way, ooo let's say it's the "tinder for shopping"... that's until he figures out the app has 0 users, lmao


>> No.4044144

the devs themselves spamming biz, nice just bought 100k

>> No.4044156

Your trash site doesn't even work on Chrome, dude. Lmao

>> No.4044174

why the fuck would I want to swipe thru a bunch of shit I don't want? when I shop I know exactly what I want and I enter the search terms and I buy it.

>> No.4044181

Yes it does.
OP, until Wysker makes a statement regarding their burn policy in the event the presale/ICO does not sell out, I don't think this will ever get off the ground. I see they have received about 1200 ETH, that's only 10% of their presale target right now. With a set amount locked up for their own use it's an obvious concern to early investors that Wys themselves may end up holding 80%+ of the available tokens. I think this is keeping a lot of potential money on the sidelines.

>> No.4044182

I still might buy some tokens though just in case