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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 465 KB, 1389x1600, blog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
403872 No.403872 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so i started doing this two years ago but quit because i didn't have enough time.

At the time there used to be threads about this every day, but i haven't seen them since, so i wanna try to start this old machine back up, if you wanna know anything just ask me or let's chat on http://rizon.net/chat #superbloggers

tl;dr easy money blogging with fellow channers

>> No.403878
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>> No.403880
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>> No.403883

Yeah im down. In uni class atm but ill set up a blog or two later.

>> No.403885
File: 208 KB, 868x773, blog8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard of this before? know if there's still a community? I tried joining the palringo group but it doesn't work...

>> No.403902

This seems like more effort then its worth

also, this boards pretty slow so I don't see you getting enough people clicking on your blog here.

>> No.403903

why not seven?

>> No.403926

From someone that dabbed on this when it was more profitable.

Unless you literally live in Bangladesh or China where a dollar will buy you more stuff, this is worthless.

It's way too much job for way to little compensation. Not to mention google is trying to catch you.

Not trying to put you down, but there are better things out there.

>> No.403936

Sure I'll bite

Also is the palringo group bullshit or what? I see no activity in there

>> No.404070


>there are better things out there

Just curious if you could give me some examples? I triedswagbucks but it was way too much work for too little compensation too.

>> No.404074

But most of /biz/ is poor and lives in a third world shitholes :/

>> No.404210

Try taking a risk and reselling. You're not going to make a bunch of money by filling out surveys or clicking links

>> No.405036

If you still can't find the palringo group shoot me an email.

>> No.405271
File: 2.12 MB, 1200x1200, goog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone join the Palringo group 400 members and growing. the link is in the pic

>> No.405381


Here some information about the group

>> No.405448



>> No.405472

dont post your page here in chan.

Go join palringo and exchange there.

>> No.405607
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>> No.405619
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>> No.405645

Wouldn't following that link just add to your income potential?

>> No.405795
File: 63 KB, 639x479, IMG030451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? Its a palringo referral. All it does its auto add you as my friend so i can see you and send you via message the group. I probably need like 1k people to even level up in palringo but levels dont mean anything at least for exchange. If anything read the pastebin i posted and go to the bottom.

>> No.406068

I haven't the slightest clue how to begin other than I've signed up for Palringo via the link you have in there.
It seems as though I need friends to see any discussion?
Also, I have no blog =/

>> No.406107



ayy lmao

>> No.406391

Shoot me an email and I can show you the basics.

>> No.406427

I did this shit back in the day when it was all over /g/ and /b/.

It's not worth it - even when a lot of 4chan was doing it, you're going to be earning less than minimum wage for the time you put into it, and it's a risk - you'll probably get shut down.

I got shut down right after getting to $100 in my account, so I never received the payment.

Now I have a real job, so I don't care

>> No.406669
File: 50 KB, 221x427, nedfenfep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hates gonna hate.

>> No.406670

Your email is blacked out in the picture?

>> No.406699
File: 57 KB, 220x414, defewfew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the pastebin the group is there>>406391

>> No.406937
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LOL drama here

>> No.406938
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>> No.406943
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>> No.407030

We're still waiting for you guys. This method works and make us money.

To make it clear. We'll be making money with you, not on you. The more people participate in this, the better for our group. Just make a 10 minute break from fapping and join us on Palringo.

>> No.407096

I agree.

Also the whole appeal of this is passive income. If you have to post everyday & click on other anon's blogs, it takes a big chunk out of your day. Might as well get a real job

>> No.407121

Why not start your own business?

>> No.407210

Adsense refused me....

What now ?


*someone please comment on a post

>> No.407305

join the group and ask. im sure 400 other people might be able to help you

>> No.407340

Your blog gave me cancer

>> No.407374

Real Protip: click rings aren't legal, and Google can reclaim all falsely acquired adsense money.

Not to mention you're stealing money from the small guys, that money doesn't just come from Google, it comes from the advertiser, which anyone with $50 can use to try to help their business out. Stop being thieving niggers.

>> No.407412

Reclaming how? I can see them putting a halt on the check and banning an account, but beside that?

>> No.407474

Someone recommended me to check Blackhatworld for possibilities.

This wasa quite back in the day so idk if it's still valid

>> No.407678

I meant the email I posted with you dingus.

>> No.407681

You only need a few minutes.

>> No.407724

Starting this myself. Post your links gentleman.


>> No.407742

You only get one adsense account. Don't burn it on the retards in this threads click scamming bullshit. If anything what the click scammers here are doing is creating a means of destroying future competition by making sure fewer users have adsense accounts.

>> No.407757

what? one ad sense account?

>> No.407797

You're dumb.

You're extremely retarded. Good job posting your link on a thread that gets archived and it's available to Google. Just join the click ring.

>> No.407835

Yea, and if they find out you ever made another after a ban it's gone. Same thing with youtube channels.
You're a pure retard advocating a shitty click ring that makes nothing vs actually doing proper seo/niche terms/blogs and making revenue. I'm just sad there are others following your shitty ideas you cock sucking idiot.

>> No.408024

You Jelly?

>> No.408116

join the palringo group man dont post it here.

>> No.408200

how exactly do I join the group? any link?

>> No.408663
File: 16 KB, 213x140, Screenshot - 07122014 - 07:31:43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the paste bin is in that comment please read. Also there a image with a link to the group

>> No.408735

>shitty click ring that makes nothing
Yeah, that's why this method has been around for literally years. I'm sorry you couldn't make it work I guess.

>> No.408764

Just because it's been around for years doesn't mean shit. Aids been around for years, but if you fuck men without a condom and are still clean it doesn't mean you wont eventually catch it.

I have several legit blogs and i made money off of them without issue. All it takes is some actual research and some work to get them up and running, not your faggy click rings.

>> No.408841

Oh ok, you're just butthurt that people are making money without having to work hard.

>> No.408844

>you're just butthurt that people are making money without having to work hard.

Yeah, $200 a month, holy shit you'll be a millionaire in no time!

>> No.408851

It's just an additional income, I still don't get why you're getting so upset.

>> No.408859

Because your wasting a valuable account over pennies. Once your adsense is banned, its banned for good. You can make the same amount as your shit click ring with some basic work, and a ton more with real work. I dont want people to throw away an amazing opportunity over a measly 200 bucks.

>> No.408861

You can always share your "real work" secrets.

>> No.408886

with us.

>> No.408944

May be a stupid question but do you use your main Google account for this?

>> No.409000
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COOL beans story bro get on my level.

>> No.409002
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>> No.409064

Hey guise

Im Computer Wiz from www.cheesetemple.biz

Tossing you a friendly invite to join our community !

New content EVERY DAY !

Ta ta now

>> No.409175

Post here again and I'll report your piece of shit website directly to google.

>> No.409177


>> No.409226
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>> No.409229
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>> No.409366
File: 45 KB, 1204x988, niche blogging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no work secrets. Learn site optimizations/seo/content writing rather then spamming each other in a circle

>> No.409409

How, all info is just people trying to sell you shit.

>> No.409454

Yeah, all of that shit is basically teaching you how to sell the same shit they are selling to make money ie a pyramid scheme. All I know in terms of SEO was from reading through BHW threads, and then experimenting with a few cheap domain names I bought. I started doing this 2 years ago and knew nothing about even basic html back then.

>> No.409465

-How much time until I am making $25 a day?
-How much time is spent on the computer doing it at the $25/day level?
-How many blog posts do you average when you go monetized?
-How do you automate content creation?
-How do you automate ad clicks? I know it's possible. Very interested in this.
-Shouldn't you have some traffic before the time you go all admaster on them?

-Very interested in automating the whole process with macros and associated tools/utilities.How to scale up?

I want answers for all this. Thanks!

>> No.409469

-Very interested in using speech-to-text software to dictate blog posts. Is anyone doing this? What's the best software/platform?

I want to get a bunch of old laptops doing this. Always stay logged in, one per laptop per blog. They will be command consoles. Slap a minimal Windows XP on all of them with a specific software set and nothing else.

If $25/day isn't easy, let's make it easy. The laptops will pay for themselves in a few weeks and from then on it's gravy.

Ride into the sunset at a leisurely pace, for it is a long journey; there is no need to hurry.

-Why haven't makeshift systems emerged which facilitate our earning?

-Where are the recent info-graphics? I want to see earnings for June, 2014.

>Protip: I'll buy a headset. This thread is now a headset general.

>> No.409470

oh baby's first stroke

>> No.409474

Come on, chucklehead.

>> No.409476

i wont get out of bed for that little

>> No.409478

How much do you think Huffington Post makes on ad clicks per day? Enough to support the enterprise? I bet they do. Any experienced user wouldn't dare try connecting to that site with a naked browser.

At the time of connection, there are literally about 25 money and tracking connection scripts run against your browser, stuffing so many cookies and triangulating on your ass it's not funny.

What's the incentive to do this?

All the top jewish clickbait websites are doing it, including all jewish neocon sites. Especially them, but HuffPo is a personal favorite to hate, and really a breathtaking example of how rudely this control grid is being rolled out.

I want blogging to finance the building material for my house innawoods.

>> No.409571

Could you explain how to do it step by step? Im an autist so I only respond positively to step by step logical routes, im serious. Im unable to make money and my country doesnt have welfare for me.

>> No.409722

do tell how will adsemse stop me from making multiple accounts?

>> No.409840
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Im an autist
> why havent you killed yourself yet?

>> No.409919

I cant give you steps since i would be showing you what im doing and thus cutting into my own profits. You'll have to figure this out yourself, although like i said, theres a lot of good starting guides on blackhatworld.
If you're banned once, they flag your name/ips and look for further dupes. So unless youre using illegal names to set up accounts (which is a criminal offence) then you have no other way of doing this legally (well maybe asking your parents or friends to use their names).

>> No.410030
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Side discussion going on over here:

>> No.410165

What are the highest paying niches?

>> No.410173

Is this true? If you're banned can you really never start up a new account.

These guys here and in a previous thread were all like, "just make a new account.'' I think some people said they'd been banned a couple times.

>> No.410180


Previously Banned Account – Sometimes publishers that have previously been banned will attempt to sign up for another account by changing their name, using a friend’s contact information, etc. Google is very adept at catching this and will shut you down when caught. Instead of signing up again yourself, consider the options we give below.

>> No.410973
File: 23 KB, 253x267, proxy5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a joke. Like this pakistan guy.

>> No.410975
File: 15 KB, 245x122, Screenshot - 07132014 - 09:37:35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been suing my name for 8 months same name i use form older banned account and no bans yet. Maybe im lucky. i did change my bank and address details.

>> No.411562
File: 552 KB, 1977x1001, Como-ganar-dinero-por-Internet-usando-Adsense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

googel and yahoo ads welcome

>> No.411955

I don't exactly get how to join this...:

I downloaded palringo and made an account. I followed the link in the pastebin and then it said well, invited by bla bla. What do I do from there? What's the name of the group, so I can join it directly?

>> No.412071
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>> No.412160

pillo sitio

>> No.412200

Daily love.

>> No.412417
File: 913 KB, 5540x4155, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


quein es un pillo? Es de gratis entrar al grupo yo no hay que pagar nada para empezar con google adsense.

>> No.412739

I love your ugly spanish, Ham.

>> No.412886

>quien es un pillo? Es de gratis entrar al grupo no hay que pagar nada para empezar con google adsense.

ALright fix it. Dont need to be perfect you knwo. When you can tell me you know 4 languages all perfect with 0 mistakes then im al ears. Plus there no spelling or grammar competition. if i was going to earn millions from bringing people to my group to exchange then i would make sure i proof read and correct mistakes but its not even worth it. <3 :)

>> No.412890

My response wasn't even sarcastic, I just said I love it because it amused me. You're a bit defensive.

>> No.412897


Why don't we make more money by doing something like this?


We could make a few minor changes and get them in the app store(s). Anyone else think this is a good idea?

>> No.412984

Just started a blog. It says I'm not eligible for Adsense. Why's that?

>> No.413045

Same here.

>> No.413089

it's a new policy of Google to counter click-frauding, they now make it harder to apply for adsense. You need to have a well established website to apply now. Basically, a 3-6 months old blog/website with decent original content.

> This is actually not a new trick of Google. This policy has been already used to counter scammers from Asia for more than 5 years, but now its apparently global.
> Another trick used by Google to counter click-frauding is smart-pricing, which means they will pay only pennies for the first clicks. You will very likely to got a $0.05 cpc in the first 2 months, so your first months will be very tedious. Then after you have enough traffic to handle the magic 20 clicks/ day and you will see crazy high clicks. With the same ad clicked with the same technique, a click can pay $0.10 or $50 depending on the website/ blog.
> from a retired gnomie

>> No.413636

Not him, but as someone who wants to make a legitimate blog and just have the group supplement my page views and guarantee adclicks, if I generate content frequently will I be able to enable adsense within 3 months?

>> No.414037

oh jesus not this guy again...

>> No.414761
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>> No.415374

Sooner probably.

>> No.415400

how do you into legit traffic?

>> No.415401

Plug your shit everywhere
Write actually good content
Be persistent

>> No.415415

I was thinking of starting a rediculously retarded political blog that was so bad it would gain attention just for being so over the top, kind of like fox news.

Yay or neigh?

>> No.415474

Diculous yesterday... diculous again today.


>> No.415580

Is there even any money to make with this? I heard adsense just bans randomly if you make too much money (more than 150$).

>> No.415704

Start slowly and you'll be alright. People are greedy and google notices.

>> No.416401

Has anybody thought of trying to scale up?

3 blogs?

How would you categorize the blogs?

I want 9 blog posts daily; 3 each on 3 sites.

How do you decide what blog to post to? I want well-rounded content; everything from geological news to women's shoes.

Help group my 3 blogs by subject matter.

-All science material; earth/space, life/ontological, social/societal

-All lifestyle material: gadgets, tech, watches, indulgences, celebrity, etc.

-All attacking young/stupid people: blatant dumbing down of content; mindset 5-15. All political, insurance, financial, appealing to greed, avarice, sadistic here. Culture-rotting for money. Gold scams, gaming news, libertarian positing, Glenn Beck crowd target audience. Extream Freedom Eagling here. Allow people to "fight back" by buying my merchandise made in China. 1/3 of posts made with article spinners. 1/3 of posts made by scraping RSS content. 1/3 of posts shitposting hyperbole by me. Not ripping on conservatives. I'm conservative. Ripping on reactionaries. Harvesting off of my fellow goyim. (Is that going too far?)

>> No.417409
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>> No.417507

decided to give this ago, lets see how it turns out

>> No.417533

wait, how do other random people find your blog? are you just supposed to spam it in forums or is there a chance it may appear on google?

>> No.417834

Write interesting content and fill up your posts with Google keywords so that maybe, just maybe, your blog might turn up in a Google result.

>> No.417838

Take us through your content creation process.

What are you drawing on for inspiration? What's your mechanical process for writing content, some statistical info and so on? How many words per post? Any research beforehand? Criteria you have for posting? How long does posting a new article take you?

Walk us through it.

>> No.417865

>all x
Niche is better.

>> No.418064

I was in that group.
Who is this?

>> No.418207

you'll get no traffic since conservative readers will see right through your pathetic false rantings.

>> No.418228

What do you guys blog about? I remember starting a blog years and years ago, but I've long since deleted the associated Google account. I've considered starting one for video game reviews, since playing video games is pretty much all I do, but video game review blogs are a dime a dozen.

>> No.418245

I don't do it, but start a blog pretending to be a female SJW. Like-minded nutjob whores will shower you with traffic.

>> No.418279

Those are also a dime a dozen.

>> No.418315

That's actually pretty smart.
A) It's fun to post a bunch of literally autistic rantings about SJWism
B) Traffic from moron SJWs who'll click on your ads, and if you're smart and create a bunch of products (I'm just going off the top of my head here but make Tumblrina type clothes, mugs, etc. "Check Your Privilege", quotes from famous feminists who've killed people like the S.C.U.M. manifesto person).
C) Traffic from places that make fun of SJWs (/r/TiA etc.)
D) Content is super easy to create

>> No.418372

does it matter what you talk about when blogging? can you talk about different matters in the same blog or is there a way to have multiple blogs with one account

>> No.418394

You can link multiple blogs to the same account, yes.

>> No.418509

Just make multiple blogs.

>> No.419235

I can still get adsense on all of them if they're linked with one account?

>> No.419464


>> No.419514

huh. I thought you would need adsense PER blog rather than per account. because then you could start up several blogs once you have adsense and make even more money. so if I make loads of blogs, get enough views from like one or two that certifies me for adsense then all of them get adsense?

>> No.419546

You can make 100 blogs and have adsense in those 100 blogs as long as you make them with the same adsense approved account.

>> No.420029

that clears that up, thanks

>> No.420074
File: 35 KB, 460x276, keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automation thread archived here:

Don't even TRY to tell me no one is doing this, even if they're not talking about it.

It's like... w-what if entire schools of thought... entire SCIENCES are known but not taught at any university?

>> No.420122

An hour a day of solid work and I want to be done.

There are other factors on the backend, like what time to post your blog links to say, Twitter or Reddit heh heh.

I am the Automator guy. I want to factor all this statistical data in to time shit right and get the most out of the work I do do.

If that's Paki behavior, then no wonder they're gaining ground while the US loses ground to them.

Working smart and not hard. How hard can it be to work smart?

>> No.420144

Right, so I'm new to this whole blogging thing, how long are blog posts supposed to be? And what are they supposed to be about? I mean, if you talk about your day to day life who's going to be interested in that?

And how do you find other peoples blogs to follow and stuff? That's the only way I can think of gaining more views, I don't know how to advertise my blog tbh.

And I have to blog for a few months before I can get adsense? Dude.

>> No.420233
File: 37 KB, 225x225, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're saying a niche site is better than a blog which talks about everything. I'm not sold on that yet. Unless you're an advanced player who can structure a circle-jerking site ring all leading to the same sales page, I can see blogging about a range of topics but all within a category. By the way, they call those little websites "authority sites."

I'm not thinking about subjects I am interested in. I am thinking about subjects a buying market would be interested in.

Fine by me. That means research. I've not done this yet, but I think this is what a blog post should include:

1. Research a hot keyword to use for your blog post. Use real-time statistical data.

2. Determine a keyword that you think will drive traffic. Research it at large immediately using 3 search engines, wiki, youtube

3. Blog posts should be 300-500 words. Never any less than 200. It should just define the state of the topic in your own words. Research as you blog.

-Use the keyword 3-5 times but not more.
-Use 2-3 synonyms of the keyword
-Use keyword phrases based on Google auto-suggest.
-Post a video

-Begin by defining the article.
-Then define the keyword.
-3 or more bullet points
-Talk a little bit about each one
-Let your research inform your next paragraph.
-Wrap up and ask another question to end.
-Your blog post represents a stream of consciousness. Bonus if you can automate the writing part.

-Cite the sources listed by your source authors as sources

Before hitting post:
-Make sure your keyword is in the url
-Make the url short
-Make sure you have H1--> tags set
-Make sure your source-citation links are anchored into the document.
-Alt tags for images - use keyword phrases
-Everything else for on-page SEO. Make a checklist.

-Immediately re-post on Twitter using a random trending hashtag
-Immediately upload your original image to imgur, tumblr and everything.
-Immediately re-post to Google+
-Immediately re-post to Reddit

We want clicks.

>> No.420248

Can I make a blog about music recomendacions? They analise the subject of the blog? Blogger or WordPress?

>> No.420250

Here's a hypothetical:

Is looking for news headlines a bad idea to generate inspiration for blog posting?

Example: Gary Oldman makes the news

Am I already too late? Is blogging about something trending that particular day too late to catch the breeze? I know the content will be posted for the foreseeable future but I want to drive traffic daily.

I also want to track where people are coming from. I want to know how to duplicate results and then just pump the fuck out of it.

Anything that works, just start furiously doing that. The jew grasps opportunity with both hands.

>> No.420335
File: 193 KB, 600x900, 535639248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.420402

Are you saying that for all those genres, I should have a blog that represents each of them?

Any kind of software for managing a shitload of blogs?

>> No.420777

No, that's perfectly fine.

>> No.421187

how do I find keywords that are trending right now?

>> No.421319


>> No.421604

no, bad idea

>> No.421971

How do I get my blog eligible for google adsense?

>> No.422070

You need to be blogging for 6 months

>> No.422073

Jesus, what the fuck, fuck.

>> No.422094

I found an old blog of mine. I had to wipe all content and start from a first post. It's 6 months old but now only has about 2 posts on it.

How strict is Adsense? Will this get approved?

Doubting whether they will trust someone to continue blogging from 2 posts

>> No.422124

it's almost like they don't want spammy frauds on their network...

Yeah I did this for a while and stopped. This is why:

- everyone advertising how great it is is in a 3rd world country where $1 is rich-man money.
- they need Americunts (and UK, AUS, CA-cunts) to give them those juicy $1+ clicks

however since, for example, vietnam is a shithole and no advertisers want customers from there, clicks from these assholes only pay 5 cents or so.

So yes, they are making money with you, but you will make 5 cents for every dollar or more they make. The rings implode without Americans, so they make threads like this trying to lure new meat in.

I'd join an English-only click circle. Anyone want to offer up one of those?

>> No.422339

I'm down

going to have to wait 6 months however...

>> No.422349

wait, explain this then >>409366


>> No.422440

It feels so good to finally be DOING something!

~The Falcon

>> No.422454

It is so great to be trembling from excitement instead of fear, eh?

~Dale Gribble

>> No.423032

>tfw got 150 views in a day because I just spammed keywords in a blog I wrote
>tfw its a legitimate post too


>> No.423079


Did you use any advice from
? Does this shit work?

>> No.423082

Give me a shortened link or Anonymized link.

I want to see this for myself.

>> No.423652

wait, are you that autist that wants a step by step guide?

>> No.423673

I admit, I am interested in checklists...

I'm interested in building a checklist, and here's why:

Process-flow is smoother, faster, easier, meaner and smarter with a checklist.

Work product is more reliable. It skips you a level. It's like a warp zone, except this is for for professionalism and maximizing your impact.

Doing it like this makes it worth it.

>> No.423689

I guess this is a good place to ask this. I've been thinking about buying some cheap webhosting to do a porn blog. Basically I have a shitton of videos for a couple of kinda niche fetishes, so I would upload that shit, make some thumbnails, and post it on the blog, while using some adult site affiliate.

Worth the effort?t Y/N

>> No.423923

no, you wont get adsense for it because its 18+ only and NSFW

>> No.423933


I'm not talking about Blogger/Adsense. I'm thinking more like the Wordpress standalone platform on something like GoDaddy and then use an affiliate specifically for NSFW sites.

>> No.423979

that person isn't doing click circle. They are legitimately blogging.

>There are no work secrets. Learn site optimizations/seo/content writing rather then spamming each other in a circle

>> No.424309
File: 49 KB, 202x419, 798ujm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your not force to exchange/trade with 3rd world people. right click block.

this is the biggest T1=usa uk aus uk
t2= europe
t3= poor click

the biggest group in palringo with 99% of everyone inside palringo from all over the world. There is T1 groups only but it has the same people as my group besides no t2 or t3 allowed inside. total about 80 t1s. go join HAM usa group.

>> No.424355

I'm in UK, can I join?

>> No.424510

There's no way I'd risk my blog on this clickbait bullshit. Instead how about we talk about ways to actually increase the views on blogs legally.

>> No.425054

yes you can join. All country are able to join its up to you to block other country you dont want to talk too or do business.

>> No.425055

enjoy your 1 cent per month broski.

>> No.425424


Is this shit even legal? If so I'll join you guys.

>> No.425440

Do you guys use your real google account for this shit?

>> No.425476


wat the fuk is this shit?

Did you actually get 23k views or did you just hold down F5 for 9000 minutes?

>> No.425760

Of course it's not legal. Do join though.

>> No.425872
File: 25 KB, 450x171, Screenshot - 07282014 - 01:14:52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its legal but against google TOS.

>> No.425875
File: 30 KB, 437x240, Screenshot - 07282014 - 01:16:48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i keep all my members safe from fake proxy clicks.

>> No.425876
File: 25 KB, 173x264, Screenshot - 07282014 - 01:19:08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the DJ joke is going away now.

>> No.425966

I made a palringo and put the link in, said I got an invite. How do I actually get *in* the chat now? I want in on this, if I'm gonna NEET I'm gonna hustle while I do it.

>> No.426964

Well, post a screenshot, smartass. Read all my comments in this thread.

>> No.427000

I did this also two-three years ago when it was popular on /b/

It's 300€ a month but the "work" you have to put in is tedious

>> No.427010

How can we make it less tedious?

Is there a role for automation? Screen macros?

Describe what was tedious about posting and clicking.

Huge audience here.

>> No.427022

I haven't been part of any group though, just posted links on /b/ sometimes.

Tedious was to comment under every article under my follower list so they would do the same and click on the advertisements.

>> No.427028

How can you use automation to skip some steps?

Manual clicking routines, setup routines, etc. These are only what I am thinking. You might be thinking something else.

Tell, us, bro. How can we make an automated setup?

>> No.427030

Think about your work flow and whether you broke up your work into a series of processes.

Are there any transition points or "break points" where one process transitions into another and requires some setup? Could you automate it?

What about automating the creation of content? Any luck with that? I know about article spinners and blogging from rss feeds, but I don't want to go that far. I want to stay above-board and automate anything repetitive.

>> No.427037

Give us some tips on how, in theory, it could be made less tedious.

Would setting up a dedicated computer help, especially if there were some nice alarms set up to help you stay on task?

What if, at a certain time of day, all your workspace would be set up for you, with all your blogs opened (on a dedicated computer) and your cursor literally in a comment field? Then you would hear a ding, letting you know it was time to do some kind of brainless action like commenting three sentences and clicking on an ad for one minute.

This computer would be next to your normal browsing computer. Whenever you heard an alarm, you'd just go to work doing the task that was set up for you to do.

This is the beauty of automation. This is the state of the art. It starts with knowing your work flow, down to every step documented; every choice mapped and a break point created. Nothing about programming here. I'm just appropriating a coding term to call it a transition point where dynamic input is required from you.

Every other time, like the mundane clicking around shit that gets you from one task to the next, needs to be automated. Static actions that are the same every time or could be made the same every time can be automated.

I don't even have a blog. I'm just following this topic with an interest toward making a robot to do it for me, maybe soon.

>> No.427514


>> No.427822

Yeah, you're autistic

>> No.427826
File: 14 KB, 352x116, 100ayear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL this guy in the group

>> No.427827
File: 21 KB, 240x184, proxy7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another smart guy trying to pass as fake in the group. HAM :)

>> No.428007

Would this work with a tumblr? The community there seems better if all you do is post low-quality inspirational pictures or quotes or cat pictures.

>> No.428321

That's just a bullshit accusation/wannabe diagnosis that doesn't even mean anything.

I'm not into doing madness like obsessively stacking things or arranging my room with all objects grouped/ranked according to color/size. You're missing my radiance. Pause for a moment. You should listen to what I say.

If army technical manuals are autistic, then so be it. When military forces worldwide have a scenario to resolve, they amass everything that can be known about each component. They crawl up its ass. They go full retard, with perverted diagrams and everything.

It's also a particularly GERMAN way to do things. I want to know data so that I can leverage it. I want to know parameters so that I can gain advantage over them. I want to know all the rules of the game so that I can arrange the odds so I win. I want to know the spider's sweet stratagem so that I can make my daring escape!

It's like a game and you have to solve a bunch of puzzles. It's like somethin's runnin' and you're tryin' to catch it. It's like Create Your Own Edition for Lego Master Builders or something. I can't explain it any more simply than that. And that's too simple.

More like quality programs run by big manufacturers. ISO9000 family. Aerospace. Six Sigma. Autistic?

Visionaries are always a little nuts, though.

>> No.428356

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.428463

I know, I know, from the assembly line
I know, I know, the three laws of my
I was not made to smile
I was not built to lie

I ask my positron self
Why am I born apart?

We work alone inside the big dome
There's no reason for my eyes to glow
Every night, every morning
Every day

I know, I know, all data and functions
I know, I know, the power of the Sun
I don't care what I am
I am the Never Man

I ask my kindred spirit
Why do I dream of kites?

We work alone inside the big dome
There's no reason for my eyes to glow
Every night, every morning
Every day

Whatever to serve my master...
Anything to save my master...

I know, I know, the passage of my time
I know, I know, the same old daily grind!


>> No.428474
File: 290 KB, 300x100, 101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genius because when you listen, you think it's my sentiment, but then you realize it's just the drone of my slave laptop making me money with automated blogging routines!

>pic related = header of this page

>> No.428477
File: 25 KB, 640x640, GDKYa9m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>actually thinking you're special

>> No.428498

go kill yourself kid. Your parents have spoiled you so hard. Autistic retards like you needed to be beaten the hell out to learn useful shit.

>> No.428706

Thanks guys, for selling yourselves short. Yeah, and thanks for your contributions.

Have fun taking 3 times as long to rank low in an ill-defined niche with poor-quality content. You'll be doing that still while I am done for the day, doing things like leveraging technology to get more hits.

When the workday begins, I'll be dictating content in a sought-after niche while you're still logging in. When the workday is done, my computer will close the workspace and will already be running peripheral operations like additional keyword research for tomorrow's post, analytical operations or similar while you're still clicking yourself suicidal and getting indoctrinated by advertising.

I had this arch-nemesis one time; like an arch-rival. We did the same thing on the same scene. He had this snobbery about him. He was always telling me to "take it easy." That was code for hoping I didn't keep up my craft as he was planning to do.

What I'm trying to say here is just, take it easy. You know what I mean?

>> No.428727

I dont belong to this ad clicking business. I just want you to be aware of your disgusting autism and man the fuck up.

>> No.428737
File: 63 KB, 333x491, Le Costanza Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not realizing that every single niche fucking possible to use is already oversaturated

>> No.428744


There are probably ten thousand jews in New York City alone, doing just this.

>ten thousand, doing exactly this

Made up, but not inconceivable. Probably 60,000-100,000 jews across America doing this amongst each other, sharing data and routines of automation to get right up to the LINE of the rule but never cross it.

Why aren't we more like the jews?

Can you imagine, jews not wanting an easier money-making scheme?

Can you imagine jews tearing each other down in their attempts to refine and perfect a craft of common interest?

Can you imagine jews not just going for it like ants to a chicken picnic?

Don't be a Debbie Downer or a Negative Nancy. Don't work against the collective.

There's this guy who maintains the palringo group who I've never actually spoken to. You all know who I am talking about.

He wants to get more people going again. I think that's just great, and it's so good to hear it.>>428727

I want to reduce the tedium and put the whole thing on rollers.

-makes it more user-friendly and therefore more accessible for new people to join in
-increases productivity by x while reducing the tedium of daily work flow.
-serves as a "force-multiplier" to process more blogs in less time and ensure the highest rate of return on your ads, including those from organic traffic
-helps the palringo scene in a way not unlike adding infrastructure
-helps develop the state of the art with the future in mind.

This is 4chan. We started it. Then perfected it. Then refined it. This came from us. <--- Like that.

I feel that automation is sorely missing in this blog scene, but it might not be for long.

>> No.428757
File: 43 KB, 948x1185, sip_200-8cd52659abd57bb28c4d7bd3797c582d77527643-s6-c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.428777

Create new niches. Splinter niches. Fusion niches.

We're already seeing the emergence of what I like to call "post-culture." You may or may not find anything related on the web; I've never tried.

Post-culture is like Alex's Mum from Clockwork Orange. She had blue hair but in a post-punk kind of way.

We're seeing people with modern primitive body mods getting older and nearly everyone has a tattoo or more, Imagine old people with stretched-out earlobes and pierced up. It's coming, if not already here.

Legit senior urban punks under gray skies, dressed in all black, feeding pizza to the saddest dog in the world in any city park in any city of the world; a dog which has yet to be born.

All the ideas are taken. That kid from Heathers said "All the great themes have been turned into theme parks." Hollywood is barely getting by on prequels and remakes. Every niche is saturated. There are no more stories to tell.

Niches don't have to be linear. They can be a group of compatible interests. Ransack the past to come up with post-cultural content.

For example, I just looked up into the air. I'll bet the niche for ceiling fans that run on pulleys and save you money isn't over-saturated.

Ooh, headrush!

>> No.428803

Trips of God confirms it.

About the ceiling fans, they would have a chain/pulley thing that would go from where the ceiling fan was mounted, through a tasteful plastic conduit to the nearest wall where they would hang down like on a grandfather clock. Mount a pine-cone at the bottom of each one, you know...

The fan would have like a flywheel inside that could be wound from either direction. When it ran down, you just pulled the other chain, alternating between the two. No one I've ever met uses the high setting on a ceiling fan, anyway.

>> No.428907
File: 29 KB, 406x440, 71520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any hope of using something like this to click an ad in one pane and comment on the same blog in another pane?


Maybe a control panel for logging into all your social off-page SEO stuff automatically?

Your blog window would be the starting point, logged in or not. Then you could submit press releases, be logged into your fb fan page, twitter, a couple pages to get trending hashtags, tumblr, imgur, reddit, fiverr, anything required to complete your routine of hype-generation.

>Copy/paste your content from one pane to the next, hitting post, closing tabs as you go. When you're done with the last pane, you're done with that particular task.

Also, you can have this set up in multiple TABS to do things like open your followed blogs. Every followed blog opens 3 times; once in each of three panes.

-One just loads. You'll read from this.
-One scrolls down and puts your cursor in the comment field.
-The last one is just a space to click an ad within.

1. Click the ad. Time ticks while you work.
2. It's visible on screen while you turn your attention fully and start reading the followed blog post.
3. You comment at the same time as you read in the 3rd pane.

Comment finished? Ad has been being looked at for a minute or so at least. Each followed blog has already automatically had 2 F5 equivs. Close that tab, with all 3 instances of a followed blog with it.

Now imagine 40 followed blogs all opening one tab at a time upon completion of the last tab.

See how this would extreamline your work flow just by virtue of having everything on the same screen in assembly line fashion?

Done! Done! Onto the next one and done and I'm done and I'm onto the next!

>> No.428910
File: 338 KB, 700x525, 71521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic.

Rule #1: Build quality to avoid re-work.

>> No.428920

>Now imagine 40 followed blogs all opening one tab at a time upon completion of the last tab.


>> No.429379


>> No.429407
File: 25 KB, 411x419, 1400164924581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.429511

GTFO. Don't tell me that if I came in with a new thread and was all,"Download my robot. It prints MONEY!" that you wouldn't stick your noses right in there to see.

You guys are like those 2 dicks on the Muppet Show, heckling from the peanut gallery. You're hostile to the idea but in a pussy way that smacks of ignorance at the same time if that is even possible.

Meanwhile, I already have a working prototype!

Ancient wisdom says, "Plan your work and work your plan." Everything about this says "sound planning." Nothing about this says "autistic."

So I'm gonna go for it. I'm going to learn another valuable skill set, rise above mediocrity and profit from the effort.

This is a great idea that you could have benefited from. Instead, you're boned because you can't even think. And in our final days, I'll be living comfortably off-grid, no doubt with a home-automation system built using experience from this adventure and probably financed with the money.

>> No.429841
File: 3.54 MB, 2833x1361, one week.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda related, I started blogging in DEC 2013. Turned it into a business valued at around 100k. I just landed a client that pays ~1k a week for social media posting.

I've been in these threads before and answered a bunch of questions. Feel free to email me too.

Basically, I made a few blogs, wrote 2 ebboks, my SEO / webdesign blog got popular and I got people wanting to be clients, hired 2 guys. Got more clients.

>> No.429862

Do you have to use google's blog site?
Is there a way to make profit from tumblr?

>> No.429868

That would only work on tumblr, which isn't property of google. It's significantly harder to find like-minded individuals through blogspot

>> No.429877
File: 47 KB, 432x574, Wain_cat_--_representative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i exchange information of my users? I'm not saying about emails, passwords etc but like the social networks do.

>> No.430229
File: 15 KB, 201x152, Screenshot - 07312014 - 12:38:04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you a troll? anyway you give your URL to another person in PALRINGO and they send their URL you click each others ads and done.

http://pastebin.com/yzRtByur << read

>> No.430231

If you don't mind me asking, what kind of subject do you specialize in? I've seen blogs about fuckin' bullshit and whip dazzle bedazzle, so I'm always curious as to what people like reading about.

>> No.430261

>$10=30 days of work (60 clicks if you get 2 per day)
Wow, that sure is a lot of money!

>> No.430359

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.430708

How does a blog become a business? Are you hardcore shilling?

>> No.430946

It's a meta blog about blogging and SEO. Most of my money comes from people renting out my SEO / Social media services.

made a few blogs, wrote 2 ebboks, my SEO / webdesign blog got popular and I got people wanting to be clients, hired 2 guys. Got more clients.

>> No.431353

this is for selling clicks not for google adsense.

>> No.431387


How easy is it to get clients if you learn a little SEO? I heard that clients you find on the internet don't pay squat, whereas IRL brick and mortar places are the real gold because they're not familiar with e-life.

>> No.431561

You're spot on with the second point. It's a real fucking pain for someone anti social like me to get clients, but the average pay is 250$ /mo to do some lite seo. I pay a guy $50 to do it a month and collect the difference. I had one client pay 600$/mo for me to do his social media posting.

>> No.431904

I want Ham's input on the topic of automation.

Ham, do you think your peers would enjoy a system of assembly line actions designed to facilitate efficient work flow and partially carry out your daily routine?

What if it could increase your productivity by 20%?

That's 20% less time spent, OR 20% more time to expand your empire.

Doing $80/month? Now it's $100, in theory.

Doing $800/month? Now it's $1000 or more because of SEO discipline built-in.

See how this is a good bargain?

-Automation must be made easier than ever. -Our earnings must be put into turbo mode. -Computers must be punished.

I think it's fun to say "must be punished."

I had a whole internal monologue just now about the nature and potential humor of punishment; reflections on my experiences with the phrase and the act.

Protip related: Discipline means mastery; not punishment.

>> No.432517
File: 358 KB, 148x193, AWht9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.433576
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 32c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. "must be punished".

>> No.435454

I had a thought sometime last night away from the computer.

At first I was like:

>I bet I could generate hype for automation if I released my template distros of Portable Firefox decked out for the tasks and babysat a thread on how to use the system.

But then I was like: Nobody would trust it or some dickhead would claim it's a virus. Why bother? Maybe I could just compile some instructions to end up with what I have, so they could do it themselves...

Then I had a breakthrough:

>I'll do that and then sit back for a while, letting the automation scene develop it themselves (implying they would perfect it for me, like the scene itself could become my personal automated automation engine!)

So, in the coming weeks, this is what I shall do.

Who is interested?

>> No.435510


>> No.436042
File: 29 KB, 270x260, proxy8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAm here. There is a market for automation. If it works and time tested 3+ months no ban i bet people would pay $50 or more per month to use. Adsense click exchange has been around for 5years or so nobody been able to automate it.

>> No.436054

Can't sleep so here I am with a bedtime story 4u.

>I remember when I was a Cub Scout.

Notwithstanding the fact that life ruled then, I also had no idea what was in store for America; what was brewing even then.

>Ronald Reagan.
>Burn barrels.

One of the activities we did was, we all received a bunch of crap called a Genius Kit.

The Genius Kit was a number of Popsicle sticks, a length of string and maybe some other garbage.

The idea was to see what our little minds could do with it.

Under advice from my Dad, I made a little model of a football field and won some accolade from my Cub Scout Pack at a pack-wide meeting. Felt good man.

>Enter modern American hell and the prospect of web automation for blogging

Imagine if your Den Mother handed you a ragtag bunch of software and called it a Genius Kit.

No instructions or guidance of any kind would be given. Zero fucks.

How likely is it that one among us would get the idea to make a money-making robot using the software provided?

I am going back to bed now, dreaming of being a white male in America in 1960.

>> No.436059

Ham, I don't want to sell it!

I want to help everyone follow more blogs and make more money!

>> No.436247

don't have a phone, no palringo. what do?

>> No.436256
File: 2.90 MB, 3240x4320, 1407129125338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got the invite, however when I search "adsense boost" in palringo group doesn't come up

also bump

>> No.436544
File: 9 KB, 151x229, mod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get palringo for your PC/mac here the pastebin or google it.


If your still lost search adsense in palringo and join every group and look for Ham usa.

>> No.436548
File: 52 KB, 406x435, trickdear2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well join make the process how you want it and you be immortalize in the click exchange community as our god/savior cuz it will save a lot of time and we be thankful for you. i make sure to pass down the story and how we should thank you. You be like this guy who earn like 2k USD per month hes a immortal story pass down from old to noobs a true inspiration so you be like him :) This guy in pic said he found a auto trick last night is this you? So please go ahead do it :)

>> No.437359


You're a fucking genius and the rest are blind.

I fucking want to work/get in contact with you. We've got much to talk about.

Ever heard about taylorism? Sure you had. There's more than just automation, there is system analysis, social dynamics, mindhacks, user-level experimenting at empirical levels with the fucking scientifical method used in a daily basis.

When you're done with automating scamblogs and you realize this adsense ring thing is just a useless pyramid scheme, I want to talk to you.

I'm reuniting a group of people with the right mindsets to get to the goal of the gold and a better life. Not normal people, but actually people with some special gifts and wits.

If you keep demonstrating your gifts, you are invited

We are like fucking nakamas in a fucking pirate ship sailing for dollars, and I've put my eye on you. You want to join, you just have to say it.

I can easily set up a dummy mail and from there we will meet somewhere else. If you want, we can get in contact

>> No.437366
File: 26 KB, 500x479, Evil_Kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


automation...thats asking for a ban, theres a reason this works...

>> No.437368
File: 78 KB, 679x720, 68239_10152224782565840_4043014180596612435_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.437430

>Can't sleep so here I am with a bedtime story 4u.

based on the tone of all your posts, you're clearly hypomanic

interesting ideas though, i like them

>> No.437433

>I am going back to bed now, dreaming of being a white male in America in 1960.

>> No.438042


The red queen race hasnt started, hippies & festivals, lots of sex without condom (pill just appeared, but there's no AIDS, so people fucked like animals), plenty of opportunities to start into new technologies, the internet wasn't born so you're on time to learn the needed knowledge and surf the waves of progress from the beginning and making tons of money, even if you're a pothead who doesn't even know how to code and repeatedly fails at university (see Steve Jobs, although he is from a decade later I think), the economy is not a constant recession, people still has rights, the world is small and easy to understand, America is pretty much the fucking leader of the world without any serious competition so it can bully any country it wants, jobs aren't outsourced so the economy works, lots of hopes for the future, the spacial race is at its sweetest spot and being a nerd is seen as something cool and profitable, women don't judge you by your looks and they are not anorexic, the cold war is there, but nothing will really happen besides some scaremongering, food is healthier than now, the modern age has just born and is easy to be in the vanguard of arts or even creating a movement if you have some imagination, most people is honest and naive so a little malice and greed can do wonders in the race to richness...

Need more?

And white males where the ones who had it better at that age.

>> No.438622

i love blogging

>> No.439025

this seems like an amazing opportunity, how much money are you guys making off this? It's late here in Britain but I think I will start a blog tomorrow. Exciting stuff.

>> No.439385
File: 10 KB, 157x160, admin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first join the palringo group. then ask in public chat advice. there a guy who works for ipage hes giving free domains and hosting for 1 year if you use his ref referal. Also say HAM usa gave u this info :)

>> No.439448

sweet, thanks brother!

I thought since we were using the blogger site, we didn't need to set up a domain and all that though?

>> No.439458

so to be clear, you're still advocating making a blog, but believe clever marketing techniques learned off of place like BlackHat is a more effective way to make money?

>> No.439463

Tim is that you

>> No.439529

Hmm, I wonder if you could get a cheap indian personal assistant to do all the grunt work then take the profits yourself?

You'd be cutting into the low-income a fair bit, but hey, a free dollar or two a day is still a free dollar.

>> No.439536

Web advertisement, in the current form, is inherently immoral. If people are wasting their money by purchasing adverts through google only for their money to go to waste, perhaps they will stop supporting this immoral business model.

There is no reason to feel guilty for earning money this way. It is questionable only for reasons of legality.

>> No.439626

>Web advertisement, in the current form, is inherently immoral.

How can be immoral to advertise your products on a website? Sure, there are some scams here and there, but I don't see the immoral part of honest advertisers

>> No.439756

It's less that it's immoral to purchase the ads, and more that the system is immoral as it's not simply "put a picture on the website saying that the product is the best", but a more complicated system based on the collection of personal information (without explicit consent.) for the purposes of targeting the ad. It makes the advert more effective, but it is damaging to privacy.

It's more the advertisement companies (in the primary case, Google.) who are immoral, as they're the ones collecting the data, but purchasing from them means supporting the system, however unintentionally, hence my lack of sympathy if the investment is lost to a click-ring.

If it's just sticking a picture on the site (or slightly more advanced mechanisms for swapping the product advertised at random) I've no issue. 4chan user ads, for example, are harmless. It's merely the privacy compromising systems that are used that are immoral. Those systems are more common - and more successful than the traditional, non-harmful form at this time.

>> No.440468

if this indian lives in USA and can give USA clicks then yes. Your better to hire a mexican really.

>> No.440498

I see, didn't thought of it (dumb me). Thanks for the insight

>> No.441819
