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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4037024 No.4037024 [Reply] [Original]

I was here for Bitcoin in 2012. I was here for Ethereum in 2015/16. I have a masters degree in CS from a top school and have worked on various blockchain projects. Never have I seen something as promising as LINK before.

Fellow /biz/ bros... Look past the shilling of other coins and the FUD LINK faces. It is all temporary. This price is temporary. This has endless use cases with a working PoC.... along with multiple large partnerships already established and soon to be confirmed.

You do not want to miss this. Please, perform due diligence on this oracle solution. You will truly never see another opportunity as great as this from this point on in your lifetime.

>> No.4037046

It was honestly to our detriment that the /biz/ weak-handed, day trading, cuck autist crowd found out about this coin so early.

I've been fudding here non-stop to shake biz out of this. I don't want them in my precious coin.

>> No.4037053


>> No.4037054
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>> No.4037082

It's a project that depends on other projects, so it'll take 2 years for any sort of resemblance of a usecase.

You'll make much more money trading alts than holding this. Why not code for Ethereum or Neo Coz if ya such as CS major.

/biz/ doesn't have any influence at large. it's nowhere so much shilled as here and it doesn't spread as much as you think

>> No.4037103

>please buy my bags

Nobody is that fucking stupid. This is going to bein the gutter for years before it even thinks of testing $1. By that time it will be worth 100 sats

Give it up marine

>> No.4037119

I don't have the connections I used to have in this space... old friends of mine are already working on large projects, my best friend from back in the day is now working at Bancor (I know, it's currently in the dump).

I am doing my own thing for work outside of blockchain related projects... and it has been very lucrative for me thus far. I still follow all of the blockchain tech and am still an avid investor.

>> No.4037128

Confido is one confirmed use case. Request.Network might as well.

Oh and that SWIFT thing

>> No.4037130

i feel the timing for this was really unfortunate with the hamstering and fear of btc forks. a few months earlier and this would have had more success.

i guess sergeys main concern was to time it for sibos

>> No.4037247


I fucking love these memes. This one and the "He trusted Sergey" are the best so far. I also am holding LINK long-term and think it's the real deal.

>> No.4037260

First lines of your post tells me you're just a shill and trying to show off some authority as an old school crypto g

>> No.4037261

Maybe in a year or two its till to advanced for a baby brainlet market

>> No.4037270
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I was here for Wojack in 2012. I was here for the Pepe in 2015/16. I have a masters degree in shitposting from a top school (50 confirmed kills) and have worked on various social media projects. Never have I seen something as promising as Trump Steaks before.

Fellow Americans... Look past the shilling of other candidates and the bernie-bros. It is all JUST. This price is JUST. This has endless use cases such as reducing your btc holdings.... along with multiple large partnerships confirmed bankrupt and liquidated.

You do not want to miss this. Please, buy my bag on this shitcoin. You will truly never see another begging thread as great as this from this point on in your lifetime.

>> No.4037285

I want to believe

>> No.4037334

I hope you're FUDing for real and not ironically. People like you don't deserve to have early information on a project like this.

>> No.4037393

>muh chainzlunk is the only crypto working on oracles

Many other teams doing this very thing with a head start and an actual team.

CHAINZ is 2 devs 1 white paper, 90% of all holdings of an almost $100 million market cap with tokens that still have to inflate 3x to meet total supply.

You're about the dumbest CS degree holder in existence.

>> No.4037454

They've been under development for almost 4 years and their oracle solution has been ready to implement for the past 2 years.... They are only running a testnet with SWIFT/Sony/AXA to ensure it will work up to snuff with their standards.... no other competitor has been in the space for over 6 months. If their domain and what I've just told you doesn't scream first movers advantage to you, then you deserve to continue shilling shitcoins.

>> No.4037468
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Moar shall be made. Thx

>> No.4037480

God I love Nathan For You... this season has met my expectations so far.

>> No.4037560

lol. As if Biz shilling is what makes coins moon.

As if biz Shilling had anything to do with BTC and ETH rising, as opposed to underlying tech.

>> No.4037588


Requesting "He Trusted Sergey," please. I didn't save it.

>> No.4037902

where do I buy ?

>> No.4038772


>> No.4038849

Where do I buy if I don't want to fly to fucking China? I don't see it on Coinbase.

>> No.4038874



Set the site to English. It's a Chinese exchange but is genuine and won't steal your coins. I've been using it for the past 6 months and can vouch for it. If you want to wait a week or two for it to be added to another exchange you are more familiar with, go right ahead. Best of luck.

>> No.4038899

Use it but don't fucking leave your coins on it unless you want to risk getting JUST-ed

>> No.4038934

I bought 3.5k at $0.35. Just bought 800 more, fuck it.

>> No.4038965

i hope you mean $.25

>> No.4038985


No before. Didn't sell at ath and kept hodling. I bought a new batch now at $.24

>> No.4038988

great opportunity to lose money

>> No.4038999
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>> No.4039622

Etherther delta, create an account (writedown your private key). Transfer to that account eth from coinbase

>> No.4039644

holy shit is this real???????

>> No.4039665

This. Too many bags waiting to be dumped.

>> No.4039668


>> No.4039681
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>> No.4039697

This thing is going to go from very quiet to moon if and when there's good news.

It's a tightly wound string.

>> No.4039702

we made it boys, we're in lamboland

>> No.4039712


>Many other teams doing this very thing with a head start and an actual team.

Name literally one other team doing decentralised oracles, that has a headstart on smartcontract.com.

Please. Literally one.

>> No.4039731
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>> No.4039754


>> No.4039771


>> No.4039782
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What a mooning that was dude

>> No.4039792
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Digits confirm this is priced in

>> No.4039802
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u wan fite m8?

>> No.4039806
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>> No.4039817

yup, id like to thank the whales for price suppression as I've been accumulating. price won't move much in the same exchange...we are literally sitting on a gold mine

>> No.4039847

When this will be available on Bittrex?

>> No.4039879

I'm dead serious

>> No.4039905
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>> No.4039934


>> No.4039957
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>holy shit is this real???????




>> No.4039975

Thats a lotta goddamn fucking money

>> No.4039999

>muh 2 years away meme
every coin is years away from being useful, that doesn't stop anyone from buying. how useful is ripple right now?

>> No.4040017

>Thats a lotta goddamn fucking money

It's weird. It just happened, out of nowhere, out of the blue. Even the most pathetic street shitting pajeet with 100 LINKS made it.

We all made it. I don't know what to do. It's a strange feeling. We're free.

We're finally free.

>> No.4040061

If it actually happened than I would first suspect to have died and landed in heaven.
Like $5900 per LINK seems so fucking unreal.
I‘d probably fucking die from the surprise shock anyway before even having one dollar in my hand.

>> No.4040071

Link isn't decentralized

>> No.4040084

Don't worry, we're currently at 23 cents and crashing. This shitcoin just can't stay green

>> No.4040092

Banking fag here. I read the agenda of a conference some big shot douche executives just attended and one of the topics was about what blockchain tech is and how it will be a massive disruption to banking yet no one seems to know about it in the industry. The money is coming. Conference was ELFA in Orlando fwiw.

>> No.4040096


LOL OK. We're moving into surreal FUD territory now...

>> No.4040101



>> No.4040127
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From the ELFA schedule
feels fucking good boys...

>> No.4040129


If Link touched 10 dollars a lot of NEETs would collapse that's a fact.

>> No.4040153


What Serg's got to do with it
Got to do with it

What's Serg's got to do with random phra-ses.

While he's larping as a mythical under-the-radar silet "no marketing" cryptoboy, maybe there's someone out there who isn't marketing-illiterate and makes a similar product.

While Serg is keeping his project under the mystical veils!!! LMAO!

>> No.4040174
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He just doesn‘t like the attention

>> No.4040176

It's not homie it's centralized Chinese whales with 5MM Link will own oracles

>> No.4040187



>> No.4040512


Uh except when they depleted all the LINK from Binance. Kek u dumb

>> No.4041171

difference between link and btc/eth is that this is just a shitty erc20 token used solely to perform a specific function, while eth is a platform/currency and btc is the king currency

>> No.4041180

>when the specific function is decentralised oracles

This is literally worth billions

>> No.4041236

Any more emails like that?

>> No.4041272

LINK will literally be what ends the planet
you have been warned

>> No.4041277

I miss the pre-SIBOS days. those were a lot of fun =/

>> No.4041313

Can a team of two actually be seen as serious in that region of the market where all the banks and big name will be wanting to listen to serious companies. Chainlink is unknown between CEOs at the top 5% of market cap companies and you were CEO would you listen to that slightly scruffy Sergey or a proper company with a good reputation amongst your peers? I want to believe. I've even got a small bag of 3000, just in case. But really. Someone bigger is going to pop the. To the post. I feel like Ethereum should be fullfiling the role. It's got the market cap to do more than it's doing at the moment.

>> No.4041318
File: 145 KB, 646x700, F14BB3FA-69CE-4B8B-95DD-A15FCECA23C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though I walk through the valley of sell low of death, I will fear no evil, for Sergey are with me; your LINK and your rory, they comfort me .

>> No.4041409

I need you to tell me more right now.

>> No.4041442

No idk why this faggot with a B.A in philosophy didnt think it would be smart to hire some fucking devs with his 32MM. Hes just hiring people now holy fuck literally a stuttering pot head.

>> No.4041463


He's right, it's not decentralized. Not like how the blockchain is, anyways.

It's more like an oracle marketplace, so each node can bid to do the data transfer job for a smart contract, and the smart contract creator can choose which oracles they want to entrust. There isn't a guaruntee that multiple oracles will redundantly pull data from the same source, or even that more than one oracle is doing the job.

It's a custom fit gun for hire deal. That's not my idea of decentralization. But what does that matter if you can entice a bunch of jew bankers to stir their dicks in the money pot?

>> No.4041485

>redundantly pull data from the same source
That's fine actually.

>> No.4041490
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>Please, perform due diligence on this oracle solution.

>> No.4041512

that is the exact definition of centralization anon. information coming from one source.

>> No.4041535
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>jew bankers to stir their dicks in the money pot

Kek'd hard

>> No.4041541

Also the entrusting process is determined by how much link you bid. More link you bid more likely people are to choose you as a node. It really is just redundantly pulling data from the same source, regular people like you and me will not be node operators.

>> No.4041546

The point is to decentralize the oracle service (not so much the data sources) so there's not a single point of failure arising from the use of a service such as oraclize.
Data sources are harder to decentralize unless there are already multiple companies providing it.

>> No.4041550
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>> No.4041559
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who ever said anything about one source of data?

>> No.4041574

More like comfydo

>> No.4041612

If the data source isnt being checked for failure then just have multiple centralized oracles, Link just over complicates things for no reason.

>> No.4041632

I had a really nice chat with an Anon yesterday who had some mindful and considered FUD.

Shame to see the FUD standard has gone back to 0/10 nonsense bullshit.

>> No.4041666

biz is a decentralized data source, and it's awful

>> No.4042413

Lol what a dumbass, smart contracts cant just poll whatever they want like traditional web servers.

>> No.4042434

Thats where coinholders come in and run a node.. the ones with NO API to offer run the calculations to make sure its secure.

>> No.4042475

> I have a masters degree in CS from a top school and have worked on various blockchain projects.
OK Smartass
>BTC Goes UP
>LINK Goes Down
>BTC Goes Down
>LINK Goes Down
You cant explain that.

>> No.4043314
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NEO except it's focusing on international markets. Why aren't you buying in cucks

>> No.4043716

>It's a project that depends on other projects
Christ man, you can say this about pretty much any project ever.

>> No.4044086

rory is the most cucked soyboy beta male I've had to share a chatroom with
glad I sold

>> No.4044105


>> No.4044108

Can somebody explain me the supply for this token? 1000 million total: 350 million circulating, and the rest is locked? Where are the other 650 million tokens?

>> No.4044113

they have to hire cuckboys if they want to make a good impression with the fags of silicon valley